Biden in Italy!

Biden is the same age as my father. He can hardly order food at a restaurant so there is no way I'd want him running the most powerful country in the world
You're safe,.. Joe Biden is not calling the shots on running this country.
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That’s the point Tom. Trump being whatever he is has nothing to do with Joe being a vegetable. I know this is hard for people with TDS but Joe's cognitive ability has nothing to do with Trump.
Joe isn’t a vegetable. He’s old. He’s more intelligent than you and me. That has been a lazy narrative from the start of his presidency. Republicans can’t decide if he’s demented or a criminal mastermind. He’s neither, by the way.
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MAGAs suck.
The standard leftist line of thought:

MAGAs are the worst people on earth for supporting Trump.

Also, let’s cheer for and defend all of those poor innocent people who elected Hamas to be their leaders, while praying for the genocide an entire race of people.
so...the old guy or the guy who thinks presidents should be able to commit crimes with impunity?

easy choice

How about “The old guy who urges terrorists to surge our open border while thinking its perfectly fine down there or the guy who thinks presidents should be able to commit crimes with impunity? That’s way more realistic.
Sure, what funny shit did Biden do?
He made all these executive orders to allow our border to be overrun by illegals. Then he said “I can’t make executive orders to help the border”. Then all these terrorists got in. Haha. Classic Biden.
Address what he said instead of using the “Biden’s old.”, low hanging fruit. Trump’s old too. Rambles on about boat batteries vs. sharks. He’s also a felon. There’s not an equivalency between the 2.

It's also true that a 82 yr old well past his prime has no business running for another term as president.

We really need age limits.
What do you see? I see Biden talking to one parachutist and then gets turned around by a woman for a photo op. That's comedy?
I'm sure Joe was thinking that his uncle Bosie should have used a parachute.
That’s the point Tom. Trump being whatever he is has nothing to do with Joe being a vegetable. I know this is hard for people with TDS but Joe's cognitive ability has nothing to do with Trump.

There is a 2 horse race between them in 5 months. They are inexorably tied together.
It really, really does, though. I'd rather have a vegetable than a fascist running the country.
What fascism do you think we experienced from 2017-2020?

Trump is a lot of things but I laugh when people start talking about fascism. Even Trump said a couple of weeks ago that we are living in a fascist state under Biden.

People need to cut out the buzz words and open up a history book lol.
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What fascism do you think we experienced from 2017-2020?

Trump is a lot of things but I laugh when people start talking about fascism. Even Trump said a couple of weeks ago that we are living in a fascist state under Biden.

People need to cut out the buzz words and open up a history book lol.
I agree that Trump is not a fascist leader. I think he would personally love to be one, but it can't happen in America.
Joe isn’t a vegetable. He’s old. He’s more intelligent than you and me. That has been a lazy narrative from the start of his presidency. Republicans can’t decide if he’s demented or a criminal mastermind. He’s neither, by the way.
Tom stop. I agree Biden is old but I wouldn't trust him to watch my kids, balance a checkbook or trust him to get my family home safe.
I probably have more daily intelligent conversations with my 8 and 6 year old than Biden has with anyone. Like literally anyone.
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I agree that Trump is not a fascist leader. I think he would personally love to be one, but it can't happen in America.
Sure it can, and regulatory control can happen under any POTUS. The only difference is the targets and extent.

That's 💵
What fascism do you think we experienced from 2017-2020?

Trump is a lot of things but I laugh when people start talking about fascism. Even Trump said a couple of weeks ago that we are living in a fascist state under Biden.

People need to cut out the buzz words and open up a history book lol.
It's mostly hyperbole from me, but Trump's certainly the closest thing I hope to see to Mussolini in my lifetime. And Trump calling Biden a fascist it laughable and shows that he and his idiot hordes don't even understand what the word means.
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LOL, the OP either got suckered and can’t admit it, or he’s MAGA to the core.