Probably a very good person, intelligent and represented the program very well no doubt. He waited his turn and never shied away from the media questions. He did some good things for us.
I still think his comment was revealing by using 'my' in the 'when they handed 'MY' job to CJ' comment. He could have used 'the' job and he also used 'handed' implying it was not earned.
I can recall several times where CJ entered the game for a series and it appeared from the camera shots that Jake was pouting. He did not appear supportive of CJ even though CJ was supportive of Jake at all times. In addition, if he felt so inclined to use 'my' job but yet not strongly enough to stay and win it back through competition? He left without fighting for the job saying it was 'handed' ....but not winnable? He even mentions that KF was surprised he was leaving which is probably an indication that KF felt Jake would stay and battle for it.... maybe even win it back. Or did he truly know inside that CJ was better?