

HB King
Gold Member
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Ben Carson caught on video claiming his prostate cancer was cured by tree bark supplement
Even as Dr. Ben Carson touts his medical expertise as a qualification in his candidacy for President, he may have to explain why he once claimed that his prostate cancer had been cured by a junk science supplement consisting of aloe vera and tree bark. Carson, who has rejected most modern scientific principles during his campaign as he’s rejected climate change and other basics, has been caught on video making the claims as part of a pyramid scheme promoting the supplement.

In what might be the strangest story yet about the seemingly strangest candidate in the 2016 race, the Wall Street Journal has uncovered YouTube footage from 2004 in which Ben Carson tells a group of sales associates for a dietary supplement called Mannatech that after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, he began taking the supplement and “within about three weeks my symptoms went away.” It must not have worked that well, as Carson later had surgery to remove the cancer.

It should be pointed out that Carson is a retired medical doctor and brain surgeon, and would seemingly be the last Presidential candidate to be willing to participate in such a junk-medicine pyramid scheme. However the video in question plays up his doctor credentials as a way of giving credence to the supplement in question. Watch the video of Ben Carson claiming that tree bark cured his cancer here:
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This guy can't be trusted with any major decisions. He's shown his disdain for the scientific process multiple times and given the beliefs he displays he will easily disregard or ignore information or evidence that doesn't fit with what he wants to do. Last time we had a President like that we ended invading the wrong country and screwing up the middle east so bad that it will probably never be stabilized again.

No thanks.
Ben Carson is nuttier than squirrel shit, but I will say 'The Placebo Effect" is a real thing. It can be a very dangerous thing in the wrong hands but it has been proven to be successful in the past.
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I am reminded of this wolf shirt.

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when are dems ever gonna learn: true junk science is climate change and vaccines and most of big pharma and the aca and medical care today?? true treatment is natural supplements. learn life sometimes, dems.
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Ben Carson is nuttier than squirrel shit, but I will say 'The Placebo Effect" is a real thing. It can be a very dangerous thing in the wrong hands but it has been proven to be successful in the past.

Manna-Tech? Seriously?

The placebo effect doesn't cure cancer. As evidenced by Carson's need to have the cancer surgically removed.
You must be a victim of vaccines.
probably, I recall lining up in elementary school in Ottumwa in the 1970's like a Nazi boot camp and all of us having to "take our medicine"- like it or not. we also had square dancing in gym class and the Baptists got a religious exemption, so there's that. we also all went into the auditorium around Christmas time and sang the same Christmas songs I've heard in church-talking about baby jesus. I doubt that is done now.
We had a lot of crap done to us in the 1970's in Ottumwa, I've thought about writing a book about it, I still may do it. It explains a lot about myself and kind of take a moment and study Tom Arnold on TV, just for reference.
Manna-Tech? Seriously?

The placebo effect doesn't cure cancer. As evidenced by Carson's need to have the cancer surgically removed.

I understand that, and I said that Carson was a nutbag. I'm just saying that evidence shows that the Placebo Effect has shown to be successful.

Geez, where's stummingram when you need him?
But back to ben: somebody yesterday on radio{ can't recal if Rush or alex Jones} was floating the idea of ben being the VP for trump. I'm thinking that would be ok.
Can't wait for the chapter about your first homosexual experience behind the Asteroids machine at Twin Galaxies. That's going to be tear jerker.
actually it was a chick and it wasn't my first ever make out session but there was a "dj booth" at twin galaxies, that freakin' crazy walter day had set it up, it probably was a little closet at one time, he actually used to think he could broadcast radio shows from there.... well, anyway, this chick lures me in there...
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This guy can't be trusted with any major decisions. He's shown his disdain for the scientific process multiple times and given the beliefs he displays he will easily disregard or ignore information or evidence that doesn't fit with what he wants to do. Last time we had a President like that we ended invading the wrong country and screwing up the middle east so bad that it will probably never be stabilized again.

No thanks.
Nailed it.
when are dems ever gonna learn: true junk science is climate change and vaccines and most of big pharma and the aca and medical care today?? true treatment is natural supplements. learn life sometimes, dems.
This is an interesting and spot-on contrast (at least as far as the climate hoax stuff goes).

The ACA, while based on tons of lies and misinformation, has little to do with science. It is, at the core a power grab of the most cruel sort that will end up ruining the lives of many of the projected beneficiaries. For supporters of this scheme to go after the musings of Dr. Carson is ridiculous to the core. His musings are absolutely harmless compared to those of just about any other politician. He might even use these views to reduce the amount of intrusion into the private healthcare of millions of Americans; a good thing if it were to work out that way.

This is more your speed.
That might actually work. Not to win the White House, but might be a serious spoiler.

But which major party would it hurt worse?

It's also somewhat implausible that a hawk like Webb would team with an isolationist like Paul. But maybe they could agree on a "smaller but much more effective military."

It's not the size of the arsenal, it's the skill of the arsenalist. Or something.
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That's what I love about HROT. The people who have no reservations about calling a distinguished brain surgeon stupid about medicine.

Manna-Tech? Seriously?

The placebo effect doesn't cure cancer. As evidenced by Carson's need to have the cancer surgically removed.

I believe tarheel's response was really meant for you, LC. He just didn't realize it yet.
That's what I love about HROT. The people who have no reservations about calling a distinguished brain surgeon stupid about medicine.

When he's making completely unsubstantiated claims OUTSIDE his field of expertise, he is most assuredly acting 'stupid', or pandering to a voting base.

One of the more humorous jokes among med students and doctors is:

"Where do you hide something from a surgeon?"
"In a book."

And, there's truth to this, because surgeons don't 'book learn', they learn quickly by example and are good with their hands. Oncologists, on the other hand, LIVE by the books and journals which provide the evidence to best treat their patients.

One surgeon I know stopped doing all the daily rituals with his right (dominant) hand and started shaving, brushing his teeth, eating, EVERYTHING with his left hand. After a year or two of training his left hand, he became pretty much ambidextrous, so that he is comfortable using either hand during surgery for any access/position needed. He can perform several laparoscopic cholecystectomies in a day, probably 2x as fast and with fewer complications than a typical surgeon. THAT is the guy you want performing a complex surgery, NOT a guy who can read and understand complex treatment options in books and journals.
That's what I love about HROT. The people who have no reservations about calling a distinguished brain surgeon stupid about medicine.

In reality, let's just all agree that Carson made the claims he did because he was speaking on behalf of a pyramid scheme/ He was getting paid to make the comments he did.

has been caught on video making the claims as part of a pyramid scheme promoting the supplement.
When he's making completely unsubstantiated claims OUTSIDE his field of expertise, he is most assuredly acting 'stupid', or pandering to a voting base.

One of the more humorous jokes among med students and doctors is:

"Where do you hide something from a surgeon?"
"In a book."

And, there's truth to this, because surgeons don't 'book learn', they learn quickly by example and are good with their hands. Oncologists, on the other hand, LIVE by the books and journals which provide the evidence to best treat their patients.

One surgeon I know stopped doing all the daily rituals with his right (dominant) hand and started shaving, brushing his teeth, eating, EVERYTHING with his left hand. After a year or two of training his left hand, he became pretty much ambidextrous, so that he is comfortable using either hand during surgery for any access/position needed. He can perform several laparoscopic cholecystectomies in a day, probably 2x as fast and with fewer complications than a typical surgeon. THAT is the guy you want performing a complex surgery, NOT a guy who can read and understand complex treatment options in books and journals.
I want an idiot savant mechanic tuning my Ferrari. I probably don't want that idiot savant mechanic setting domestic or foreign policy.
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God helped him cheat in school. Was that a one-off, or does he have Him on speed dial?

If we figure Ben can call on God's help on foreign policy and such, the next thing we need to find out is whether his God is the New Testament God of peace or the Old Testament God of genocide.
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One of the more humorous jokes among med students and doctors is:

"Where do you hide something from a surgeon?"
"In a book."

There is a derivation of this joke that perhaps explains why many docs are Republicans.

"How do you hide a campaign contribution from a Republican?
You put the check in a science book. "
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That might actually work. Not to win the White House, but might be a serious spoiler.

But which major party would it hurt worse?

It's also somewhat implausible that a hawk like Webb would team with an isolationist like Paul. But maybe they could agree on a "smaller but much more effective military."

It's not the size of the arsenal, it's the skill of the arsenalist. Or something.

Just something I have seen some paulophiles trying to meme, and it doesn't seem like a likely duo. I would imagine it would pull mostly from the republicans.

Maybe Webb's manly war pride would help offset Paul's man perm.
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That's what I love about HROT. The people who have no reservations about calling a distinguished brain surgeon stupid about medicine.

Well, it's understandable that you'd have a problem recognizing the truth, as you've demonstrated your ignorance of and disdain for scientific evidence on innumerable occasions by buying into the pseudoscience of climate change denialism.
That's what I love about HROT. The people who have no reservations about calling a distinguished brain surgeon stupid about medicine.

That's what I don't get about him. He should know better. Hell, he was significant researcher as well but then he says stuff that shows he doesn't even believe or trust the system he used in his own career. Seriously, the comments he's made since being on the campaign trail would make me question all of his research he has conducted in the past. It's a shame that he would discredit himself the way he has.
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That's what I love about HROT. The people who have no reservations about calling a distinguished brain surgeon stupid about medicine.

That's what I don't get about him. He should know better. Hell, he was significant researcher as well but then he says stuff that shows he doesn't even believe or trust the system he used in his own career. Seriously, the comments he's made since being on the campaign trail would make me question all of his research he has conducted in the past. It's a shame that he would discredit himself the way he has.
That's what I don't get about him. He should know better. Hell, he was significant researcher as well but then he says stuff that shows he doesn't even believe or trust the system he used in his own career. Seriously, the comments he's made since being on the campaign trail would make me question all of his research he has conducted in the past. It's a shame that he would discredit himself the way he has.
He could have some sort of progressive neurological disorder, like a frontal-lobe dementia. That could help explain the intact 'intellect' yet credulity toward such pseudoscience.