Best song with a day of the week in the song title?

Michelle Phillips is stunning in some pictures...
Every day of the week is sung over and over again in this song. Hardcore doo wop fans consider this among the best uptempo songs in the genre:

There is no arguing music. My ears don’t lie and I trust your ears too. We’ll have to agree to disagree. Having 2 TOP tracks is still worthy. The rest needs others to listen, not me.

Well, then your ears are morons.

Elton John has composed some of the most awesome rock music in the history of rock music.

This song in particular is a masterpiece:

Well, then your ears are morons.

Elton John has composed some of the most awesome rock music in the history of rock music.

This song in particular is a masterpiece:

Bullshit. If my ears like it, it’s good and if not, it’s not. Same for you. Critics, sales, consensus have zero bearing. Your ears decide good or bad as do mine.

Nothing else matters.