Now THATS research! Beers (truth serum) in a natural environment.I met Gerry, had a couple of conversations with him over beers downtown. He was super laid back, not at all serious about things. And he had goals about other things than basketball as a college student. He just didn't seem all that interested in a career in it.
But he was long, about 6'8", with the biggest hands I'd ever seen except maybe Dr. J's. He could palm a basketball in each hand, do a cartwheel holding them and dunk both balls when he flipped over. He did the old Dr. J fake pass where he palmed the ball in one hand faking a pass then pull it back and shoot or dunk over his man. I really wish he'd been more dedicated to basketball. He could have been a great one.
My Dad hated the dunk. Thought it took no skill. Just tall men doing what they should be able to do. But i remember Wright going in for a dunk, repositioning/twisting in midair to avoid the charge, and slamming home the basketball in a truly athletic move. Dad, you were wrong.