Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changes

Perfectly fair to make these proposals. Good luck getting them adopted via legislation or constitutional amendment.

In other words, garden variety electioneering. I assume the campaign staff are having a harder time figuring out how to run against trumps negatives in an impactful way, so they figured they’d try something new.
Should be selected bipartisan. These fools are anything but. Supreme Court is a joke and it undermines the judicial system. Lying under oath come on it’s lost its way.
Maybe they shouldn't be appointed but there should be some kind of grading system for judges and when a spot opens up on the SC the highest graded judge based on bi-partisan criteria gets inserted.

I'm not a legal expert, but I would think they could be graded on % of appealed rulings upheld, % of cases appealed, etc. Every judge should have a QA score.
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Maybe they shouldn't be appointed but there should be some kind of grading system for judges and when a spot opens up on the SC the highest graded judge based on bi-partisan criteria gets inserted.

I'm not a legal expert, but I would think they could be graded on % of appealed rulings upheld, % of cases appealed, etc. Every judge should have a QA score.
At the end of the day, somebody's going to have to do the grading, and judges disagree and have personal rivalries and egos which don't really allow for that sort of objective metric. It's like the old story about the US district judge in Philly who got elevated to the Third Circuit. One of his colleagues on the ED Pa district court quipped "Simultaneously raised the quality of both benches."
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Well, it occasionally was, but pre MAGA judges there was still a sense of shame about being caught taking bribes. Now they roll around in their corruption like pigs in mud.
Its about time big changes are made, go for it.
At the end of the day, somebody's going to have to do the grading, and judges disagree and have personal rivalries and egos which don't really allow for that sort of objective metric. It's like the old story about the US district judge in Philly who got elevated to the Third Circuit. One of his colleagues on the ED Pa district court quipped "Simultaneously raised the quality of both benches."
That's why I was trying to come up with statistical data that can't be influenced by politics. If a judge's rulings are upheld on appeal xx% of the time, that would lead one to believe they're doing a good job. I'm sure there's other things that could be measured.
You asked for a link.

So...from the link.

Two Supreme Court justices did not recuse themselves from cases that came before the court over the past decade involving a publishing company that’s paid them in lucrative book deals.

In two separate copyright infringement cases concerning the publishing conglomerate Penguin Random House, the high court declined to take up the appeals, with the court saying in 2013 that it wouldn’t hear the first case, and the second case being turned away from the court in 2019 and again in 2020. In both cases, the publisher won at the lower court level, and those decisions stood.

Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who joined the court in 2009 and has been paid millions of dollars from the publisher over the years, declined to recuse herself in all three instances.

You ok with that?
It’s another exhibition of a giant temper tantrum by the left, and a ploy by the proggies controlling our current POTUS to please the base.
I’m not opposed to the “Management “ giving themselves a retirement age when they need to make a graceful exit and that applies for all three branches. But changing the core makeup of one of our branches of government is fraught with danger.
And it should be an enormous hill to climb.
Wouldn't term limits require a change to the constitution which we all know is not happening?

I would love to see it but it's not going to happen.

Quite frankly we're screwed as a country. Because the changes we need to see made in this country, and they are legion are politically impossible. The framers made the constitution nearly impossible to amend unless there is almost universal support for the change. And when the constitution benefits a group, even a relatively small group over the rest of the people it is impossible to change.
Neither should 100 Senators. Ready to address that?
Well, at least they are elected by the people to represent them unlike the justices, and they have checks and balances including the hundreds of elected representatives, the executive branch and the judicial branch.
Well, at least they are elected by the people to represent them unlike the justices, and they have checks and balances including the hundreds of elected representatives, the executive branch and the judicial branch.
And they still have managed to screw things up.
Restoring faith in the Supreme Court through sensible changes should be a primary goal of all those who support the USA. What's transpired of late is simply not good enough for our country.
It's weird that this issue was never brought up in the 50 years prior when there was a left leaning court. It is almost as if the left is fine with anything a justice might do as long as he/she votes like a leftist. If the court is conservative and tries to actually follow the constitution, then changes need to be made according to the left.
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Wouldn't term limits require a change to the constitution which we all know is not happening?

I would love to see it but it's not going to happen.

Quite frankly we're screwed as a country. Because the changes we need to see made in this country, and they are legion are politically impossible. The framers made the constitution nearly impossible to amend unless there is almost universal support for the change. And when the constitution benefits a group, even a relatively small group over the rest of the people it is impossible to change.
Not if we’re more involved and stop sending the same incompetent people back to DC.