At Embassies Abroad, Trump Envoys Are Quietly Pushing Out Career Diplomats

It sounds as if your friend was totally on board with the notion that India was so poor that the U.S. has to take care of their people. ... sort of Obamaesque. He was likely not up to speed on the industrialisation taking place there .... as a career diplomat should have been.

There is more to this story. It sounds like a real disconnect between new staff and career staff in what is expected.

Did he sit in on any meetings between Ivank and factory managers, or business leaders? What exactly did he do and what exactly did she do on this trip. He seems to have wanted to redirect the agenda.

You should probably lay blame at Truman's feet as he signed the India Emergency Food Assistance Act way back in 1951. The mission was told she and her team wanted to visit US funded programs and were instructed to develop an itinerary that would maximize her time in country. In the initial debrief at the embassy she told them she was diverting from the itinerary they provided as her team had already provided her with one that was based more on her needs.This despite her team approving the itinerary prior to their arrival. It was apparent their itinerary was simply used to justify her trip. After 2 days of being her tour guide he handed her off to his assistant. He was called to task for doing that and in his written explanation brought to light the bullshit nature her trip. Interestingly enough it was neither Ivanka nor her team who complained. It was his superior. It only became an issue for the State Department when his email was circulated.
she needs to stick to designing handbags. And Jared needs to stick to making disastrous real estate deals like 666 5th avenue.
This is where I don't understand.

I've given you two examples of professional positions with very specific experience requirements. There are tons more that require specific experience - whether professional or industry-specific.

What government jobs do you really feel that "virtually anyone" can do?

Are you talking about low level payment cashiers? The groundskeepers that mow the local ballfields?

It seems like you're either woefully uninformed about what it takes to effectively operate a government, or your willfully undervaluing the people that perform those roles.
Dude, he's woefully uninformed, just trying to be confrontational, or is just downright ignorant. There are many, many highly educated, highly skilled people working in government doing jobs that Les could only dream of performing, and doing so at less than private sector wages. You've killed him in this debate already.

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