Biden’s approval rating matches record-low: Poll

The populace is struggling and they're tired of the Biden Administration. And they're equally tired of people like you and your gaslighting.

Good thing there is zero gaslighting from the other side, then.

The way I hear it, 2020 was a banner year for the economy, employment, the stock market, personal mental health, race relations, and a government dedicated to personal health and safety.

It was a giant MFing kum-ba-yah.
Good thing there is zero gaslighting from the other side, then.

The way I hear it, 2020 was a banner year for the economy, employment, the stock market, personal mental health, race relations, and a government dedicated to personal health and safety.

It was a giant MFing kum-ba-yah.
3 words: China Virus
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With all the ignorance in this country, it is probably good. If anyone ever polls well, I would wonder what is wrong with him/her.
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Are you willing to die for Joe Biden and his admin…because our country is less safe with his no border policy. Be a democrat all you want, but our country is much worse off under Biden.
You are a prisoner to your own hyperbolic fears. You might want to poke your head out of your basement every once in a while and smell the fresh air. It would clearly do you some good.

Now as it happens I do think we need to do much more at the border, it’s a shame the Republicans won’t do more this year because Trump doesn’t want to give the Dems a victory on this front. As an independent I see this for what it is - politically motivated intransigence
You are a prisoner to your own hyperbolic fears. You might want to poke your head out of your basement every once in a while and smell the fresh air. It would clearly do you some good.

Now as it happens I do think we need to do much more at the border, it’s a shame the Republicans won’t do more this year because Trump doesn’t want to give the Dems a victory on this front. As an independent I see this for what it is - politically motivated intransigence
The Dems border bill was about as effective as throwing deck chairs off the Titanic in order to keep her upright.
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I'd much rather have Biden at a disaster area than Trump. The best thing Trump is capable of in those situations is to toss paper towels at people.

Biden is able to show empathy on a 10x scale better than Trump, because Trump has none. You are deluded.
Just what would expect Biden to actually do at a disaster area? You told us what Trump would do.

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