Biden's Gaza Pier is Sinking

Disappointed No Way GIF by Holly Logan

A perfect representation of this administration.

$320 million down the drain.. still better than giving it to terrorists like biden did in Afghanistan I suppose. Wait, that's what he was doing to begin with 😬
You don’t seem to understand how this works.

This is the floating port (it’s not sinking)

This is the pier/causeway (there was some damage to the causeway and ferries. It will take a week to fix)

The people who were dubious about the wisdom of this project are really looking stupid now, amirite?
It’s a risk you take when undertaking such a mission. It’s repairable, it’s a non permanent dock (modular floating pier) and this won’t be the first or last time this will happen. The fact that we completed it in less than a month, in a war zone, thousands of miles away from our shores seems to be forgotten. There are people who can roll with the setbacks and understand the purpose of such an operation, and then there are others who are deadweight
It’ll cause a week’s delay. Stuff happens in shipping.
Indeed. During which time hospitals will run completely dry of supplies, and everyone will starve, like they’ve been saying Since last November.
A humanitarian disaster is purely optics?

No, the form of this response is.
The pier is high visibility, but low throughput.
It’s about being seen ‘doing something’ about the problem.
Not actually best effort to solve the problem.
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It was damaged by a major storm in the area. How stupid are you people? What do ya’ll do for a living? I’m going to go ahead and assume it doesn’t involve critical thinking and decision making. It feels like I’m reading Facebook posts from day laborers.
Wow, who could have predicted such an obvious outcome as a possibility ahead of time...
No, the form of this response is.
The pier is high visibility, but low throughput.
It’s about being seen ‘doing something’ about the problem.
Not actually best effort to solve the problem.
What is the best effort?

Expecting nothing in response.

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