Baltimore is getting real........


Fire sale?
The Mayor of Baltimore states that she will give the rioters a "space to tear things up"(paraphrasing)
what planet does this idiot live on?

Sounds like she is reinstating "Hampsterdam". They need to let Herc and Carver in there to indict some corners and crack some skulls. The Western District way. "You do not get to win shit birds. We do".
Never fear guys. Just announced that Al Sharpton is on his way to take things in hand.
This is like what came first the chicken or the egg. did cops start profiling blacks leading to more arrests and a broken culture or did blacks start committing crimes first leading to more profiling and a broken culture. One may never know.
I'm not volunteering to do the leg work, but I would guess this is the sorts of question one could research. Crime and arrest stats probably go back decades.
Rioters have slashed fire truck water hoses. Way to show those cops your dissatisfaction with their job performance. What's next? Burn down a senior center? Oh, already checked that one off the list? Good, good. That'll show 'em.
Never fear guys. Just announced that Al Sharpton is on his way to take things in hand.

This whole thing is depressing. I think there are real issues with racial profiling and "driving while black" ect.....but then we have these looters totally destroying the narative
The mayor is trying to rescind her comments about giving people the room to destroy, the media just twisted her words. It's pretty clear to me what she says here. I love the look the guy over her shoulder gives after she makes this comment.

Who's he? The guy who's refused to declare a state of emergency and activate the Guard is the governor, who's making noises about challenging Hillary for the Democratic nomination.
He was waiting on a request from the Mayor of Baltimore(waaaaaaaaaaaaay over her head) and once received immediately called up the guard.
The mayor is trying to rescind her comments about giving people the room to destroy, the media just twisted her words. It's pretty clear to me what she says here. I love the look the guy over her shoulder gives after she makes this comment.

Wow. That's the first time I've heard the actual comment....."room to destroy". Can't fix stupid....
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What this all comes down to, is a lack of education, lack of good parenting, and a lack of common sense. The police can be #$#$# and we all know this. This display isn't doing anything but causing more angst against the black community.

The mayor isn't a very good leader. Either. The councilman that was talking on the news, pretty much said exactly what I said. He wasn't making excuses.

To me the number one reason the black culture is broken is economic. When the USA outsourced its low--skilled & semi-skilled labor it created a values vacuum. There is no subsitute for a sense of self-worth that a good job provides. What is the manufacturing base in the USA now under 9 % & still falling.
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Step one give people free stuff

To me the number one reason the black culture is broken is economic. When the USA outsourced its low--skilled & semi-skilled labor it created a values vacuum. There is no subsitute for a sense of self-worth that a good job provides. What is the manufacturing base in the USA now under 9 % & still falling.

The broken family structure is a factor as well (which could be an effect of the economic issues). Two parents, or at the very least a stable and supportive family environment (maybe dad isn't there, but there are family/community members who step in to help), provide children the best opportunity at success. Granted, if both parents are at home but use drugs/don't work/severe mental illness issues, then the children certainly have a more difficult time to break out of that situation.
I got jumped by five black guys in Baltimore.

The car started right up but they said I'd need a new battery.
Not sure if anyone uses but they do a pretty good live stream of info on their site. Has links to scanners and on the livestream video coverage on the ground as well. Probably not very active right now but it really blew up yesterday and last night.

Anyways here is the link:
Step one give people free stuff

To me the number one reason the black culture is broken is economic. When the USA outsourced its low--skilled & semi-skilled labor it created a values vacuum. There is no subsitute for a sense of self-worth that a good job provides. What is the manufacturing base in the USA now under 9 % & still falling.

Then why are there so many immigrants beating down our doors to come to the US to work?
Crap...White Sox game postponed for 2nd straight day.....How the bleep are they going to make these games up? Its not like they play Baltimore that much to begin with.
Whoever that woman is in that video about "giving them space" needs to be immediately removed from whatever office she holds. That is utterly absurd.
Then why are there so many immigrants beating down our doors to come to the US to work?
The immigrants are coming are escaping gang war zones mostly. It's more of an issue of safety to them now.
Now we have the divider in chief blaming congress and lack of community investment for what's going on. What a pathetic excuse for a leader and a president. All comments like this do is fan the flames and make it far more likely to keep happening. And he damn well knows it and also knows doing so keeps his side in power. Disgusting.
Then why are there so many immigrants beating down our doors to come to the US to work?

It's also about expectation. These kids (not just black) have role models that have everything, or the appearance of everything, so they think they can have women, rims, jewelry, beats, the works, with no real opportunity to make much over $12.00 an hour. Immigrants just want a wood floor and safety.
Obama can't say anything without the reactionaries getting in a bunch. You could say that about any issue really. Its just funny to watch.
Step one give people free stuff

To me the number one reason the black culture is broken is economic. When the USA outsourced its low--skilled & semi-skilled labor it created a values vacuum. There is no subsitute for a sense of self-worth that a good job provides. What is the manufacturing base in the USA now under 9 % & still falling.

The two points you make maybe sensible individually but aren't when put together. i.e., there is a black economic problem; also perhaps (I'm not sure however) there is a shortage of low/semi-skilled jobs. But advent of the latter did not create the former.

IMO, this is a chicken and egg problem of the social and economic kind where each feeds into the other perpetually.
Well, not hard for you.

How do you think he severed his spinal cord? Physicians who know what causes these sorts of injuries have said that type of damage happens in severe auto accidents. I believe it is INCREDIBLY probable that the police gave him a rough ride and he sustained these injuries. He wasn't buckled in, but yet was handcuffed and legs shackled.

I admitted before in this thread that "anything is possible", but go with what is probable for now. In the absence of anything from whatever investigation is going on, what do you think society assumes? In other words, this is no Mike Brown case. This anger has some merit. They shouldn't be rioting like they have been, but there are reasons to be angry about what the police likely did here.
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How do you think he severed his spinal cord? Physicians who know what causes these sorts of injuries have said that type of damage happens in severe auto accidents. I believe it is INCREDIBLY probable that the police gave him a rough ride and he sustained these injuries. He wasn't buckled in, but yet was handcuffed and legs shackled.

I admitted before in this thread that "anything is possible", but go with what is probable for now. In the absence of anything from whatever investigation is going on, what do you think society assumes? In other words, this is no Mike Brown case. This anger has some merit. They shouldn't be rioting like they have been, but there are reasons to be angry about what the police likely did here.

Agreed^^. To me, anyone rioting on behalf of Michael Brown was just an idiot/thug looking for an excuse to riot. Conversely, anyone that is steadfastly defending the police in this case is also not dealing with reality...most likely. I am not condoning the rioting at all...but there does appear to be a legitimate problem with police actions in this case, where there was none with Brown.

Each side of this argument has its' supporters that could care less about the actual facts of the case at hand, but will defend, or protest, the outcome no matter what. Neither is credible.