At Embassies Abroad, Trump Envoys Are Quietly Pushing Out Career Diplomats

At some point the light will turn on for people of just how failed a businessman Trump actually is, and why, right? I mean, for how long can reality be suspended?

I'm afraid that if the Trump cultists haven't come to their senses by now, there really is no hope for them ever coming to accept reality.
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Deplorable. The damage this criminal administration is doing to our country (and to the world at large) will be long lasting and in some cases permanent. MAGA!

Every President has the right to hire and fire their employees. Especially if the employee doesn't follow the Presidents direction. Trump is not the first nor is it just R's who have done it.
Every President has the right to hire and fire their employees. Especially if the employee doesn't follow the Presidents direction. Trump is not the first nor is it just R's who have done it.

You are correct. However, what you failed to mention is that Trump, far too often, is replacing them with unqualified goons who do not act in the country's best interest or worse, have no idea what they are supposed to be doing.

It's not so much about putting your people into place, it's putting unqualified people into place. The same thing has happened time and time again with his judicial picks. Of course, those judges will always just get their marching orders from the Heritage Foundation anyway so they don't actually need to know anything about the law.
YEP. Especially the ones that Obozo picked.
These are employees, not appointees.

They are the people that actually do the work, not the rich donors appointed by each president.

If they're being fired so the inexperienced ambassadors can appoint their inexperienced progeny, that really is a problem that may adversely impact our relations with other countries.
You are correct. However, what you failed to mention is that Trump, far too often, is replacing them with unqualified goons who do not act in the country's best interest or worse, have no idea what they are supposed to be doing.

It's not so much about putting your people into place, it's putting unqualified people into place. The same thing has happened time and time again with his judicial picks. Of course, those judges will always just get their marching orders from the Heritage Foundation anyway so they don't actually need to know anything about the law.

Calling them unqualified is your opinion. You can use your response and turn it around in reference to what the left does. Look how many people BHO replaced when he became Pres. and look at the outcome of his picks and world events that occurred from those picks.
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I'll agre with you about career politicians, but you really don't think there's a benefit to having qualified diplomatic employees wth experience and existing professional relationships?
I'm sure there are exceptions.

But there can't be many.

Have you ever met a public employee - elected, appointed, or hired - that ever made you think, "Now there's someone doing a great job!"?
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Yes, let's bring in whole new classes every 2 or 4 years. Who needs experienced people to fill these positions? On-the-job training works so well in critical positions I have been told.
You're right.

State workers are the cream of the crop.
At some point the light will turn on for people of just how failed a businessman Trump actually is, and why, right? I mean, for how long can reality be suspended?
Well the GOP certainly changed their minds about McCain and Romney. But I’m not sure they have really owned that mistake. It certainly isn’t the case that they are now grateful the country elected Obama.

If Trump loses, I’m sure they will hate him too, but where will they land? Losses don’t appear to moderate their thinking.
I'm sure there are exceptions.

But there can't be many.

Have you ever met a public employee - elected, appointed, or hired - that ever made you think, "Now there's someone doing a great job!"?
Yes. I've worked with a lot of county and state level employees whom I've thought were very good at what they do.

You really think that getting rid of a state-level grants manager with 20+ years of managing grants and dealing with grantees can be easily replaced by someone without that experienced? It would directly lead to increased fraud, waste, and abuse. It's the same for many other functions that the government performs that need to be managed by experienced professionals. It's not nearly the lazy, unmotivated, career "bureaucratics" that I guess you're thinking of.
Calling them unqualified is your opinion. You can use your response and turn it around in reference to what the left does. Look how many people BHO replaced when he became Pres. and look at the outcome of his picks and world events that occurred from those picks.

It is not my opinion. It's the opinion of the experts and professionals who monitor these things.
You're right.

State workers are the cream of the crop.
Take General Services employees that have to oversee construction contractors. You know how much opportunity for fraud and abuse there is in construction projects? It's massive amounts of money. You have to have highly trained engineers with experience managing large capital projects and dealing with contractors to be able to ensure that public funds are being appropriately managed. Otherwise you get contractors with more experience than the people charged with overseeing the projects that can get away with a lot of extra money because there's no one with the experience to prevent it, or catch them.

The opinions of these people who are paid for by those who want to direct a narrative does not make them correct just paid opinions. Left or right. Let's make our judgements until after the administration gets a chance to work.
Take General Services employees that have to oversee construction contractors. You know how much opportunity for fraud and abuse there is in construction projects? It's massive amounts of money. You have to have highly trained engineers with experience managing large capital projects and dealing with contractors to be able to ensure that public funds are being appropriately managed. Otherwise you get contractors with more experience than the people charged with overseeing the projects that can get away with a lot of extra money because there's no one with the experience to prevent it, or catch them.
That's fine. We can have state employees. They just shouldn't be career positions, IMO.

Put term limits on them. Make them all contractors. I don't care. Just don't reward them with great benefits and job security.
That's fine. We can have state employees. They just shouldn't be career positions, IMO.

Put term limits on them. Make them all contractors. I don't care. Just don't reward them with great benefits and job security.
Without the benefits and job security you're actually incentivizing them to take as much as they can, as fast as they can, before they're forced out.
Makes one wonder if people are just taking advantage of the chaos of Trump's administration or if there is something for the Trump family businesses in allowing this to go on.
I’d bet a whites only Trump tower in Cape Town would appeal to Don.
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Begs the questions:

- Do we need career diplomats?
- Do we need career politicians?

We need diplomats and politicians but is it good to have people stay there for their career?

I am not convinced about career politicians but I'm not convinced it's a bad thing either.

We most certainly need career diplomats. Diplomacy can be very complex and involved. You only learn those ropes by being there. A guy that has been in the diplomatic service for 30 years is going to be far more effective at his job than some political appointee or random person that's friends with the POTUS. Like the difference is going to be Drew Brees verses your local high school quarterback.

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