America’s presidential debate boss thinks Biden upended tradition … and duped Trump

I have to say this whole thing just shows how far our process has fallen.

The commission on presidential debates used to work with both campaigns in a back channel and set the rules while consulting with both campaigns. At the very least that process used to have some dignity to it.

Now we get a debate by Biden putting out a video where he basically says "Alright bring it on bitch" and Trump responding on social media with "Anytime anywhere"

The dignity has been replaced by what essentially amounts to 2 drunk men challenging each other to a fist fight.

I hate that. But I do have to say I get why Biden did that. He got Trump to agree to 2 debates where he basically set all the rules.
It can’t get any worse than Trump and Rubio during an ‘debate’, arguing over dick size like a couple of 12 yr old boys. We are not a serious country.
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Yet, the “2 Party system” is what keeps the country moving firward and prevents nut-jobs on the fringes from gaining control completely. Right now “The 2 Party system” is the only thing that keeps this nation under the Constitution….and prevents a facist take-over of the State. The two parties keep our peculiar type of democracy in order.

The nut-jobs have been running the country into the ground for a couple generations now. They ARE in complete control.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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I don't get it? All Trump had to say was something about sleepy Joe's failing polling numbers, his mass inflation, his wide open borders. And talk about how pathetic Joe is to desperately try changing the subject with crooked unsanctioned debates. And Donny's base would have eaten it up.

Instead Dummy walks right into the buzzsaw and says, "I will give Joe everything he wants. I'm an idiot."
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I don't get it? All Trump had to say was something about sleepy Joe's failing polling numbers, his mass inflation, his wide open borders. And talk about how pathetic Joe is to desperately try changing the subject with crooked unsanctioned debates. And Donny's base would have eaten it up.

Instead Dummy walks right into the buzzsaw and says, "I will give Joe everything he wants. I'm an idiot."

Don't forget all his crying about what a victim he is and how everyone is so mean and unfair to him. No one has ever seen anything like it.
1. Obviously the debate boss is upset. He's irrelevant now.
2. Trump knows very well he accepted a debate on Biden's terms. Call it "duped" if you like, but I see it as sour grapes from a once important man who had the rug pulled from under him.

Still a smart move by Biden team. Trump team also playing it smart thus far.
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1. Obviously the debate boss is upset. He's irrelevant now.
2. Trump knows very well he accepted a debate on Biden's terms. Call it "duped" if you like, but I see it as sour grapes from a once important man who had the rug pulled from under him.

Still a smart move by Biden team. Trump team also playing it smart thus far.
This is the way government is designed to work….elininate useless and wasteful positions…..You need 2 candidates…..a TV studio a couple of cameramen and a moderator…..That is all you need.
If voters don’t want to watch, so be iot….there is a WNBA game or a moto-cross or a reality show somewhere else for them to watch.
I don't get it? All Trump had to say was something about sleepy Joe's failing polling numbers, his mass inflation, his wide open borders. And talk about how pathetic Joe is to desperately try changing the subject with crooked unsanctioned debates. And Donny's base would have eaten it up.

Instead Dummy walks right into the buzzsaw and says, "I will give Joe everything he wants. I'm an idiot."
I've seen him speak in person, he has way more to say when he is campaigning. You might be limited to sound bytes and whatever is left after he is censored by the media.
Don't forget all his crying about what a victim he is and how everyone is so mean and unfair to him. No one has ever seen anything like it.
They are throwing everything they can at him so he can't run or campaign. Joe won't even release the tape where he couldn't remember when his son passed away.
I've seen him speak in person, he has way more to say when he is campaigning. You might be limited to sound bytes and whatever is left after he is censored by the media.
Trump's debate strategy has always been to talk over people thus avoiding answering any specific question. Hopefully this debate eliminates that by turning off his mic when Biden is responding.
They are throwing everything they can at him so he can't run or campaign. Joe won't even release the tape where he couldn't remember when his son passed away.
What does that have to do with anything Presidential…..even if it is true? This is nothing more than another Comer/MAGAt fishing expedition…….what they are seeking is material to be used against Biden in his upcoming re-election bid……nothing more , nothing less.
Trump's debate strategy has always been to talk over people thus avoiding answering any specific question. Hopefully this debate eliminates that by turning off his mic when Biden is responding.
Yeah, maybe Joe will wear ear pieces to help.
What does that have to do with anything Presidential…..even if it is true? This is nothing more than another Comer/MAGAt fishing expedition…….what they are seeking is material to be used against Biden in his upcoming re-election bid……nothing more , nothing less.
I wasn't responding to your post, was to why he says he is being victimized, damn.
Someone explain to me why this format (which we will get with the Biden Trump debate assuming Trump doesn’t pussy out) isn’t PERFECT for informing our decision on who to elect:

They are throwing everything they can at him so he can't run or campaign. Joe won't even release the tape where he couldn't remember when his son passed away.
Who is the "they" you are referring too? The state of NY determined there was probable cause to bring this case and Trump has been given every opportunity to defend himself in a court of law with guilt or innocense determined by a jury. As for releasing the tape, there is absolutely no need for it. A complete verbatim transcript was released months ago and is publicly accessible.
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They are throwing everything they can at him so he can't run or campaign. Joe won't even release the tape where he couldn't remember when his son passed away.
He can run and campaign, but he spends his time crying about victimhood instead of using the camera time to say what he could do the for the country. Golfing on his off days doesn't help either.

As for Joe, they released the transcripts, where he said the month and day Beau died, but that probably isn't good enough for you. Probably some conspiracy theory about why that transcript isn't really what was said.
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Who is the "they" you are referring too? The state of NY determined there was probable cause to bring this case and Trump has been given every opportunity to defend himself in a court of law with guilt or innocense determined by a jury. As for releasing the tape, there is absolutely no need for it. A complete verbatim transcript was released months ago and is publicly accessible.
Everything hes been accused of in court., in every state. BTW I think it's funny Biden wants the rules for a debate.
He can run and campaign, but he spends his time crying about victimhood instead of using the camera time to say what he could do the for the country. Golfing on his off days doesn't help either.

As for Joe, they released the transcripts, where he said the month and day Beau died, but that probably isn't good enough for you. Probably some conspiracy theory about why that transcript isn't really what was said.
Then why not release? What's wrong with hearing what POTUS had to say?
Then why not release? What's wrong with hearing what POTUS had to say?
Why are the transcripts not good enough? They are getting us through the Trumps NYC trial just fine.

But keep painting Joe as a senile old fool. Just makes him look better if he gets on the debate stage and talks about policy and throws a few verbal jabs at Don.
He can run and campaign, but he spends his time crying about victimhood instead of using the camera time to say what he could do the for the country. Golfing on his off days doesn't help either.

As for Joe, they released the transcripts, where he said the month and day Beau died, but that probably isn't good enough for you. Probably some conspiracy theory about why that transcript isn't really what was said.
Then why not release? What's wrong with hearing what POTUS had to say?
Why are the transcripts not good enough? They are getting us through the Trumps NYC trial just fine.

But keep painting Joe as a senile old fool. Just makes him look better if he gets on the debate stage and talks about policy and throws a few verbal jabs at Don.
I don't really have to tell you shit why I feel that way so I won't.

As for your last paragraph, that is some funny shit. And he is going senile, is a crook, a perve and an inept fool. Doesn't matter how you feel.
Someone explain to me why this format (which we will get with the Biden Trump debate assuming Trump doesn’t pussy out) isn’t PERFECT for informing our decision on who to elect:

Today, Trump certainly does NOT want a substantive discussion about “the issues”…..Trump’s career has always been about “the noise” and never about the “the answers”………Biden is a PROFESSIOINAL politician who certainly understands “the noise” but he also has a much better understanding (and respect) for the process of the solution. Trump just is NOT qualified to be a decision making politician. Trump does not understand the in’s and out’s of politics. He understands one thing……”his way”.
Then why not release? What's wrong with hearing what POTUS had to say?
I don't really have to tell you shit why I feel that way so I won't.

As for your last paragraph, that is some funny shit. And he is going senile, is a crook, a perve and an inept fool. Doesn't matter how you feel.

Sorry snowflake. I didn't mean to get under your skin. Instead of a thoughtful reply supporting your argument, you just attack and get defensive. Maybe choose a candidate who isn't all the things you just said about Biden.
Sorry snowflake. I didn't mean to get under your skin. Instead of a thoughtful reply supporting your argument, you just attack and get defensive. Maybe choose a candidate who isn't all the things you just said about Biden.
Just because transcripts are good enough for you doesn't mean it should be good for others that deserve as US citizens to hear it for themselves, happy? My gosh man, are you this puthy at home?
Probably because team Biden set the terms and they know they're getting screwed.

Trump being Trump he immediately accepted so if I'm Joe there's no negotiating...accept it or leave it. Win/win.

You’re telling me the “art of the deal” is just bullshit?

I’m shocked.
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Just because transcripts are good enough for you doesn't mean it should be good for others that deserve as US citizens to hear it for themselves, happy? My gosh man, are you this puthy at home?
Can you at least explain why the transcripts aren’t good enough?
Can you at least explain why the transcripts aren’t good enough?
Because if audio is available I'd like to hear it, nothing more, nothing less.
Context, mood, pauses and stuttering can be a human aspect you don't get from transcripts. And there is probably a reason he doesn't want the audio released. I wonder why most of you are ok with transcript only.
Just because transcripts are good enough for you doesn't mean it should be good for others that deserve as US citizens to hear it for themselves, happy? My gosh man, are you this puthy at home?
Because “you” are a US citizen doesn’t mean “you” deserve a damn thing! You are just another entitled sumbitch…where do you get the idea you “deserve” the audio ? There’s a lot of stuff out there I nay like to hear…but that doesn’t mean I “deserve” to hear it because I am a YS citizen.
Because “you” are a US citizen doesn’t mean “you” deserve a damn thing! You are just another entitled sumbitch…where do you get the idea you “deserve” the audio ? There’s a lot of stuff out there I nay like to hear…but that doesn’t mean I “deserve” to hear it because I am a YS citizen.
Aren't you the bitch that needed to have Ms. Biden comment on her diary? Didn't believe her diary entries when it came to Pops showering and sexualizing her at a young age? Unreal
Because if audio is available I'd like to hear it, nothing more, nothing less.
Context, mood, pauses and stuttering can be a human aspect you don't get from transcripts. And there is probably a reason he doesn't want the audio released. I wonder why most of you are ok with transcript only.
In this instance what’s at issue is what exactly he said. And the transcript would indicate if he paused or something - he’s always had a problem with a stutter, not sure why that matters.

Sometimes video or audio can add important context. This is not one of those times imo.
Just because transcripts are good enough for you doesn't mean it should be good for others that deserve as US citizens to hear it for themselves, happy? My gosh man, are you this puthy at home?

Ferentz_Fan: Official transcripts aren't good enough, the American people need the video

Also Ferentz_Fan: Believes a serial liar who starts off sentences with "Many people are saying" and and ends them with "believe me".
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Ferentz_Fan: Official transcripts aren't good enough, the American people need the video

Also Ferentz_Fan: Believes a serial liar who starts off sentences with "Many people are saying" and and ends them with "believe me".
What's your point? You are beginning to embarrass yourself.
Because “you” are a US citizen doesn’t mean “you” deserve a damn thing! You are just another entitled sumbitch…where do you get the idea you “deserve” the audio ? There’s a lot of stuff out there I nay like to hear…but that doesn’t mean I “deserve” to hear it because I am a YS citizen.
Wow dude, I've been called a liar, been asked why I hate America so much, been called dangerous to society, that I had a new username, all on this site. But your post.....maybe you are the problem. We all deserve to know what the shit is going on on that White House unless it's classified.
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Wow dude, I've been called a liar, been asked why I hate America so much, been called dangerous to society, that I had a new username, all on this site. But your post.....maybe you are the problem. We all deserve to know what the shit is going on on that White House unless it's classified.

Joel is just another liberal dimwit who will protect Biden at all costs. The American public deserves to hear the audio prior to the election, I believe you'll hear the ramblings of a complete dementia ridden old man on the audio.

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