Biden on CNN

There's no policy agenda that will crush inflation other than drastically cutting deficit federal spending until real GDP can catch up with the money supply. That would be in concert with ceasing excessive regulation meant to drive social changes. That would be any POTUS.

For that to be Biden, he'll need to withdraw his 2025 budget, slash proposed spending by $2T, and eliminate all the proposed new taxes. especially realized and unrealized capital gains taxes.

The best possible scenario right now is to not make inflation drivers worse.

  • Trump left the White House with the largest peacetime budget deficit in American history and a national debt exceeding 100% of the economy for the first time since World War II. The failure to address unsustainable Social Security and Medicare costs leaves a projected 30-year baseline deficit of $112 trillion.

I'll just leave this here for you to ponder. Everyone seems to forget that Trump's budgets & policies resulted in record spending and added more to the US debt than ever before. Funny how forgetful people are of how bad he truly was as a leader especially in handling the domestic economy. The idea that he was an effective leader is just an often repeated piece of fiction for low information people to believe and store in their lizard brains.
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  • Trump left the White House with the largest peacetime budget deficit in American history and a national debt exceeding 100% of the economy for the first time since World War II. The failure to address unsustainable Social Security and Medicare costs leaves a projected 30-year baseline deficit of $112 trillion.

I'll just leave this here for you to ponder. Everyone seems to forget that Trump's budgets & policies resulted in record spending and added more to the US debt than ever before. Funny how forgetful people are of how bad he truly was as a leader especially in handling the domestic economy. The idea that he was an effective leader is just an often repeated piece of fiction for low information people to believe and store in their lizard brains.
Agreed on Trump. Biden will break those records.

Need to truly hit the rich and have real spending cuts (not the bullshit where they decrease the amount of the increase)
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  • Trump left the White House with the largest peacetime budget deficit in American history and a national debt exceeding 100% of the economy for the first time since World War II. The failure to address unsustainable Social Security and Medicare costs leaves a projected 30-year baseline deficit of $112 trillion.

I'll just leave this here for you to ponder. Everyone seems to forget that Trump's budgets & policies resulted in record spending and added more to the US debt than ever before. Funny how forgetful people are of how bad he truly was as a leader especially in handling the domestic economy. The idea that he was an effective leader is just an often repeated piece of fiction for low information people to believe and store in their lizard brains.
You responded to my post as if I supported Trump. I never have. The tax cut and deficits under Trump were / are unacceptable.

What Biden is proposing for 2025 is far, far worse than the last 3+ years. The status quo is bad enough, but adding $2T in spending, along with seriously bad tax increases, will kill the economy if they happen.
i don't know why people think any further increases in domestic production will provide american consumers with any real price relief

we are already producing/extracting more domestic oil than we ever have...problem is we're also exporting more oil than we ever have (it's about 35% of domestic production). in fact, the % we export has risen since 2021

if reducing costs for american consumers is the top priority for our domestic oil production...why are we sending so much of it to other countries? and why have we started sending even more overseas with our prices higher than ever?
I think he is advocating for nationalizing oil and gas production, that's the only real way that domestic production would have any significant impact on gas prices in the US. Of course it could also be that he simply doesnt understand what impacts global oil prices, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt ;)
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Didn’t Biden dip into our oil reserves at least twice to artificially keep the price of gas lower? How does that reconcile with your claims of all this exporting of our oil?
sorry...i'm just seeing this this a serious question?

you're asking if there's a difference between our strategic oil reserves and domestic oil production?
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sorry...i'm just seeing this this a serious question?

you're asking if there's a difference between our strategic oil reserves and domestic oil production?
The issue I see with tapping the SPR is that it was filled in the past with lower priced oil and now the taxpayers are stuck again with a lowered SPR that would be filled with oil that is much more expensive.
The issue I see with tapping the SPR is that it was filled in the past with lower priced oil and now the taxpayers are stuck again with a lowered SPR that would be filled with oil that is much more expensive.
and this is the first time in history that people are (pretending to be) concerned about how much oil is in the SPR

a very important issue now...

what exactly is your fear? that we have 18 days of us oil consumption in the reserves rather than 36 days? do we think that's going to make a difference anytime soon?
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and this is the first time in history that people are (pretending to be) concerned about how much oil is in the SPR

a very important issue now...

what exactly is your fear? that we have 18 days of us oil consumption in the reserves rather than 36 days? do we think that's going to make a difference anytime soon?
Do you want to find out? I don’t,
so its a hypothetical concern of the unknown

of course...
All peacetime preparations are based on hypotheticals are they not?
I live under the flight path of reserve Naval pilots who come in monthly and take their little jets on practice runs…hypothetical of course.
All peacetime preparations are based on hypotheticals are they not?
I live under the flight path of reserve Naval pilots who come in monthly and take their little jets on practice runs…hypothetical of course.
because you have weigh it (the hypothetical concern) against the benefit of selling that amount of oil and increasing the supply in face of the Russian invasion and the opec production cut, both of which squeezed the global supply of oil and increased price

I get it ... It's modern politics. the guy you don't like did something, so it must be bad and important and criticized. but increasing the supply of oil in a time of shortage to provide a price break to consumers seems like something that wouldn't be an issue at all if the president that did it had a different letter behind their name
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Pray tell then, why is US domestic oil production during Biden's term 12,079,000 barrels/day on average vs. 10,990,000 barrels/day during Trump's term, a 10% increase on any given production day under Joe's term? That certainly doesn't support your overly simplistic and uninformed view on the market influences on gasoline prices.

Now go write an essay on how the Keystone XL pipeline intended to transport Canadian owned tar sands oil destined for shipment to other foreign countries would have benefitted US gasoline consumers. Good luck with that.

If you want to bitch about current gas prices, then you should take your grievances to OPEC+.
The increased #’s you referenced were in spite of Biden, not because of Biden. Biden certainly doesn’t want to tout any increased U.S. oil production as he wouldn’t want to upset the Green New Deal faction of his party. Going forward, if Biden’s ambitious climate agenda to lower fossil fuels is implemented, future U.S. oil production will suffer.

Fracking, under Trump, led to a boom in oil production, which would have led to even higher oil production #’s than you cited, as Trump would have also eased permitting and other regulations. Additionally, a Trump presidency would provide a more friendly business environment, allowing more capital re-investment to improve aging infrastructure of U.S. oil companies.
So you like inflation, open border, war everywhere, high crime rate?
Again, what is Donald Trump going to do about inflation?

As for the rest, complete nonsense. There is no open border, unlike during the Trump years, we are not at war anywhere. Crime rate is back down to where it was prior to the huge spike during the Trump administration.
As long as it’s Biden they’re totally fine with it. In fact many of them will just say “That’s not really happening!” Poof! All better.
Repeating myself:

There is no open border, the United States is not currently at war anywhere. Crime rate is back to where it was before the huge spike during the Trump administration.
What policy agenda has Biden enacted to make us the "envy of the rest of the world"? They're attempt to stop inflation was to raise the rates. All that did was give us high rates AND inflation.
Here's the link to the Biden/Harris administration response to this question:

Biden thankfully learned from the mistakes of the Obama administration coming out of the 08 economic collapse and rejected coming out of the pandemic an austerity economic program that almost certainly would have brought stagflation and recession. Instead we have a booming full employment economy. Sure things aren't perfect, but they never are.

Democrats have a major problem now when it comes to perceptions of the economy because Republicans have such stranglehold on media focus. The 2015 economy and the 2019 economy were essentially the same and job growth was better the last 3 years of the Obama administration than the first 3 years of the Trump administration. But Republicans successfully created at the least with their base the perception that the Obama economy of 2015-16 was bad while the Trump economy of 2019 was perfection. Just so much bullshit.

And we do currently have an economy that is the envy of the rest of the world.
Here's the link to the Biden/Harris administration response to this question:

Biden thankfully learned from the mistakes of the Obama administration coming out of the 08 economic collapse and rejected coming out of the pandemic an austerity economic program that almost certainly would have brought stagflation and recession. Instead we have a booming full employment economy. Sure things aren't perfect, but they never are.

Democrats have a major problem now when it comes to perceptions of the economy because Republicans have such stranglehold on media focus. The 2015 economy and the 2019 economy were essentially the same and job growth was better the last 3 years of the Obama administration than the first 3 years of the Trump administration. But Republicans successfully created at the least with their base the perception that the Obama economy of 2015-16 was bad while the Trump economy of 2019 was perfection. Just so much bullshit.

And we do currently have an economy that is the envy of the rest of the world.
You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round
Again, what is Donald Trump going to do about inflation?

As for the rest, complete nonsense. There is no open border, unlike during the Trump years, we are not at war anywhere. Crime rate is back down to where it was prior to the huge spike during the Trump administration.
You lost me at “there is no open border”. What color is the sky in your world? Also, what war(s) were we involved with during the Trump presidency? Lastly, crime statistics don’t mean much if all crimes aren’t being reported anymore.
Now how does this comment haunt him……except with those who didn’t listen to what was said? But then you are dealing with the American public…..who dont listen to what is said…but prefer to hear what they want to hear. Biden’s comment of the frustration for spending more (for less) when they have more $$ in their pockets to spend, probably is a source of a lot of frustration. For sure there is a goodly percentage of “greed” in the prices of goods since the Covid pandemic (2019)…..Corporate profits are at record highs……Main Street businesses are struggling by comparison……Livestock Farmers are struggling making ends meet…..their prices are marginal…..prices at the store are HIGH…why is that? Lots of “middle men” are making a lot of the money……Is that “the government’s fault”?
Inflation is a bitch… quick fixed….raising interest rates to slow down purchasing and resulting in more unemployment is usually the answer…..Government $$ give-always and tax cuts really just add to the problem…..Higher interest rates, higher unemployment and higher taxes are proven methods of “slowing down” inflation rates….TGHis day has been coming at us Americans ever since the Bush tax cuts/Iraq War/Mortgage industry, Insurance collapse of ‘08, the Trump tax cuts and Covid did us in…….lots of folks responsible……except of course, the bankers…….
The American public is tired and finished with Biden.

Joe Biden is basically kaput.
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You lost me at “there is no open border”. What color is the sky in your world? Also, what war(s) were we involved with during the Trump presidency? Lastly, crime statistics don’t mean much if all crimes aren’t being reported anymore.
Again, what is Donald Trump going to do about inflation?
Yes,.. 18 days sooner to be exact.
this is the like being concerned about our nuclear arsenal because we only have 3,500+ warheads instead of the 30,000+ we had 50 years ago

the truth is that joe biden is more or less status quo when it comes to energy policy...especially when you consider how he compares to past presidents.

more oil production in peak, average and growth during his term than george w bush and ronald reagan
lower peak gas prices (in current dollars) than george w bush
exports of crude oil have absolutely exploded (started under trump, continued under biden)

our definition of "energy-industry friendly president" has clearly ANY restriction or regulation on them is forbidden..."let them do what ever they want" is the only policy some people seem to be willing to accept now
and this is the first time in history that people are (pretending to be) concerned about how much oil is in the SPR

a very important issue now...

what exactly is your fear? that we have 18 days of us oil consumption in the reserves rather than 36 days? do we think that's going to make a difference anytime soon?
Have you checked the news for what's happening in the Middle East lately? What is the purpose of the SPR?
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Have you checked the news for what's happening in the Middle East lately? What is the purpose of the SPR?
don't get me wrong...i realize that the criticism is going to occur no matter what happens

i'm just pointing out how far down the barrel we have to go...and we're down to the SPR levels and "he doesn't do oil industry do literally whatever they want" as the criticism

if it's direly important to have the SPR filled to the tippy top at all times, we aren't people complaining more than a third of our domestic oil production gets shipped over seas? it's because no one really cares about anything other than the price at the pump. and biden reduced the SPR as way to reduce that price, which is what people were demanding. only now, some people turn around and say "BUT NOT LIKE THAT!!!"

i find it a little hard to take seriously
this is the like being concerned about our nuclear arsenal because we only have 3,500+ warheads instead of the 30,000+ we had 50 years ago the truth is that joe biden is more or less status quo when it comes to energy policy...especially when you consider how he compares to past presidents.

I'm not concerned with the 18 days of crude or 26,500 missing nuclear warheads,.. What concerns me about Joe Biden is that he has no real policies,.. When it comes to him maintaining the status quo, that primarily involves him putting a finger into the air to see which way the political winds are blowing and then choosing how best to spend more American taxpayer dollars to purchase votes to further his political power,.. Absolutely everything he does is for personal gain, but I shouldn't be surprised because that has always been his history...
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I'm not concerned with the 18 days of crude or 26,500 missing nuclear warheads,.. What concerns me about Joe Biden is that he has no real policies,.. When it comes to him maintaining the status quo, that primarily involves him putting a finger into the air to see which way the political winds are blowing and then choosing how best to spend more American taxpayer dollars to purchase votes to further his political power,.. Absolutely everything he does is for personal gain, but I shouldn't be surprised because that has always been his history...
ok...biden is bad because he isn't ideological enough. he's too focused on doing what the majority of americans want him to do when it comes to energy and not just what he thinks is right

sure...we'll go with that today
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don't get me wrong...i realize that the criticism is going to occur no matter what happens

i'm just pointing out how far down the barrel we have to go...and we're down to the SPR levels and "he doesn't do oil industry do literally whatever they want" as the criticism

if it's direly important to have the SPR filled to the tippy top at all times, we aren't people complaining more than a third of our domestic oil production gets shipped over seas? it's because no one really cares about anything other than the price at the pump. and biden reduced the SPR as way to reduce that price, which is what people were demanding. only now, some people turn around and say "BUT NOT LIKE THAT!!!"

i find it a little hard to take seriously
People complain because they can…about anything.