Barta: "We've temporarily lost some momentum" despite losing 5+ every year

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:
Don't know how to post without 'double posting'? Lol. More absolute BS like all of your posts. Yes, please direct me to Tom Kakert, please, lol. You have been exposed, so now you want to run to 'mommy' ITom). You're a f*cking joke and EVERYBODY knows it now unquestionably. Geez, I can't believe nobody is standing up for you or supporting your BS, According to you, everyone thinks like you, lmao!!! What a shocker! lol. The difference between you and me? I know I'm an a**hole, but you don't know you're a stupid punk. I'm not an a**hole to everyone, but you're a stupid pr*ck with every post.
Keep it coming, punk! I'll keep making you twirl like the little princess you are.
How is it possible MattFoley has only 360 posts? It seems like he has had five posts on every posts here ever since the bowl game.
Originally posted by iceland:
How is it possible MattFoley has only 360 posts? It seems like he has had five posts on every posts here ever since the bowl game.

It just seems like I've had more because of the quality of my posts:)
Originally posted by ThatsFootball:

Originally posted by trippnschmidt:
1) And also, I never admitted to saying that it was the season tickets that went up, that's your assertion. I honestly don't remember if I said it was season ticket sales, regular ticket sales, or attendance. But you prefer to call a fellow fan a liar. See, I'm just here because I like the Hawkeyes, have a degree from Iowa, and enjoy going back to the games in the Fall. 2) It's fun seeing old friends, smelling the good food on Melrose, and cheering my ass off in Kinnick. If that's what you call someone thinking they're "superior" or claiming they're a "better fan", then son, I ain't got much more to say to you. Maybe fans like me are the problem, and if that's the case, so what, I'm having fun. I hope you find some enjoyment watching your choice of sports and other entertainment. 3) My sport teams are mostly losers across the board, but I love every minute of rooting for them, and enjoy every time we win.
1) Fair enough. You did say season tickets, but I will accept that.

2) Agree, that is why I will renew my 4 tickets in 138 this fall. I support the hawks no matter what, not the coaching staff that... well, you probably know my issues with them by now.

3) As a Vikings fan, I agree with this.

Fair enough. I'm cursed with the Vikings as well. Also the Cubs. Yuk.

I may very well have said season tickets, but again, we have a link now and I'm cool with that. Like I said earlier, I don't really care that much about the semantics. I'm not one to bring in any insider information because I have none. I was just reporting what I heard (or thought I heard) on the radio

Also, a lot of folks do think I'm an apologist, but I assure you I'm not. I just really don't like people just making things up when there are plenty of actual issues to discuss. I've found that a lot of folks who don't like Kirk hate him enough to twist just about everything around to suit their point of view. I don't necessarily include you in that group even though we've traded a bit in the past, but really, neither of our opinions really means that much in the grand sceme of things.

Go Hawks.
Ironically, the reason total tickets sales increased for this past season was because we hosted Iowa State. That was the only sell out.

I remember the days when JWR, now known as 100, went on and on about how Iowa needed to stop playing the game because Hawkeye fans were subsidizing ISU's athletic department. Just sheer irony now.
Matt Foley, are you really the douche from Penn State who was here a few years ago threatening people with his MMA skills? Please go support another team you tool.

Back to topic, it's just sad hearing him use the word temporary when we really only temporarily had momentum in the past decade. Had a little coming off 2004 with a great recruiting class in 05 but that 05 team w lots of NFL talent choked away so many games and lead us to bad 06 & 07 seasons (iowa st and nw losses especially gut-wrenching). 08 was nice, but we conveniently didn't have to play Ohio State or Michigan, so im not calling 4 losses that yr a huge success (putting JC back in the second half vs pitt cuz he "gave us the best chance to win the game" was when I knew our coaches' in game instincts were just horrible). The rest of that season and the following season proved that the fanbase was right and coach was dead wrong. Just like we were right about Brad Banks when we were calling for him in 01. Got some momentum after 09 but the most disappointing team of my Hawkeye life ('10) squashed that. 5 losses with a team that loaded was pathetic. Just pathetic.

Which brings us to our latest run of mediocrity. Yeah, we beat a down Michigan program and an injured Nebraska team....and still managed to lose 5 besides that. Big whoop. that's only momentum if you think 2012 is really where our program is at and wasn't temporary. Nothing will change untill Gary Barta is replaced. He would have to admit he was totally wrong on Kirk and he's not man enough to do that so he's going to go down with this ship. For those that don't know he grew up a Minnesota Golden Gophers so you can understand why he is content with how things are. Resides over this athletic department like he's still a gopher fan.

Norm Parker is what made this program what it WAS. Charisma and personality matter in coaching....miss you Coach!
Originally posted by blhawk:
Matt Foley, are you really the douche from Penn State who was here a few years ago threatening people with his MMA skills? Please go support another team you tool.

Back to topic, it's just sad hearing him use the word temporary when we really only temporarily had momentum in the past decade. Had a little coming off 2004 with a great recruiting class in 05 but that 05 team w lots of NFL talent choked away so many games and lead us to bad 06 & 07 seasons (iowa st and nw losses especially gut-wrenching). 08 was nice, but we conveniently didn't have to play Ohio State or Michigan, so im not calling 4 losses that yr a huge success (putting JC back in the second half vs pitt cuz he "gave us the best chance to win the game" was when I knew our coaches' in game instincts were just horrible). The rest of that season and the following season proved that the fanbase was right and coach was dead wrong. Just like we were right about Brad Banks when we were calling for him in 01. Got some momentum after 09 but the most disappointing team of my Hawkeye life ('10) squashed that. 5 losses with a team that loaded was pathetic. Just pathetic.

Which brings us to our latest run of mediocrity. Yeah, we beat a down Michigan program and an injured Nebraska team....and still managed to lose 5 besides that. Big whoop. that's only momentum if you think 2012 is really where our program is at and wasn't temporary. Nothing will change untill Gary Barta is replaced. He would have to admit he was totally wrong on Kirk and he's not man enough to do that so he's going to go down with this ship. For those that don't know he grew up a Minnesota Golden Gophers so you can understand why he is content with how things are. Resides over this athletic department like he's still a gopher fan.

Norm Parker is what made this program what it WAS. Charisma and personality matter in coaching....miss you Coach!

Who on this board is supporting THIS team? You? I support this team and staff daily against the bunch of BSCI's who come on here and spew there bs so they can see their 'writing' in print and feel important in their pathetic lives.. Once upon a time, you actually had to know something to get your works 'published' or in print. Not anymore, every blithering idiot can come to site like this and be 'read'.
Pretty sad state of affairs.
Originally posted by FG86:
I remember the days when JWR, now known as 100, went on and on about how Iowa needed to stop playing the game because Hawkeye fans were subsidizing ISU's athletic department. Just sheer irony now.
That really isn't irony, and certainly not "sheer" irony.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:
I remember the days when JWR, now known as 100, went on and on about how Iowa needed to stop playing the game because Hawkeye fans were subsidizing ISU's athletic department. Just sheer irony now.
That really isn't irony, and certainly not "sheer" irony.
Yes it is ironic. Needing the ISU game to sell out and increase ticket sales for the season. And most certainly sheer irony.
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:

Originally posted by FG86:
I remember the days when JWR, now known as 100, went on and on about how Iowa needed to stop playing the game because Hawkeye fans were subsidizing ISU's athletic department. Just sheer irony now.
That really isn't irony, and certainly not "sheer" irony.
Yes it is ironic. Needing the ISU game to sell out and increase ticket sales for the season. And most certainly sheer irony.
Irony: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny.
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect

It is not ironic. A strange turn of events, but not ironic. Where is the opposite of what you mean? And see how you paraphrased yourself again trying to change the meaning. But your never wrong, are you.
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:
I remember the days when JWR, now known as 100, went on and on about how Iowa needed to stop playing the game because Hawkeye fans were subsidizing ISU's athletic department. Just sheer irony now.
That really isn't irony, and certainly not "sheer" irony.
Yes it is ironic. Needing the ISU game to sell out and increase ticket sales for the season. And most certainly sheer irony.
First, that wasn't even your point.

Your proposed irony is:

"JWR went on and on about the Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's athletic department."

For that statement to be ironic, it would need to be, in fact, the opposite.

In no way does your claim that ISU fans buying up the rest of the tickets show that Hawkeye fans did not (apparently in the past) subsidize ISU's athletic department. It doesn't even show (as I think you intended it to) that ISU fans subsidized the Iowa athletic department.

The opposite of your claim would be either: Hawkeye fans did NOT subsidize the athletic department (even that wouldn't, really, be irony), or that ISU fans subsidized the Iowa athletic department.

Unless, you know, you are claiming that opposing fanbases buying tickets per se defines subsidy, which is simply ludicrous. That would, necessarily, mean that every single fanbase that Iowa has ever played subsidizes the athletic department.

There are opposing fanbases inside of permanently sold out Memorial Stadium....are you claiming that opposing fanbases subsidize their program?

But go ahead with your "sheer" irony.
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:

Originally posted by FG86:
I remember the days when JWR, now known as 100, went on and on about how Iowa needed to stop playing the game because Hawkeye fans were subsidizing ISU's athletic department. Just sheer irony now.
That really isn't irony, and certainly not "sheer" irony.
Yes it is ironic. Needing the ISU game to sell out and increase ticket sales for the season. And most certainly sheer irony.
Irony: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny.
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect

It is not ironic. A strange turn of events, but not ironic. Where is the opposite of what you mean? And see how you paraphrased yourself again trying to change the meaning. But your never wrong, are you.
Ironic - happening in the opposite way to what is expected

What happened is the opposite of what is expected. JWR ranted for years over Iowa fans subsidizing ISU's AD. And now the opposite has occurred, the ISU fans helped out Iowa.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:
I remember the days when JWR, now known as 100, went on and on about how Iowa needed to stop playing the game because Hawkeye fans were subsidizing ISU's athletic department. Just sheer irony now.
That really isn't irony, and certainly not "sheer" irony.
Yes it is ironic. Needing the ISU game to sell out and increase ticket sales for the season. And most certainly sheer irony.
First, that wasn't even your point.

Your proposed irony is:

"JWR went on and on about the Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's athletic department."

For that statement to be ironic, it would need to be, in fact, the opposite.

In no way does your claim that ISU fans buying up the rest of the tickets show that Hawkeye fans did not (apparently in the past) subsidize ISU's athletic department. It doesn't even show (as I think you intended it to) that ISU fans subsidized the Iowa athletic department.

The opposite of your claim would be either: Hawkeye fans did NOT subsidize the athletic department (even that wouldn't, really, be irony), or that ISU fans subsidized the Iowa athletic department.

Unless, you know, you are claiming that opposing fanbases buying tickets per se defines subsidy, which is simply ludicrous. That would, necessarily, mean that every single fanbase that Iowa has ever played subsidizes the athletic department.

There are opposing fanbases inside of permanently sold out Memorial Stadium....are you claiming that opposing fanbases subsidize their program?

But go ahead with your "sheer" irony.
First, it was my point. And the opposite of the proposed irony of JWR ranting about Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's ad IS now ISU subsidized Iowa by selling out the stadium. So it is indeed opposite.

As far as the 'claim', you need to address that with 100/JWR. As I stated, JWR went on and on about it. It's his claim and part of his lifelong obsession of ISU.
Originally posted by FG86:

First, it was my point. And the opposite of the proposed irony of JWR ranting about Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's ad IS now ISU subsidized Iowa by selling out the stadium. So it is indeed opposite.
So now you are claiming that an opposing fanbase buying tickets to a game, no matter how small the quantity, is subsidizing the program?

If that IS your claim, then it would necessarily make true the very claim you are decrying and trying to call irony: Iowa would, under your idiotic definition, have been subsidizing ISU athletics for as long as they've been around.

You are a hack.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

First, it was my point. And the opposite of the proposed irony of JWR ranting about Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's ad IS now ISU subsidized Iowa by selling out the stadium. So it is indeed opposite.
So now you are claiming that an opposing fanbase buying tickets to a game, no matter how small the quantity, is subsidizing the program?

If that IS your claim, then it would necessarily make true the very claim you are decrying and trying to call irony: Iowa would, under your idiotic definition, have been subsidizing ISU athletics for as long as they've been around.

You are a hack.
Wow you aren't real bright. No, that is not my claim. My post was sarcastic and mocking JWR/100 and his wailing about Iowa subsidizing ISU.
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

First, it was my point. And the opposite of the proposed irony of JWR ranting about Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's ad IS now ISU subsidized Iowa by selling out the stadium. So it is indeed opposite.
So now you are claiming that an opposing fanbase buying tickets to a game, no matter how small the quantity, is subsidizing the program?

If that IS your claim, then it would necessarily make true the very claim you are decrying and trying to call irony: Iowa would, under your idiotic definition, have been subsidizing ISU athletics for as long as they've been around.

You are a hack.
Wow you aren't real bright. No, that is not my claim. My post was sarcastic and mocking JWR/100 and his wailing about Iowa subsidizing ISU.
Feel free to explain how that ISN'T your claim. You just posted your claim above. You've even tried to defend it.

It isn't irony. You don't get to invent definitions.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

First, it was my point. And the opposite of the proposed irony of JWR ranting about Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's ad IS now ISU subsidized Iowa by selling out the stadium. So it is indeed opposite.
So now you are claiming that an opposing fanbase buying tickets to a game, no matter how small the quantity, is subsidizing the program?

If that IS your claim, then it would necessarily make true the very claim you are decrying and trying to call irony: Iowa would, under your idiotic definition, have been subsidizing ISU athletics for as long as they've been around.

You are a hack.
Wow you aren't real bright. No, that is not my claim. My post was sarcastic and mocking JWR/100 and his wailing about Iowa subsidizing ISU.
Feel free to explain how that ISN'T your claim. You just posted your claim above. You've even tried to defend it.

It isn't irony. You don't get to invent definitions.
No, I just explained to you how it is opposite of what is expected to happen. I am sorry you don't understand what has happened in the past with Iowa-ISU or know what fans were flinging around. Here is a quick history lesson. Iowa State was not selling many tickets, Iowa would come to town, game would sell out. JWR and some others cry that the series needs to end because Iowa shouldn't be subsidizing ISU and giving them their only sell out of the season. Fastforward to 2014, Iowa is not selling out games, ISU comes to town, game is sold out, only game sold out for the season. Should ISU fans cry that the series should end because ISU shouldn't subsidize Iowa by giving them their only sell out of the season?

So we think ISU needs Iowa but in 2014 the opposite happened.

Sarcasm, irony,

Please try to keep up.
Originally posted by blhawk:
Pathetic. This guy is delusional to the point of negligence. Iowa has lost five plus an eight of the last 10 seasons, losing 6 or more in half of those seasons. It's long past time to embrace reality. What momentum did he think we picked up with that 5 loss 2013 campaign? No, it wasn't the turd 2012 was but 5 losses is 5 losses. And what are these "expectations" you speak of Mr Barta? Cuz unless its losing less than five games a season you are failing miserably.

And yeah, the guy bringing in recruiting classes ranked in the fifties every year is going to turn it around. Riiiiiight. Any change needs to start with this guy, his judgment and PR skills are horrendous, not to mention he clearly demonstrates gender bias. No female coach survives rhabdogate. Guy is an embarrassment to my alma mater, I will start buying tickets again when this his commitment to mediocracy is over.
doesn't do any good as his responses (or his secretary's) are always pathetic but go ahead and spread some reality
I don't have a problem with Barta's statement at all . What would you like him to say that might make you feel better? Whats pathetic is your feeble rant. I mean the guy has just completed a great facility addition for the football program and continues to work to give our coaches the tools to be successful. Your statements about gender bias are ridiculous. Accusations are easy, where is your proof?
Originally posted by Ladell-hawk:
Originally posted by blhawk:
Pathetic. This guy is delusional to the point of negligence. Iowa has lost five plus an eight of the last 10 seasons, losing 6 or more in half of those seasons. It's long past time to embrace reality. What momentum did he think we picked up with that 5 loss 2013 campaign? No, it wasn't the turd 2012 was but 5 losses is 5 losses. And what are these "expectations" you speak of Mr Barta? Cuz unless its losing less than five games a season you are failing miserably.

And yeah, the guy bringing in recruiting classes ranked in the fifties every year is going to turn it around. Riiiiiight. Any change needs to start with this guy, his judgment and PR skills are horrendous, not to mention he clearly demonstrates gender bias. No female coach survives rhabdogate. Guy is an embarrassment to my alma mater, I will start buying tickets again when this his commitment to mediocracy is over.
doesn't do any good as his responses (or his secretary's) are always pathetic but go ahead and spread some reality
I don't have a problem with Barta's statement at all . What would you like him to say that might make you feel better? Whats pathetic is your feeble rant. I mean the guy has just completed a great facility addition for the football program and continues to work to give our coaches the tools to be successful. Your statements about gender bias are ridiculous. Accusations are easy, where is your proof?
Wow, impressed with Gary's feat. How did he find the time?

Oh and his proof was the statement no female survives rhabdogate. One girl gets rhabdo type symptoms from tough workout. Rowing coach gone. 13 get rhabdo from fb workout, coach gets first ever and only Assistant Coach of the Year.
Yeah, and you are the only enlightened one about the mediocrity that is Iowa athletics anymore. I know it's cold in Iowa and a lot of places right now but shoving your head completely up your backside doesn't do much for facing reality, although you do seem quite comfortable with it up there. Time to get back to your van down by the river, you disgrace the memory of Chris Farley by being the complete douchebag you are on a daily basis. Seriously, find another fan base, you are the worst. I know facts to make you uncomfortable but calling everybody idiots in light of them proves who the real idiot is. Go away if you can't handle honest assessment of this program you little child.
Originally posted by blhawk:
Yeah, and you are the only enlightened one about the mediocrity that is Iowa athletics anymore. I know it's cold in Iowa and a lot of places right now but shoving your head completely up your backside doesn't do much for facing reality, although you do seem quite comfortable with it up there. Time to get back to your van down by the river, you disgrace the memory of Chris Farley by being the complete douchebag you are on a daily basis. Seriously, find another fan base, you are the worst. I know facts to make you uncomfortable but calling everybody idiots in light of them proves who the real idiot is. Go away if you can't handle honest assessment of this program you little child.
The saddest part for you, is that you really believe you matter:. That you and the other BSCI's believe you are giving 'honest' assessments of the program behind the mask of anonymity, and that it matters, and that anybody outside of your little idiotfest cares. That you probably actually believe you know more about football and recruiting than the coaches, and that you have actual answers; That you know more about running a college football program than the AD or the Pres. of the Uviversity . That you truley believe you are some mature, well-balanced, sage, whose wisdom must be spread across the pages of the Hawkeye report. Yes, I do believe that you believe that. How sad for you.
I have always said I am a cynic and a fool. And I believe it....

P.S. And that you believe your assessment of me should mean something and will affect me in anyway. How sad for you...
This post was edited on 2/19 8:08 AM by MattFoleyHawk
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:
Originally posted by blhawk:
Yeah, and you are the only enlightened one about the mediocrity that is Iowa athletics anymore. I know it's cold in Iowa and a lot of places right now but shoving your head completely up your backside doesn't do much for facing reality, although you do seem quite comfortable with it up there. Time to get back to your van down by the river, you disgrace the memory of Chris Farley by being the complete douchebag you are on a daily basis. Seriously, find another fan base, you are the worst. I know facts to make you uncomfortable but calling everybody idiots in light of them proves who the real idiot is. Go away if you can't handle honest assessment of this program you little child.
The saddest part for you, is that you really believe you matter:. That you and the other BSCI's believe you are giving 'honest' assessments of the program behind the mask of anonymity, and that it matters, and that anybody outside of your little idiotfest cares. That you probably actually believe you know more about football and recruiting than the coaches, and that you have actual answers; That you know more about running a college football program than the AD or the Pres. of the Uviversity . That you truley believe you are some mature, well-balanced, sage, whose wisdom must be spread across the pages of the Hawkeye report. Yes, I do believe that you believe that. How sad for you.
I have always said I am a cynic and a fool. And I believe it....

P.S. And that you believe your assessment of me should mean something and will affect me in anyway. How sad for you...
This post was edited on 2/19 8:08 AM by MattFoleyHawk
First off love how you came up with your own acronym that really no one knows or really cares to know what it is but yet you think is clever and degrading and keep using.

Not agreeing with everyone's assessments. Some little over the top than others. However you attack people for criticism for statements and "not knowing football". True some people say dumb stuff but that's the fun of this board reading some over the top opinions. Yet at the same time stuff people complain about stuff I agree with for example zone run with Weismann and keep running it over and over or not changing up D and sitting in base that keeps getting shreaded and then you argue they don't know a damn about the game for making these claims. Funny thing is I remember commentators and analyst, former players and coaches, make some of these same points (2 in particluar I stated) while watching Iowa this year. Or are these people not football smart or BSCI (what ever the hell it means). But I'm going out on a limb these analyst have played, seen and forgotten more football than you or most of us on here.
Originally posted by iahawkeyes17:

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by blhawk:
Yeah, and you are the only enlightened one about the mediocrity that is Iowa athletics anymore. I know it's cold in Iowa and a lot of places right now but shoving your head completely up your backside doesn't do much for facing reality, although you do seem quite comfortable with it up there. Time to get back to your van down by the river, you disgrace the memory of Chris Farley by being the complete douchebag you are on a daily basis. Seriously, find another fan base, you are the worst. I know facts to make you uncomfortable but calling everybody idiots in light of them proves who the real idiot is. Go away if you can't handle honest assessment of this program you little child.
The saddest part for you, is that you really believe you matter:. That you and the other BSCI's believe you are giving 'honest' assessments of the program behind the mask of anonymity, and that it matters, and that anybody outside of your little idiotfest cares. That you probably actually believe you know more about football and recruiting than the coaches, and that you have actual answers; That you know more about running a college football program than the AD or the Pres. of the Uviversity . That you truley believe you are some mature, well-balanced, sage, whose wisdom must be spread across the pages of the Hawkeye report. Yes, I do believe that you believe that. How sad for you.
I have always said I am a cynic and a fool. And I believe it....

P.S. And that you believe your assessment of me should mean something and will affect me in anyway. How sad for you...

This post was edited on 2/19 8:08 AM by MattFoleyHawk
First off love how you came up with your own acronym that really no one knows or really cares to know what it is but yet you think is clever and degrading and keep using.

Not agreeing with everyone's assessments. Some little over the top than others. However you attack people for criticism for statements and "not knowing football". True some people say dumb stuff but that's the fun of this board reading some over the top opinions. Yet at the same time stuff people complain about stuff I agree with for example zone run with Weismann and keep running it over and over or not changing up D and sitting in base that keeps getting shreaded and then you argue they don't know a damn about the game for making these claims. Funny thing is I remember commentators and analyst, former players and coaches, make some of these same points (2 in particluar I stated) while watching Iowa this year. Or are these people not football smart or BSCI (what ever the hell it means). But I'm going out on a limb these analyst have played, seen and forgotten more football than you or most of us on here.
I have stated numerous times what it stands for and the members of that club knows what it means. I don't consider you a member of that club. I find it interesting that no one seems to pay much attention to all the information i've put out and how many times I have agreed with people or at least appreciated their opinions (when someone actually states an opinion, you know what I mean), but they sure pay attention when you get fed up with 'things' and make lots of 'noise'. Pretty much a microcosm of our society, isn't it. I'm kind of the 'fox news', or the Rush Limbaugh, of this site, lol. I'm just part of the entertainment around here (cynic and a fool, remember).
I like talking football with you and some others, because you know how to present your thoughts and observations. I don't believe I've ever defended MW and the stretch play. My opinion was that they should have run more 'power' plays between the tackles. I won't go into detail here. But I will disagree with you on the 'base' defense thought. In past posts I have made a pretty good case that they weren't in 'base' when they gave up most of the 'big' plays they did this year.
Do you mean 'color commentators' or analyst. Well, I'm not going into that. You seem like a good guy and I wouldn't get too worked up about any of this. It's just all cheap entertainment, believe very little of what you read here, and enjoy one of the best seats in the house!
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

First, it was my point. And the opposite of the proposed irony of JWR ranting about Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's ad IS now ISU subsidized Iowa by selling out the stadium. So it is indeed opposite.
So now you are claiming that an opposing fanbase buying tickets to a game, no matter how small the quantity, is subsidizing the program?

If that IS your claim, then it would necessarily make true the very claim you are decrying and trying to call irony: Iowa would, under your idiotic definition, have been subsidizing ISU athletics for as long as they've been around.

You are a hack.
Wow you aren't real bright. No, that is not my claim. My post was sarcastic and mocking JWR/100 and his wailing about Iowa subsidizing ISU.
Feel free to explain how that ISN'T your claim. You just posted your claim above. You've even tried to defend it.

It isn't irony. You don't get to invent definitions.
No, I just explained to you how it is opposite of what is expected to happen.

Wow, you can't even follow your own twisted logic to its only conclusion. I will repeat: If ISU "subsidizes" Iowa's AD by purchasing some tickets to the football game, then, by necessity, Iowa has "subsidized" ISU's AD forever. If that is true, following your own invented definitions, then it still couldn't be irony, as the first statement would have been a factual truth.

So we think ISU needs Iowa but in 2014 the opposite happened.

And then you post this, further claiming that Iowa "needs" ISU. Based on what? What numbers do you have? How many ISU fans purchased those remaining tickets?

Even with your idiotic conclusion one still can't claim that Iowa "needs" ISU for subsidization.

Sarcasm, irony,

Please try to keep up.
Go back and reread your blathering idiocy, it only follows to one conclusion: It isn't irony.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

First, it was my point. And the opposite of the proposed irony of JWR ranting about Hawkeye fans subsidizing ISU's ad IS now ISU subsidized Iowa by selling out the stadium. So it is indeed opposite.
So now you are claiming that an opposing fanbase buying tickets to a game, no matter how small the quantity, is subsidizing the program?

If that IS your claim, then it would necessarily make true the very claim you are decrying and trying to call irony: Iowa would, under your idiotic definition, have been subsidizing ISU athletics for as long as they've been around.

You are a hack.
Wow you aren't real bright. No, that is not my claim. My post was sarcastic and mocking JWR/100 and his wailing about Iowa subsidizing ISU.
Feel free to explain how that ISN'T your claim. You just posted your claim above. You've even tried to defend it.

It isn't irony. You don't get to invent definitions.
No, I just explained to you how it is opposite of what is expected to happen.

Wow, you can't even follow your own twisted logic to its only conclusion. I will repeat: If ISU "subsidizes" Iowa's AD by purchasing some tickets to the football game, then, by necessity, Iowa has "subsidized" ISU's AD forever. If that is true, following your own invented definitions, then it still couldn't be irony, as the first statement would have been a factual truth.

So we think ISU needs Iowa but in 2014 the opposite happened.

And then you post this, further claiming that Iowa "needs" ISU. Based on what? What numbers do you have? How many ISU fans purchased those remaining tickets?

Even with your idiotic conclusion one still can't claim that Iowa "needs" ISU for subsidization.

Sarcasm, irony,

Please try to keep up.
Go back and reread your blathering idiocy, it only follows to one conclusion: It isn't irony.
Do you actually read what I post? Again I will state 100/JWR rants all the time about Iowa subsidizing ISU because that is the only game they sell out when the game is in Ames (which isn't true). So it IS irony that based on JWR's rant that the ONLY game Iowa sold out in 2014 was the ISU game.

So if I am telling you that I am mocking JWR for his rants about this, I assumed you were smart enough to know that means I don't hold any merit to this claim. So sorry I made that assumption.
Originally posted by moon291:
I'm almost ready to cough up the bucks to become a premium member just so I can find something to read besides the constant bitching and moaning about the football and hoops teams.
Not a premium member either but I'd bet the same bitching and moaning is found there as well. Not like it's just the "poor" people bitching.
Originally posted by FG86:

Do you actually read what I post? Again I will state 100/JWR rants all the time about Iowa subsidizing ISU because that is the only game they sell out when the game is in Ames (which isn't true). So it IS irony that based on JWR's rant that the ONLY game Iowa sold out in 2014 was the ISU game.

Why can't you follow through your only analysis? By your definition, 100/JWR was correct, that Iowa was subsidizing ISU. If he is correct, by your definition, how could it be irony?

So if I am telling you that I am mocking JWR for his rants about this, I assumed you were smart enough to know that means I don't hold any merit to this claim. So sorry I made that assumption.
You obviously don't comprehend what I am telling you. No shame in that, you are obviously better suited to your incessant arguments with Foley/100/whoever.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:

Originally posted by FG86:

Do you actually read what I post? Again I will state 100/JWR rants all the time about Iowa subsidizing ISU because that is the only game they sell out when the game is in Ames (which isn't true). So it IS irony that based on JWR's rant that the ONLY game Iowa sold out in 2014 was the ISU game.

Why can't you follow through your only analysis? By your definition, 100/JWR was correct, that Iowa was subsidizing ISU. If he is correct, by your definition, how could it be irony?

So if I am telling you that I am mocking JWR for his rants about this, I assumed you were smart enough to know that means I don't hold any merit to this claim. So sorry I made that assumption.
You obviously don't comprehend what I am telling you. No shame in that, you are obviously better suited to your incessant arguments with Foley/100/whoever.
Hey, don't drag me into this. I have FG on ignore. Not worth reading
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Do you actually read what I post? Again I will state 100/JWR rants all the time about Iowa subsidizing ISU because that is the only game they sell out when the game is in Ames (which isn't true). So it IS irony that based on JWR's rant that the ONLY game Iowa sold out in 2014 was the ISU game.

Why can't you follow through your only analysis? By your definition, 100/JWR was correct, that Iowa was subsidizing ISU. If he is correct, by your definition, how could it be irony?

So if I am telling you that I am mocking JWR for his rants about this, I assumed you were smart enough to know that means I don't hold any merit to this claim. So sorry I made that assumption.
You obviously don't comprehend what I am telling you. No shame in that, you are obviously better suited to your incessant arguments with Foley/100/whoever.
If 100/JWR is correct, then it is ironic that Iowa needed the ISU game to sell out. The same game he wants ended because he claims ISU needs Iowa, but in 2014 Iowa needed ISU to sell out a game. Get it?
You're right douchefoley, I don't matter just like the thousands of hawkeye fans who used to go to all these games and support the program who aren't anymore and don't even care because it is such a crappy product. We bequeath this crap program to douchebags like you.....that's exactly what's wrong with this athletic department is that the people who really matter don't matter according to Gary Barta. you will see the product of telling the fans they don't matter this fall when the seats are empty except for the complete losers who have nothing else to do.

Ladell, I'm glad you feel all warm and fuzzy about the fundraising that gary does, but his job description is much much much more than fundraising (the fundraising is more about the continued loyalty of this fan base than it is his skill, you moron). If you I think he's giving us the tools to succeed than why do we do no better than the fifties in recruiting and average 5.4 losses a season over past decade????? (probably because we don't have a coach who knows how to sell it as he's proved over the last decade and a half) That contract turned our coach into an arrogant, dismissive, fat cat. He thinks making changes to a pathetic special teams unit is micromanaging. If you want to make excuses for this loser go ahead but he is the ringleader of this mediocre program. at least he's not acting confused by the fan angst like he was at the end of the season so let's give him a big pat on the back for that.

8 5+ loss seasons last 10 years, 5 of those seasons with 6+ losses. Losing record at Kinnick past 3 years and 1-3 vs a laughable ISU program including 2 losses at home. More annoying facts to embrace.

If you are spinning this you are a total and complete loser.

Empty seats will speak the truth, don't let your loyalty to this program blind you. We suck.
And your clulessness on gender bias is ridiculous, Ladell. I think there is some pretty good evidence in the complaint the field hockey coach filed recently after she was fired a week before the season. 5 to 6 female coaches terminated since 2006 with only two male coaches being forced out. If you think there's a single female coach who would have survived the Cedric Everson scandal and rhabdodelgate, you are just too biased to have a reasonable conversation about Iowa athletics. Enjoy your Kool Aid, the adults are going to continue discussing the reality of what's been going on for a decade now. We are what we are under Gary Barta and Kirk Ferentz' leadership.....irrelevant.
Originally posted by blhawk:
You're right douchefoley, I don't matter just like the thousands of hawkeye fans who used to go to all these games and support the program who aren't anymore and don't even care because it is such a crappy product. We bequeath this crap program to douchebags like you.....that's exactly what's wrong with this athletic department is that the people who really matter don't matter according to Gary Barta. you will see the product of telling the fans they don't matter this fall when the seats are empty except for the complete losers who have nothing else to do.

Ladell, I'm glad you feel all warm and fuzzy about the fundraising that gary does, but his job description is much much much more than fundraising (the fundraising is more about the continued loyalty of this fan base than it is his skill, you moron). If you I think he's giving us the tools to succeed than why do we do no better than the fifties in recruiting and average 5.4 losses a season over past decade????? (probably because we don't have a coach who knows how to sell it as he's proved over the last decade and a half) That contract turned our coach into an arrogant, dismissive, fat cat. He thinks making changes to a pathetic special teams unit is micromanaging. If you want to make excuses for this loser go ahead but he is the ringleader of this mediocre program. at least he's not acting confused by the fan angst like he was at the end of the season so let's give him a big pat on the back for that.

8 5+ loss seasons last 10 years, 5 of those seasons with 6+ losses. Losing record at Kinnick past 3 years and 1-3 vs a laughable ISU program including 2 losses at home. More annoying facts to embrace.

If you are spinning this you are a total and complete loser.

Empty seats will speak the truth, don't let your loyalty to this program blind you. We suck.
Awesome, that means your leaving forever, right? Bye! Did I say ba-bye? And since you 'bequeth' it to me, you must of had your atty. put it in writing. Send me a copy, would ya? Just mail it to MattFoley, Winchesteronfieldville, IA, it'll find me. I hope you find a team to cheer for that will apprectiate your 'support' Lol.

And who is 'we' in the 'we suck'? Are you on the team? Or did you just feel the to tell us that you and some friends like to put things in your mouth and create a partial vacuum, Lol