Biden campaign to hold press conference outside Trump hush money trial

In this case, it's not clear if he broke the law. Paying hush money isn't illegal. We don't even know what the other crime is, though it's been coyly inferred that Trump should have used campaign money to pay Stormy, which would have broken federal law.

Why are you so bitter all the time? Why have you become so hateful and lost your objectivity?

Trump is guilty of a lot of things, but not everything. The strategy of piling on in the hopes of getting something to stick doesn't seem to be working. The federal cases are better, and the Georgia case was pretty good too until the prosecutor's corrupt personal life was exposed.

I'm bitter because I'm sick of you MAGA constantly defending this piece of shit a better human and you'll never hear from me again. I hadn't voted since 2000, till MAGA came along, you people are a cancer on this society.

Be a better human
"Biden trials".

Make no mistake, we are watching a sitting president use the justice system to attack his opponent. If this was happening in "russia" we would all be losing our shit.

It is what it is.
Makes no mistake about it, we are witnessing an ex-President complaining about a justice system that is doing what it is Constitutionally required to do. You would never see this happening in Russia.
Makes no mistake about it, we are witnessing an ex-President complaining about a justice system that is doing what it is Constitutionally required to do. You would never see this happening in Russia.
Complaining.... damn those complainers.....

Bury your head all you want, November is a long way away and the dems are getting more and more desperate/bold.

Fwiw, I don't think this is a "Joe Biden" thing. I think Joe was the perfect useful idiot for the moment. The dems in charge know he doesn't have the ability to tell them no anymore. He will go down as the fall guy but the real ugly we are looking at are a uniparty behind the scenes.

"We are all gonna hang".
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If Trump weren’t running for president, these trials would be nonexistent.
There’s some truth to this statement but not for the reason you’re insinuating.

If, after January 2021, Trump had simply gone back to his private life of grifting off the masses through his various commercial ventures, I doubt much of any of this would have been pursued. The documents case being the one exception, assuming the classified documents in question were truly sensitive matters of national security.

It is precisely because Trump remains deeply immersed in our national politics and remains a threat to our democracy, that you’re seeing every opportunity to derail him being used to prevent his return to the Oval Office. Almost no one wants him there but the cucks in the Republican Party don’t have the balls to stand up to him.
Lol biden trying to clout chase off the trump trial is a pretty pathetic move and will lead many more people to believe that he's directly involved/encouraging all of this nonsense. It will backfire spectacularly if they actually do it.
Read somewhere JB recently visited Hallie Biden, Hunter's ex, before she testifies in his trial.
I would just ignore it personally. Stay above it.

Maybe you can use it against him if he's found guilty. Just remind everyone your opponent is a convicted felon.

But if the jury is hung it does you no good. An acquittal seems unlikely but on the off chance that did happen it would be a terrible look if you are out there ahead of time taking some victory lap.

It's a horrible look regardless. The left claims this isn't political and then they announce this event.
Truth. The feds didn’t do it because there was no case. And Bragg ran a campaign on doing it so he would get elected and it simply forced his hand.
the FEC didn't pursue campaign finance violations because 2 guys (appointed to the FEC by trump) decided it wasn't worth pursuing anymore

this wasn't something decided by a federal prosecutor or grand jury - it was a decision made by a group of political appointees
I'm bitter because I'm sick of you MAGA constantly defending this piece of shit a better human and you'll never hear from me again. I hadn't voted since 2000, till MAGA came along, you people are a cancer on this society.

Be a better human
You are a simple minded twit who can understand 1 idea at a time instead of the bigger picture. It's not your fault, GOD bless you.
It's a horrible look regardless. The left claims this isn't political and then they announce this event.

The prosecution isn't political. Trump committed a crime . . . if he was really not guilty of it he would be found not guilty or the judge would have thrown it out.

Now of course the Dems are going to use him being on trial against him. It's not like that's abnormal.
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Complaining.... damn those complainers.....

Bury your head all you want, November is a long way away and the dems are getting more and more desperate/bold.

Fwiw, I don't think this is a "Joe Biden" thing. I think Joe was the perfect useful idiot for the moment. The dems in charge know he doesn't have the ability to tell them no anymore. He will go down as the fall guy but the real ugly we are looking at are a uniparty behind the scenes.

"We are all gonna hang".
Whiskey….Oh, the irony….You, a MAGAt Republican and Trump supporter speaking negatively about “useful idiots”…..
Might Trump win……perhaps…..Think of his legacy though…accused rapist…..admitted adulterer….accused felon in multiple states…and perhaps even a conviction or two….. Only fools and cowards can look at what trump is and support him. Trump is a disgusting human being.
The prosecution isn't political. Trump committed a crime . . . if he was really not guilty of it he would be found not guilty or the judge would have thrown it out.

Now of course the Dems are going to use him being on trial against him. It's not like that's abnormal.
It is abnormal when the Democrats are coordinating the prosecution and timing of the predetermined trials.
Like allegedly committing a misdemeanor but being charged for multiple felonies based on another weak misdemeanor.

The whole case is trash and clearly political in nature.
By most accounts, this is the weakest of his trials. Still, if he's guilty here that makes 3 for 3 for the prosecution so far, with more to come.

How anyone can for vote for him is beyond me.
It is abnormal when the Democrats are coordinating the prosecution and timing of the predetermined trials.

Biden isn't coordinating the timing of the trials or the prosecution. They are being prosecuted and he's showing up. Much like all of Trump's sycophants who have all shown up to support their cult leader.

But Biden is the bad guy if he shows up too?
I'm bitter because I'm sick of you MAGA constantly defending this piece of shit a better human and you'll never hear from me again. I hadn't voted since 2000, till MAGA came along, you people are a cancer on this society.

Be a better human
I'm getting kind of sick of you calling everyone you disagree with a MAGA, and any other vile name you can think of. How about just blocking me.
I'm getting kind of sick of you calling everyone you disagree with a MAGA, and any other vile name you can think of. How about just blocking me.
He can't quit you. Has no clue the machine is going after the Republican candidate for fear of winning.
I disagree, but if one believes this to be the case, having the Biden campaign outside the courthouse certainly reinforces the view.


There is no hiding from it at this point, you know what you are watching whether you want to admit it or not.

"Biden campaign tries new tactic: Deploying Robert De Niro outside courthouse"​

You are watching a presidentdeploy the justice system against a rival, and the media isn't even gonna hide it.
Biden isn't coordinating the timing of the trials or the prosecution. They are being prosecuted and he's showing up. Much like all of Trump's sycophants who have all shown up to support their cult leader.

But Biden is the bad guy if he shows up too?
Biden wasn't anywhere near the court house today.
There's presidential elections every 4 years. I can't recall any other nominee being on trial during his/her campaign. Maybe the guy is just a crook.
Kinda weird that they are happening right now amirite? It's almost like the dems wanted maximum effect ans pissed themselves when 2 got pushed.
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There's presidential elections every 4 years. I can't recall any other nominee being on trial during his/her campaign. Maybe the guy is just a crook.
Playboy millionaire who cups puss isn't a good look.....or you can try to see the machine is after him for any and all reasons.

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