Biden's Gaza Pier is Sinking

A perfect representation of this administration.

$320 million down the drain.. still better than giving it to terrorists like biden did in Afghanistan I suppose. Wait, that's what he was doing to begin with 😬
Go Crazy Wtf GIF
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S.-built temporary pier that has been taking humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians for less than two weeks will be removed from the coast of Gaza to be repaired after getting damaged in rough seas and weather, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

Over the next two days, the pier will be pulled from the beach and sent to the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, where U.S. Central Command will repair it, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters. She said the fixes will take “at least over a week” and then the pier will need to be anchored back into the beach in Gaza.
No big deal. Just use the piers that the PLO eand Hamas have built for their people over the years to support shipments of goods to the Palestinian people.
You mean with the multi millions they’ve received over the years? Great plan! 😬
How about telling me why you think Biden is to blame.
I think the OP was sarcasm or an attempt to shift the conversation away from Trump's criminal proceedings.

Otherwise...blaming the WH for some storm in the ME is laughable AND stupid.
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You mean going forward, right?

I mean whenever anyone can manage it. These are supposed to be hard jobs with high standards and the trend has been to make excuses and invent reasons why they shouldn't be held to those high standards. Bill Clinton lied to everyone about an extramarital affair while in office, Reagan had Iran Contra, W oversaw erroneous wars, and the last guy was so f@cking bad his supporters pretend he only served for three years. Also, the absurdity of what's happening in the SCOTUS and a justices right to accept gifts larger than what my family will bring in more than 2 decades.

This is all corruption and we need to stop giving a pass to anyone that does it and start holding them to a near impossible standard.
I mean whenever anyone can manage it. These are supposed to be hard jobs with high standards and the trend has been to make excuses and invent reasons why they shouldn't be held to those high standards. Bill Clinton lied to everyone about an extramarital affair while in office, Reagan had Iran Contra, W oversaw erroneous wars, and the last guy was so f@cking bad his supporters pretend he only served for three years. Also, the absurdity of what's happening in the SCOTUS and a justices right to accept gifts larger than what my family will bring in more than 2 decades.

This is all corruption and we need to stop giving a pass to anyone that does it and start holding them to a near impossible standard.
You mentioned Clinton, but not Obama and Biden. Shouldn't they be included in your standard too?
I think the OP was sarcasm or an attempt to shift the conversation away from Trump's criminal proceedings.

Otherwise...blaming the WH for some storm in the ME is laughable AND stupid.

I suppose storms never happen, or just never occurred to these folks?

You know storms took out the Mulberries at Omaha Beach? And that was with sinking vessels to try and create jetties to protect them. The Brits did a better job, their’s held up. So the US just drove their stuff up the beach until Dragoon.

I’d bet in the military’s plans for using these things in war they’d do the same thing (beach and sink vessels for breakwaters), but the optics of that, not so good.

So we get this. Which nobody could have predicted. I mean, storms? Practically mythological.

A perfect representation of this administration.

$320 million down the drain.. still better than giving it to terrorists like biden did in Afghanistan I suppose. Wait, that's what he was doing to begin with 😬
In today's shocking news:
scrubby hates the military, story at 10.
Trump hates the suckers.
Just one, this guy and its admin have not phucked up? >

Half a billion dollars for 6 delivered trucks worth of expired food doesn't sound like a good deal to the American tax payer to you?
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