Beard to Lehigh(at the risk of pizzing off Spooner!)

I don’t think Spencer meant what you think he meant…I think he was referring to the way certain wrestlers were wrestling and allowed to get away with the way they were wrestling because it was in folk and not free. Could be wrong but I that’s how I interpreted it.
I think it might be more difficult to intentionally injure an opponent in free style. Lol
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How could you not be frustrated with how officials call stalling in folkstyle. Just go back and watch the Courteny NCAA finals. He spent half of the first period with both feet out of bounds. He would have been cautioned out of the match or given up enough points on push outs to have been technical falled in freestyle. A guy stalls on bottom by putting both arms out with thumbs out and stalls his ass off; knowing that the referee's are not going to call a guy twice and no way three times in a period even if he is stalling. If you cut him, he gets a free point. In freestyle, no quick progress your back on your feet without a "gift" point. This is the frustration I think he speaks to is that the rules in folkstyle allow opponents to stall and I agree with him. Look at RBY running from DeSanto or Fix at the NCAA two years ago against DeSanto... No stall calls. Until they start calling stalling more aggressively, we will continue to hurt the sport and yes, I do prefer freestyle over folk style, but only due to the lack of a push out and also the lack of stall calls.
I’m pretty sure I don’t care what you think.
Cool. Kind of like the PSU coaching staff and your opinion. Crazy how that works, huh?

FWIW, I don't even really care for PSU. To act like choosing the best wrestler (after he proved it) is not the right call because someone has been in the room longer is asinine. Coaches get paid to put the best product they can on the mat and to win.

You get what you earn.
If his gas tank is good then Beard can go with anyone on his feet. One of the few 197lbers that could even threaten AJ on his feet. On the mat I have no idea.
Is there a PSU guy who can jump in here. Im wondering how close was Beard to Dean in wrestle offs? Also wondering if any Lehigh vs PSU next year, that would be a match to watch for.
PSU and Lehigh tend to wrestle annually. I believe more matches with Lehigh than any other school