Biden in Italy!

Neither of them are an "actual" felon...
Donald John Trump is literally a convicted felon.

He's a criminal. Convicted by a jury and everything.

Multiple upcoming trials (if they're allowed to take place) where there's a very good change he'll be convicted of more felonies.

He has history of committing fraud (see the family charity, Trump University, Income Taxes, etc etc etc),

He's a crook.
NY Times ran 30 items about Biden's mental capacity and nothing about Trump's. The mainstream media is an accomplice to this MAGA Fascist movement.
Propaganda and lies work.

A month or 2 before we invaded Iraq without just cause, somebody did a study of the messaging in the MSM. The numbers still stick in my mind.

Over a 2-week interval, the score was 396 to 4.

We're talking 396 pro-war cable news "experts" and pro-war newspaper op-eds vs 4 antiwar guests or op-eds.

By the time Bush launched that criminal war, roughly 70% of Americans supported it. WMDs, mushroom clouds over US cities, we must fight them there or else we'll have to fight them here, they were complicit in Al Qaeda's 9/11 attack, and so on.

The rest of the world was around 70% opposed to the war. Which was also about the same sentiment in the US the previous fall.

Again, propaganda and lies work.