Alex Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute offers nonpartisan facts in response to common myths about immigration
Just leaving this here since so many right wingers are terrified of immigrants.
With the exception of a couple (7 and 8 namely) I’ve never heard anyone espousing these fantasy myths this guy is arguing against. 13 strawmen in one article is tough to beat.
And even the ones you do hear people saying he’s using a dumb approach to arguing. Who gives a shit about the odds of a terrorist being illegal or not. The simple fact you have 14 million extra unvettted people here increases the odds. Period. It only takes ONE major attack to have a 20 year negative affect.
And his #12 FACT is completely idiotic.
MYTH #1: “Immigrants will take American jobs, lower wages, and especially hurt the poor.”
MYTH #2: “It is easy to immigrate here legally. Why don’t illegal immigrants just get in line?”
MYTH #3: “Immigrants abuse the welfare state.”
MYTH #4: “Immigrants increase the budget deficit and government debt.”
MYTH #5: “Immigrants increase economic inequality.”
MYTH #6: “Today’s immigrants don’t assimilate as immigrants from previous eras did.”
MYTH #9: “The United States has the most open immigration policy in the world.”
MYTH #10: “Amnesty or a failure to enforce our immigration laws will destroy the Rule of Law in the United States.”
MYTH #11: “Illegal immigration or expanding legal immigration will destroy American national sovereignty.”
MYTH #12: “Immigrants won’t vote for the Republican Party — look at what happened to California.”
FACT: Republican immigration policies pushed immigrants away, not the other way around.
THIS IS WRONG AND STUPID. Take a look at how the Hispanic numbers are trending BECAUSE of how Dems handle immigration.
MYTH #13: “Immigrants bring with them bad cultures, ideas, or other factors that will undermine and destroy our economic and political institutions. The resultant weakening in economic growth means that immigrants will destroy more wealth than they will create over the long run.”
MYTH #14: “The brain drain of smart immigrants to the United States impoverishes other countries.”
MYTH #15: “Immigrants will increase crowding, harm the environment, and [insert misanthropic statement here].”