FBI arrested this guy yesterday, He is Phillip Grillo a Republican party official from Queens, NY, who calls himself "The Republican Messiah" LOL
Phillip Grillo.......
- is 46 years old
- lives with his mother
- was arrested while hiding at his girlfriend's house.
- used his mother's cell phone while rioting at the Capitol
- made his 70 year old mother pay his $100,000 bail bond
........ these guys parade around as take-no-shit macho "patriot" trash talkers but when they are rounded up we find out that most of them are gullible wimps who can't hold a decent job and still live with their mothers.
This reminds me of the MAGA video of the kid and his Dad.......where his Dad claimed he was better off now than 4 years ago. And the kid flips out laughing "You're unemployed and that was 2 DUIs ago!!!! How are you 'better off'!!!???"
EDIT: Found It