Benghazi investigation-Clinton emails


HR Legend
Feb 4, 2004
Fort Lauderdale
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, no internal emails from or to Hillary while the attack was happening. How did that happen?
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Hmmmmmmmmmm, no internal emails from or to Hillary while the attack was happening. How did that happen?
Probably because Hillary was busy emailing the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Special Operations Command telling them to stand down. Oh wait ....
Rules don't apply here as there's a "D" by her name. Is Hillary an evil "R"? No, she's not. Surprised no one noticed that. Nothing to see here or for the media to report. can we demonize Scott Walker....
Originally posted by montross:
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
Now that the Republicans have the House and the Senate, they are actually investigating things. Secretary Clinton doesn't have the leadership shield like she once did.
Originally posted by montross:
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.

It's always an amazing coincidence how the mainstream media loses its curiosity when a Democrat is in power.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Hmmmmmmmmmm, no internal emails from or to Hillary while the attack was happening. How did that happen?
If you find that suspect, what do you think of Rice claiming to not even have an email account? She must be hiding something really good, right?
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Hmmmmmmmmmm, no internal emails from or to Hillary while the attack was happening. How did that happen?
If you find that suspect, what do you think of Rice claiming to not even have an email account? She must be hiding something really good, right?

It absolutely makes me suspect, what person in the administration doesn't have or need an email address? I'm sure the president even has an email address, in fact I'm pretty sure that he does. I'm nowhere near that important and doing my job would be nearly impossible without an email address.

If a person tells me they don't have email and they are in a position as that, yes I'm questioning their intelligence or think they may have an email but are hiding information they don't want uncovered. As to Hillary, this entire thing is a farce. It was a farce that she used a personal email, its a farce that the server was in her house, and its a farce that she says she will turn over her emails (at least all of them).
Originally posted by montross:
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
I suspect that the investigators asked the State Department for relevant e-mails, and the State Department wouldn't have had any, because Hillary was using her private e-mail instead of her official e-mail. It probably never occurred to the investigators that she might be running the office entirely out of her basement.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by montross:
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
I suspect that the investigators asked the State Department for relevant e-mails, and the State Department wouldn't have had any, because Hillary was using her private e-mail instead of her official e-mail. It probably never occurred to the investigators that she might be running the office entirely out of her basement.
I have a compromise plan. You know how Rs are always trying to close the Dept. of Ed, Commerce, etc? How about a provision that all cabinet depts. must be run out of the secretaries private homes exclusively? Convert the cabinet offices to high priced condos. That should limit how big they could potentially be and save us some money. Of course the Vanderbilts will probably be tapped to be in every cabinet until the end of time, but they will be down in N. Carolina, so we have that going for us.
Originally posted by BubsFinn:

Originally posted by montross:
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
Now that the Republicans have the House and the Senate, they are actually investigating things. Secretary Clinton doesn't have the leadership shield like she once did.
Yes if only we had investigated Benghazi more thoroughly. Way to post something really really dumb.

There must be something. There must. There....well no not really.

"We spent thousands of hours asking questions, poring over documents, reviewing intelligence assessments, reading cables and emails, and held a total of 20 committee events and hearings," said Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the committee's chairman, and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the ranking Democrat, in a joint statement.

"We conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials from Benghazi and Tripoli as well as eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. Based on the testimony and the documents we reviewed, we concluded that all the CIA officers in Benghazi were heroes. Their actions saved lives," they said.

Senate Intelligence Report.

House Report

Maybe another report will find something. LOL.

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Hmmmmmmmmmm, no internal emails from or to Hillary while the attack was happening. How did that happen?
If you find that suspect, what do you think of Rice claiming to not even have an email account? She must be hiding something really good, right?

Now that's funny.
Originally posted by montross:
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
I think this thing has to play itself out a bit before anyone gets too serios about pushing and pushing back. If it is what initially reports say it is, Hilary will find herself in a very uncomfortable position. However, IF she has a reasonable explanation, it will be the accusors who once again end up red-faced and ignored.
I can see either scenario right now........bur before any opinions can be formed, the facts will have to come out. Personally. I'd like to see her where she can't run in '16. The GOP will never tell anyone where they stand on anything, just accuse, accuse and accuse Hilary more, If she is the candidate. "we the people" cannot afford another campaign like the last two have been run.
Hilary's ties to Wall Street make the Democrats no more than "Republican Lite"...The Dems need to nominate someone who will not be afraid of publicly hanging a Wall Street bankster for robbing the average man blind, like they did during Junior's Administration..
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by montross:
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
I think this thing has to play itself out a bit before anyone gets too serios about pushing and pushing back. If it is what initially reports say it is, Hilary will find herself in a very uncomfortable position. However, IF she has a reasonable explanation, it will be the accusors who once again end up red-faced and ignored.
I can see either scenario right now........bur before any opinions can be formed, the facts will have to come out. Personally. I'd like to see her where she can't run in '16. The GOP will never tell anyone where they stand on anything, just accuse, accuse and accuse Hilary more, If she is the candidate. "we the people" cannot afford another campaign like the last two have been run.
Hilary's ties to Wall Street make the Democrats no more than "Republican Lite"...The Dems need to nominate someone who will not be afraid of publicly hanging a Wall Street bankster for robbing the average man blind, like they did during Junior's Administration..
Who do you suggest? They're all the same.
So far we have notice that there were 55,000 pages of email.

I am having a difficult time figuring out how the counter parties to those emails did not notice that her emails did not have a State Department email address ..., something like that.

What about the people who were sending her emails? Didn't they have to type it in at some point and wouldn't it have looked funny compared to other government email addresses?

NO one noticed anything unusual? 55,000 pages and no one ever caught on?
Originally posted by Titus Andronicus:
So far we have notice that there were 55,000 pages of email.

I am having a difficult time figuring out how the counter parties to those emails did not notice that her emails did not have a State Department email address ..., something like that.

What about the people who were sending her emails? Didn't they have to type it in at some point and wouldn't it have looked funny compared to other government email addresses?

NO one noticed anything unusual? 55,000 pages and no one ever caught on?
No Sec. of State in history had such an address. Kerry is the first, so it wasn't unusual.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by Titus Andronicus:
So far we have notice that there were 55,000 pages of email.

I am having a difficult time figuring out how the counter parties to those emails did not notice that her emails did not have a State Department email address ..., something like that.

What about the people who were sending her emails? Didn't they have to type it in at some point and wouldn't it have looked funny compared to other government email addresses?

NO one noticed anything unusual? 55,000 pages and no one ever caught on?
No Sec. of State in history had such an address. Kerry is the first, so it wasn't unusual.
Kerry is not the first secretary of state to have an official email account.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by Titus Andronicus:
So far we have notice that there were 55,000 pages of email.

I am having a difficult time figuring out how the counter parties to those emails did not notice that her emails did not have a State Department email address ..., something like that.

What about the people who were sending her emails? Didn't they have to type it in at some point and wouldn't it have looked funny compared to other government email addresses?

NO one noticed anything unusual? 55,000 pages and no one ever caught on?
No Sec. of State in history had such an address. Kerry is the first, so it wasn't unusual.
Kerry is not the first secretary of state to have an official email account.
More sophistry.

State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told Fox News late Monday. Harf added that the department turned over about 300 emails to the Benghazi select committee, and noted that Clinton's successor as secretary of state, John Kerry, "is the first ... to rely primarily on a email account."

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Hmmmmmmmmmm, no internal emails from or to Hillary while the attack was happening. How did that happen?
If you find that suspect, what do you think of Rice claiming to not even have an email account? She must be hiding something really good, right?
Never heard of that. Link? And if it's true, you're GD right she needs to be investigated because that's bullcrap as well.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Hmmmmmmmmmm, no internal emails from or to Hillary while the attack was happening. How did that happen?
If you find that suspect, what do you think of Rice claiming to not even have an email account? She must be hiding something really good, right?
Never heard of that. Link? And if it's true, you're GD right she needs to be investigated because that's bullcrap as well.
It was one of those comments on some news show. But when I googled it the story seems to be that Rise simply didn't use email, not that she didn't have an account at all. Lindsey Graham claimed the same thing today on Meet the Press about himself.

Do people think its right that government officials be able to make phone calls that aren't recorded? Why should all emails fall into the public domain but not phone calls? What about in person meetings? Should all government officials be required to wear a go-cam at all times so that we can record every communication they make?
This post was edited on 3/8 5:14 PM by naturalmwa
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by Titus Andronicus:
So far we have notice that there were 55,000 pages of email.

I am having a difficult time figuring out how the counter parties to those emails did not notice that her emails did not have a State Department email address ..., something like that.

What about the people who were sending her emails? Didn't they have to type it in at some point and wouldn't it have looked funny compared to other government email addresses?

NO one noticed anything unusual? 55,000 pages and no one ever caught on?
No Sec. of State in history had such an address. Kerry is the first, so it wasn't unusual.
Kerry is not the first secretary of state to have an official email account.
More sophistry.

State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told Fox News late Monday. Harf added that the department turned over about 300 emails to the Benghazi select committee, and noted that Clinton's successor as secretary of state, John Kerry, "is the first ... to rely primarily on a email account."
Your dishonesty and/or ignorance is startling.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by Titus Andronicus:
So far we have notice that there were 55,000 pages of email.

I am having a difficult time figuring out how the counter parties to those emails did not notice that her emails did not have a State Department email address ..., something like that.

What about the people who were sending her emails? Didn't they have to type it in at some point and wouldn't it have looked funny compared to other government email addresses?

NO one noticed anything unusual? 55,000 pages and no one ever caught on?
No Sec. of State in history had such an address. Kerry is the first, so it wasn't unusual.
Kerry is not the first secretary of state to have an official email account.
More sophistry.

State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told Fox News late Monday. Harf added that the department turned over about 300 emails to the Benghazi select committee, and noted that Clinton's successor as secretary of state, John Kerry, "is the first ... to rely primarily on a email account."
Your dishonesty and/or ignorance is startling.
Your response isn't, thats just how a sophist should replay. I'm gratified I can still get your blood pumping however.
The Clinton email problem only came to light due to the investigation going on in the House.

I am shocked that there were so many investigations into Benghazi yet not one of them asked for Clinton's emails. I don't want this to be a partisan discussion but seriously...that would probably be the first item that I would ask for.

I think that it shows that the first investigations were simply political hack jobs on both sides.
I think the list of people the first investigations declined to interview -- including the secretary of state -- pretty much discredits them.
I have a compromise plan. You know how Rs are always trying to close the Dept. of Ed, Commerce, etc? How about a provision that all cabinet depts. must be run out of the secretaries private homes exclusively? Convert the cabinet offices to high priced condos. That should limit how big they could potentially be and save us some money. Of course the Vanderbilts will probably be tapped to be in every cabinet until the end of time, but they will be down in N. Carolina, so we have that going for us.
The Clinton test program didn't really work all that well so I will pass on your compromise.