Best write up on debate and moment we are in.

TL;DR Summary:

The stakes of the upcoming election are unprecedented, with one candidate, a convicted criminal, vowing retribution against political foes and pledging to pardon Capitol rioters. If re-elected, he might cling to power to evade legal consequences. To safeguard the democratic republic and prevent severe policies like internment camps for migrants and withdrawal from NATO, it is crucial for the Democratic nominee to defeat him. However, Joe Biden's recent debate performance has raised doubts about his capability to meet this monumental challenge, prompting calls for a serious discussion about his readiness for the task.

The necessity for pro-democracy efforts to counter Donald Trump’s potential second term is urgent. Despite the frustration and anger over missed opportunities and the failures of the Republican political class, the focus must remain on the stakes. Joe Biden needs to have an honest conversation with his family about his capability to campaign vigorously and counter Trump effectively. This involves showing energy, engaging with the public, and taking the fight to Trump directly, including on conservative platforms. The stakes require honesty and commitment to change course if necessary.
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This one is outstanding and 100 percent captures how I feel and a lot of other here feel. Worth the read:

How would he stay in power after 4 years? If it's getting rid of term limits then that would be awesome. Obama could get back in, destroy him, and be in the white house for the following 12-16 years.
This one is outstanding and 100 percent captures how I feel and a lot of other here feel. Worth the read:

Here’s what changing course looks like. He must summon an energy and a spirit and a forward-looking message that was absent in Atlanta. He must be committed to never letting what happened on Thursday night happen again—never putting on the kind of mumbling, robotic, incoherent performance that the whole world witnessed.

He must show that he is willing to do everything in his power to win this election. Go out and campaign among real Americans. Demonstrate that he has the vigor and will to earn their trust.

Republican operatives:

  • Haha
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A bit hyperbolic but pretty good.

I may be a Polyanna but two things I believe to be true are that Trump is inherently too lazy and selfish to be an effective dictator and that Americans are too enamored of personal liberty to make a full turn toward fascism.

That's why I call what Trump/MAGA are trying to do FascismLite(tm). They like the parts about punishing your political enemies and foregoing norms of politics and common decency, but aren't smart or organized enough to actually bend an entire country's political apparatus to their nefarious ends.
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A bit hyperbolic but pretty good.

I may be a Polyanna but two things I believe to be true are that Trump is inherently too lazy and selfish to be an effective dictator and that Americans are too enamored of personal liberty to make a full turn toward fascism.

That's why I call what Trump/MAGA are trying to do FascismLite(tm). They like the parts about punishing your political enemies and foregoing norms of politics and common decency, but aren't smart or organized enough to actually bend an entire country's politica apparatus to their nefarious ends.
Except roe v wade?