Biden on Israel and Hamas

Biden says US won’t supply weapons for Israel to attack Rafah, in warning to ally​

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden said that he would not supply offensive weapons that Israel could use to launch an all-out assault on Rafah — the last major Hamas stronghold in Gaza — over concern for the well-being of the more than 1 million civilians sheltering there.

Biden, in an interview with CNN on Wednesday, said that the U.S. was still committed to Israel’s defense and would supply Iron Dome rocket interceptors and other defensive arms but that if Israel goes into Rafah, “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used.”

Biden acknowledged that “civilians have been killed in Gaza” by the type of heavy bombs that the U.S. has been supplying -- his first validation of what administration critics have been loudly protesting, even if he still stopped short of taking responsibility. His threat to hold up artillery shells expanded on earlier revelations that the U.S. was going to pause a shipment of heavy bombs.

I support it. Israel has killed more than 30,000 civilians, targeting schools, hospitals, clean water sources, etc.

Both Reagan and Bush did the same thing in terms of pulling back on weapons support.

Israel is a great mideast ally. And we've always supported them when no one else has. And I'm fine with that. But this move will likely keep Iran and others out of the conflict, and serve to deescalate the potential for a greater war.
I support it. Israel has killed more than 30,000 civilians, targeting schools, hospitals, clean water sources, etc.

Both Reagan and Bush did the same thing in terms of pulling back on weapons support.

Israel is a great mideast ally. And we've always supported them when no one else has. And I'm fine with that. But this move will likely keep Iran and others out of the conflict, and serve to deescalate the potential for a greater war.
Your read is that leaving Hamas in power will keep Iran out of the conflict?

Where do you think Hamas gets their weapons?
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I'm indifferent. On one hand, why not try to make every last sale for the MIC? On the other hand, we could do fairly meaningless virtue signaling?

I know where OP stands on the MIC:

A compromise between warhawks that care more about the MIC and Israel than their own country.

With some of these guys this bill has more to do with the MIC and Israel.

Because they're too beholden to the MIC, engaged in grudge matches and/or trying to pick up political wins at the expense of anyone but themselves.

We shouldn't be beholden to politicians who serve to enrich the MIC and themselves.

Remember what happened during the Cuban missile crisis? We got pissed, and rightfully so, when our adversary tried setting up shop on our doorstep.

NATO expansion has reached the level of absurdity. It's antagonistic. The U.S. has no intentions to fight and die for the likes of Lithuania. And we as Americans need to vote out any politician who is intent on sending Americans to die for it.
Where do you think Hamas gets their weapons?
Is it possible Biden doesn't want to see Kamala as president and is doing this stuff to lose on purpose?
The IDF needs smart weapons to defeat Hamas? Haha, really?
No, they can flatten them without smart bombs, it’s just that more accurate weapons reduce collateral damage.
Ironically, the WH decision thereby will increase civilian deaths.
But this is about electoral optics, not dead civilians.
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You read is that leaving Hamas in power will keep Iran out of the conflict?

Where do you think Hamas gets their weapons?
No, my read is that when a country attacks tens of thousands of civilians, including, hospitals, clean water, colleges, etc., it leaves little options for allies of that country, but to step in and help.

Do you disagree?

Trump administration violated the law by withholding Ukraine aid, Government Accountability Office says​

The government watchdog found that the money was withheld "for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act."

Yes, I swapped Ukraine for Israel, for comedic effect, at your expense. Since I continue to answer your questions, maybe you'll answer one of mine, doubtful of course:

You're against feeding the MIC on behalf of Israel just like Ukraine right?

You falsify my quotes and then expect me to engage in dialogue?
You falsify my quotes and then expect me to engage in dialogue?

No I did not expect you to answer, which is why I said it was doubtful. No need to answer. You already stated that I know exactly where you stand on the MIC. You're against fluffing the MIC on Israel's behalf.
Your read is that leaving Hamas in power will keep Iran out of the conflict?
Do you think Israel will exterminate Hamas?

My guess is that Israel has created tens if not hundreds of thousands more militant foes who will coalesce around whatever remains of Hamas - or maybe some worse leadership structure - when this is over.

The problem is, Israel and the US are so deep into this that stopping now won't reverse that outcome; and not stopping now probably won't worsen it. Which from Netanyahu's perspective is license to complete the operation.

If Biden wanted less destruction - or to save his reelection, as some suggest - he should have laid down the law with Netanyahu months ago, instead of echoing every Israeli talking point.

Trump administration violated the law by withholding Ukraine aid, Government Accountability Office says​

The government watchdog found that the money was withheld "for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act."

Do you think the Biden administration will do the same thing or why are you posting it in this thread?