Bernie's IN!!!!!!


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan

Bernie Sanders To Launch Presidential Campaign
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will launch a campaign seeking the Democratic nomination for president in 2016 on Thursday.

Sanders will be the first official challenger for the Democratic nomination to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who launched her campaign earlier this month.

Sanders' decision was first reported by Vermont Public Radio, and confirmed by The Huffington Post.

Sanders, who first entered the Senate in 2007, has criticized Clinton for being too soft on Wall Street and has doubted whether Clinton can address income inequality.

Sanders has been an outspoken critic of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal the Obama administration is negotiating with 11 Pacific countries. Sanders is also a criticof the controversial Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which struck down corporate campaign contribution limits. Sanders has tried to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision.
Give 'em hell Bernie!



at least he admits to being a socialist, Obama ruined it for him though, by having some kind of hidden socialist commie fascist agenda, then when people found out about it, with obama, they now will never fall for it again, hopefully
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at least he admits to being a socialist, Obama ruined it for him though, by having some kind of hidden socialist commie fascist agenda, then when people found out about it, with obama, they now will never fall for it again, hopefully
you and I both know Obama was installed and not elected in 2008 at the Bilderberg conference, and in 2012 Romney was leading and they got out those old school Atari controllers, the old pong game, with the dial, and one said Romney on it and one said Obama on it,and they dialed back the romney controller and dialed up the Obama controller. votes count not.
you and I both know Obama was installed and not elected in 2008 at the Bilderberg conference, and in 2012 Romney was leading and they got out those old school Atari controllers, the old pong game, with the dial, and one said Romney on it and one said Obama on it,and they dialed back the romney controller and dialed up the Obama controller. votes count not.
Oh no, I am not an ally in this thought experiment, but are you sure they weren't Scientologists? That looks a lot like an e-meter. Maybe the elections are controlled by Xenu? That would be a neat way to wrap up aliens and secret societies and pong knobs all in one little tax deductible package.

at least in 2000 they started trotting out all these hanging chads and paper proof and such, in 2008 and 2012, never any proof. never any proof that one single vote ever went to Obama. in 2000, I'm willing to admit that bush probably lost that thing. but we could never have such antics again for all to see, never, so the pong controllers were in use from 2000 onward
at least in 2000 they started trotting out all these hanging chads and paper proof and such, in 2008 and 2012, never any proof. never any proof that one single vote ever went to Obama. in 2000, I'm willing to admit that bush probably lost that thing. but we could never have such antics again for all to see, never, so the pong controllers were in use from 2000 onward
Why are all the Democrat candidates so old? I thought this was the party of young people? How are they suppose to connect with "regular" people with such antiquated ideas?

Gee I wonder where we have heard all of that before. I bet his campaign slogan is Change and Hope.
you and I both know Obama was installed and not elected in 2008 at the Bilderberg conference, and in 2012 Romney was leading and they got out those old school Atari controllers, the old pong game, with the dial, and one said Romney on it and one said Obama on it,and they dialed back the romney controller and dialed up the Obama controller. votes count not.

You really are a high 6 aren't you?
He shouldn't be allowed in the Democratic primary since he is officially an Independent. He should run as an Independent.
He shouldn't be allowed in the Democratic primary since he is officially an Independent. He should run as an Independent.

I have been worried about that. I won't be surprised to see the DLC or other mainstream D groups try to block or even smear Bernie. In previous years the attacks on Nader from the Ds were pretty brutal - court challenges to keep him off the ballot in many states, plus the usual propaganda. This despite the fact that Nader represented traditional D values much better than the Dem candidates in those races. Not that Nader was running as a D, but the principle is similar.

Of course since Citizens United and McCutcheon, the Ds won't have to get their hands dirty. They can just get Goldman Sachs or some other corporations who might worry about Bernie's message to do it for them. At least the character assassination and propaganda parts, if not the court battles to keep him off the ballots.
He shouldn't be allowed in the Democratic primary since he is officially an Independent. He should run as an Independent.
Would it not be a simple matter to simply register as a D? I would be surprised if he wasn't already going to do this if he wants to be a D on the ticket, right?
Maybe Bernie can shake-up the status quo... I hope so. It needs a vigorous shaking on a regular basis. I hope Bernie is pro-Peace.