Back home - and heading into "what now?"


HR Legend
Oct 17, 2002
So, my ER and hospital stay odyssey is (hopefully) finally over - at least the first stage of it all. Back home, feeling somewhat better - that being loosely defined I guess. But now I'm in recovery mode, and I really hate that because I generally keep myself busy at all times - I usually always have something to do.

Right now, all I have to do it heal - along with processing how to move forward while organizing all I got on my plate.

There's just so much to unpack about it all. I know from the 2+ decades here that others now gone and still here have gone through much worse than I did, so I didn't do the prior thread (or for that matter this one) as something along the lines of "look at me" or "woah is me". I've done them because it was something different than the usual stuff that goes on around these parts.

The initial purpose was what I thought were going to be my observations about people during the visit. And human beings are indeed a curious bunch - seeing them under somewhat uncomfortable situations (such as at a hospital ER) I thought might expose me (therefore, us here) to people at their best and worst. And also the staff I'd come across - they are after all "people too". Just seeing this mish mash all thrown together might be - something different...and I thought I'd chronicle it all just for shits and giggles.

Call it...a message board distraction from the same old same olds.

Here's the rub - I NEVER thought that it'd morph into what it did - that I really was pretty messed up. And that caused the original thread to morph from "what I see" into "holy shit, bags...this escalated quickly, and you better get your proverbial shit together on this, and do that pronto".

If there's one lesson to (re)learn from my ordeal, that is for all of you to learn how to listen to what your body is telling you when it's messed up. I firmly believe us human beings have blind spots - things they simply aren't good at seeing even when they're front and center.

I damn near killed myself in the late 2010's with stress (and as it turned out, cancer) because life's layered zaniness just sort of blinded me to major clues my body was giving out that I was messed up then, too.

I vowed attention, you idiot. Yet, somehow once again - things got past me. Not going to go into too much detail there - just know that lesson - PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY. Because, someday - you may not get a second (or third, etc) chance.
So (and let me preface this that I'm no doctor, I'm kind of rambling on here based upon what they told me - or rather the things they emphasized that at the time it was happening didn't really hit home as far as importance, but now I'm thinking clearer enough to realize that yeah, they were pretty friggin' important)...

I'm probably going to get stuff wrong medically. I'm more outlining what I remember that anything else.

Near as I can tell, the damage is appendix removed. Diverticulitis too, from what they've told me a fairly robust case of it, too. While neither of these got too serious, they were both getting to the point where I was heading down a path where both could have gotten pretty damn serious. The doc told me...hard to say which one began it all, whether one caused the other, etc. But given the signs I missed in the past few months, both had been going on awhile and just sort of blew up a week ago today.

When the surgeon told me something to the effect that "I've seen a lot worse with both, but thankfully we didn't need to remove any of your colon" it kind of hits hard now because I remembered her saying pre-op that you really don't want to have to remove any of the colon unless you absolutely had to.

And that - she said - would be bad.

I'm sore, but the soreness is subsiding. Lots of new meds. 4 new scars (I have so many now, I've lost count). Haven't used the pain meds at all - I want to "think clearly" I'll call it. I'm no Dalton "pain don't hurt" tough guy - but I just want to not cloud what I'm feeling currently.

I have a shitload of follow-ups coming this week. Healing too. Boredom is going to be tough to handle - I keep thinking "DO something, ya lazy bastard!". But now is the time to heal, and get your game face on as to not letting this boomerang back at me down the road.

Just other added layers to the complexity that is life...
My interactions with the staff. That's a tough one. I had outstanding ones, I had bad ones. I get the feeling Thursday, that was the worst once I got to my room. It was a never-ending series of new faces that seemed to be assuming things that needed to be done had been done - but in reality weren't. Not medically so to speak, but getting me into a good enough place to where I could eventually go home.

I kind of believe that this wasn't anybody's individual fault but the circumstances that were present THAT day. I am smart enough to know I wasn't the only person they were caring for - and they have those pesky "blind spots" too.

It just kind of happened. I'm talking about things that have to do with getting up and out of the hospital bed. Being able to go to the bathroom. Being able to walk say down the hall. Things like that. I'd see all these different faces (nurse/tech types), almost a different one every time they popped in - and they'd ask "how's the walking doing"...and I'm laying there going "what walking?"...things like that.

There was no therapist that came by, nobody else proactively came to me telling me "let's try to get you out of bed" - yet here they are asking me how stuff like that was going. It was VERY confusing.

Then came Thursday night. You guys all know what I do for a living - I wake up body clock wise at 4am working or not - which happened Wednesday morning. Got to hospital at 1pm, and went under the knife around 10pm-ish. Thursday morning I once again was awake by about 330am and was awake straight through Thursday.

My meds obviously had changed - and during the day my BP had been climbing. One BP med I've been taking for years at 10am and 7pm like clockwork (you NEVER want to miss this schedule with this med), I was given the morning dose at 8am - and the other 2 meds I normally take daily I hadn't been given at all.

I wasn't given the "do not miss" med a second time. I then have a sleep med I take at bed time. Wasn't given it at all. And yes, I told them about these - please tell me what the plan is here. It just kind of got brushed off as "we know your med history and we've adjusted for it" and that was it.

Yet here I am at 145/90 when for half a decade I've been sitting at 100/70 to 120/80 - and (remember, know your body and what it's telling you) I FELT it.

I tried to sleep, tried every trick I knew given the circumstances...couldn't sleep a wink. And when the shift change happened at 11pm, the night nurse and tech popped in, "hi, just checking on your drips"...and whoosh, they were gone in 60 seconds.

Didn't see another soul pop in from then to 330am. So, I've now, post-op - been awake for 24 straight hours, feel lousy, and I'm mad.
The same tech that popped in at 330am the prior night again popped in, and I unloaded. "So bags, you're going home today!" Not ONE staff member had ever told me that that was "The Plan" - I told him flat out, you've got to be kidding me. Really?

I explained to him everything I just explained to you. Very apologetic...nice guy really, he was the unfortunate person on the receiving end. Looking back, I feel guilty about it - but I was confused, upset, anxiety riddled.

I pleaded with him - please help me understand all this because not one person has really explained what the gameplan is at all! I don't care if it is you, a doctor...whomever. I need a consistent message here - I'm not too stupid or ignorant about all this. TRUST me, help me understand THE PLAN.

From that point, I had one nurse, and one nurse only (once she came in for her shift of course). I believe she was called a "transition home nurse" or something like that. I also got a therapist. Ironically, no doctor came by (thinking back...kind of odd).

These two were very thorough. Explained the meds methodology (why I got what I got, when I got them - plus a roadmap when to take them once home). They actually admitted the "don't miss med" they did indeed mess up.

But I got The Plan. I got the tests with my mobility to prove I could handle going home.

From that point on, I was out the door by 1230pm. The drive home was like floating I'll call it. Driving down I380 mid town traffic was "interesting"...but no issues, made it home fine.

Been doing well ever since.
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So, little side things.

a) Have I missed something, or is it a pre-requisite for all nursing/similar staff to have tattoos? EVERY one of them, not exaggerating at all. I even had one nurse/tech that was plainly low to mid 60's with close to sleeves on her arms.

Young ones, old ones, hot ones, not hot ones, gals or guys...all had arm tattoos.

b) The BEST moment once I got out was just before the Iowa game, I was a starvin' Marvin. My gawd I was hungry, and didn't feel like making anything. So, jumped into my truck and headed for the closest fast food place to my home, a Panchero's.

They were empty. Two employees. Kind of looked like they were recovering from the evening rush. I sauntered up to the counter, and I must have looked pretty sad (hadn't showered or shaved since nearly a week prior - THAT is how sick I had gotten) and I still had my hospital bracelet on my arm.

I told the guy "look...been in the hospital for 3 different days here - I'm starving. I simply need a burrito badly, help me out please." I must have looked pathetic. I get my usual simple burrito (I actually bought two - one for now, one for Saturday).

Go to checkout, pull my wallet out - only one is rang up. "No man, I got the second one". I begged the guy, you don't have to do this, I'll pay for both. "No's on me". Confused...I paid, shook his hand, headed home.

When I got home, I began eating...and completely broke down - just overwhelmed by his generosity and kindness. I've often said about food is sometimes, timing is everything. That was one of the best meals I've ever had in my entire life. It actually was too - the pork was tender, the ingredients were fresh...just tasted fantastic.

c) Being home yesterday was "confusing". You kind of get used to being in a setting (the hospital in this case). I was home sick from Sunday morning until Wednesday noon - and the mess I left behind was the mess of a person totally incapable of doing ANYTHING.

So, yesterday was spent with a lot of picking up those pieces - but a general uneasiness of simply "being home" again. I will say, even today, quite disconcerting.
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So...what now.

This week, healing. Follow-ups galore. I see a dietician on the list. Surgeon. PCP visit.

I have one BIG thank you to do. Wednesday, I had an appointment with my ENT that I kept before I went to the ER. I explained what was going on, she did a rudimentary look-see at what she saw with me, and more or less begged me to go to the ER.

I had visited her only once prior. I may owe here what amounts to being my life...she convinced me to actually go. She was the tipping point. All along, I was in "you can power your way through this" mode like always, it ain't serious...blah blah blah.

It was her. I owe her a lot. Maybe everything.

Otherwise, it's picking up the pieces and organizing them (with life changes) to where this doesn't become an issue down the road.

I also have to get my body into shape where I can go back to driving the kiddies to school again. I've been keeping in touch with them through my bus aid and obviously she couldn't tell them The Whole Truth - so they've been both confused and concerned.

Uncle Bagdropper hadn't called in sick once this school year. He's ALWAYS there. And don't let their bravado or indifference lead you to believe they don't care about some old ass bus driver, because it DOES matter to them.

I'll miss more time these two weeks than I have in 7+ years of doing this combined.

I feel so goddam guilty about this happening. They've been in my thoughts the entire time...and knowing I'm going to miss more time is absolutely killing me.

Sigh. Where do I go from here indeed...

Pay attention to your body, folks. People don't really get Nine Lives. If you're truly messed up, it'll tell you. This is the second time I didn't, and once again a painful lesson was learned that damn near cost me everything.
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And now, the cherry on top. So, yeah...appendectomy, diverticulitis. Caught them in time. Treatable. Blah blah...

During the CT scan they noticed something else by accident and while they were rooting around they apparently got a good look at it.

I also apparently have cancer with an (I'm assuming) unrelated organ. Treatable (?) apparently? Haven't really had time to dig deep yet into it - I only met with a doctor of that specialty a few moments Thursday...appointment set up already with my doctor that I have had for years in that specialty later this month. But the doc I met with (colleague with my doc) seemed to be indicating there actually is a path/plan to treatment with THAT.

Haven't really had time nor opportunity to process that part of this mess yet...guess I'll have to wait until that appointment I guess.


Im Fine Jennifer Aniston GIF by Apple TV+

So, for the moment...

steve carell put it on my tab GIF

Sometimes, one has to laugh at the absurdities that life brings. Like I said in the other thread. I've had a week to remember.
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