Bevin already backpedaling on Obamacare

"Tonight was another key test for Dems, Clinton, and their party's field [organization] and once again they failed to deliver," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus tweeted shortly before midnight.

This beautifully illustrates what's wrong with the GOP. Instead of taking a bow or handing out credit for a good campaign, he childishly turns it into a nyah-nyah-nyah against the opponent.
Those people will move to the federal exchange.

He's already stated that he will work to keep as many of the new people on Medicaid as he can, by using the 1115 waiver approach, similar to what was done in Indiana.

The interesting thing is, he had excellent turnout in the part of the state that has relatively more new ObamaCare participants. Perhaps they weren't happy getting pushed into something they didn't want or need.
"Tonight was another key test for Dems, Clinton, and their party's field [organization] and once again they failed to deliver," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus tweeted shortly before midnight.

This beautifully illustrates what's wrong with the GOP. Instead of taking a bow or handing out credit for a good campaign, he childishly turns it into a nyah-nyah-nyah against the opponent.

"Tonight was another key test for Dems, Clinton, and their party's field [organization] and once again they failed to deliver," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus tweeted shortly before midnight.

This beautifully illustrates what's wrong with the GOP. Instead of taking a bow or handing out credit for a good campaign, he childishly turns it into a nyah-nyah-nyah against the opponent.

Oh, gawd... the democrats NEVER do that!