Bloomberg: Democrats headed for 'wipeout' in November without immediate course correction.

Apr 18, 2021
Buckhead GA
Michael Bloomberg writes in a new op-ed that he is "deeply concerned" the Democratic Party is "headed for a wipeout in November, up and down the ballot."

The former New York City mayor and Democratic presidential candidate points to the recent recall of three school board members in San Francisco while making his argument in Bloomberg News.

"Coming from America's most liberal city, those results should translate into a 7 to 8 on the Richter scale, because the three main factors that drove the recall are not unique to the Bay Area," Bloomberg writes.

"The school board members seemed more concerned with political correctness than educating children. Instead of reopening schools, they spent their time renaming them, stripping off the names of historic figures like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln before a public outcry forced them to reverse course," he added.

Bloomberg notes that a "recent Democratic Party poll showed that voters perceive it as being too 'focused on the culture wars' - from renaming schools to defunding the police."

"But the advice that party leaders are giving members of Congress - to 'correct the record' when Republicans criticize them on schools and culture - isn't going to cut it," he added.

Bloomberg also writes that swing voters "will decide the 2022 midterm elections," adding that "polls show they are swinging away from Democrats."

"The earthquake that shook San Francisco needs to shake up our party, before voters do it themselves in November," he writes.

It is kind of comical, watching leftists on this site talk about how great things are, how Biden has had this phenomenal job creation and how wonderfully Biden has handled Putin.... but the American public doesn't see it that way. Well, that is because America is full of ignorant, bigoted people who simply aren't intelligent enough to see how great a job Biden and Harris are doing. It really doesn't matter does it? No matter how great the message and the research is, it seems the dogs just don't like the dog food. And for the record, I think Trump is an idiot and preferred Biden. But he isn't cutting it.
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So we can get more bullshit CRT bills and teacher bashing? No thanks.
I’m all about stoping the woke. However, at some point I would like to see some good old 1993 politics where shit actually got done.
If there is a GOP controlled house and senate I think Biden would work with them.
It would be great to see a large red wave…
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I’m all about stoping the woke. However, at some point I would like to see some good old 1993 politics where shit actually got done.
If there is a GOP controlled house and senate I think Biden would work with them.
If you want actual problems solved voting GOP is the exact opposite direction you should be taking.
Defund the police and letting men compete against women are not winning issues?
Democrats need to reel it way in. On Deadspin they’re claiming that it’s racist to suspend Juwan Howard for four games for hitting a coach. When in reality, a white coach with no recruiting class would probably be gone.
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If I'm a Democrat running for office this year I'm making GOP support of Russian aggression a front and center issue. That may or may not work very well since most of the GOP supporters seem to be all in on the "Russia is a great country we should be like" movement.
If I'm a Democrat running for office this year I'm making GOP support of Russian aggression a front and center issue. That may or may not work very well since most of the GOP supporters seem to be all in on the "Russia is a great country we should be like" movement.
Yes. The Dems should keep running on nutty Russia stuff. It has helped them so much in recent history.
If I'm a Democrat running for office this year I'm making GOP support of Russian aggression a front and center issue. That may or may not work very well since most of the GOP supporters seem to be all in on the "Russia is a great country we should be like" movement.
Outside of the covid issue in 2020, most elections are about the economy and pocketbooks.

High gas prices and inflation by this fall will determine the winner, imo.

Mericans are shortsighted and selfish.
Yes. The Dems should keep running on nutty Russia stuff. It has helped them so much in recent history.
Well, they won the Presidency in 2020. They are losing because of inflation, people being tired of masks, and their appearence of going soft on the crimes of the Trump administration. I'm not sure that's done yet, but by the time the 1/6 committee finishes their investigation it will probably be too late to make much of a difference. There are a significant number of independents who only voted for Biden so that justice could be served to the last administration.

The whackjobs will be in power after November and they will probably try and declare war on Ukraine. Well, probably not, but it's a good bet that they spend the next two years subpoenaing Biden administration officials to go fishing for something to campaign on. Maybe that's why Democrats have seemingly only given fan service level of attention to this.
I’m all about stoping the woke. However, at some point I would like to see some good old 1993 politics where shit actually got done.
If there is a GOP controlled house and senate I think Biden would work with them.
It seems counterintuitive, but it could be the thing that frees Biden from the far left of his party. It did wonders for Clinton.
Well, they won the Presidency in 2020. They are losing because of inflation, people being tired of masks, and their appearence of going soft on the crimes of the Trump administration. I'm not sure that's done yet, but by the time the 1/6 committee finishes their investigation it will probably be too late to make much of a difference. There are a significant number of independents who only voted for Biden so that justice could be served to the last administration.

The whackjobs will be in power after November and they will probably try and declare war on Ukraine. Well, probably not, but it's a good bet that they spend the next two years subpoenaing Biden administration officials to go fishing for something to campaign on. Maybe that's why Democrats have seemingly only given fan service level of attention to this.
You can’t say they’re losing because of masks and pretend that COVID wasn’t Trump’s undoing.
You can’t say they’re losing because of masks and pretend that COVID wasn’t Trump’s undoing.
I have never claimed that COVID wasn't Trump's undoing. In fact, I have stated several times that Trump probably would have won the election if it weren't for COVID. If he had just, for 5 minutes, been able to control himself and say "Do what the scientists say" he would be President today. But Trump is an idiot so thankfully he's not in charge today.
I have never claimed that COVID wasn't Trump's undoing. In fact, I have stated several times that Trump probably would have won the election if it weren't for COVID. If he had just, for 5 minutes, been able to control himself and say "Do what the scientists say" he would be President today. But Trump is an idiot so thankfully he's not in charge today.
No one is more responsible for Trump losing than Trump. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut.
If I'm a Democrat running for office this year I'm making GOP support of Russian aggression a front and center issue. That may or may not work very well since most of the GOP supporters seem to be all in on the "Russia is a great country we should be like" movement.

No one is more responsible for Trump losing than Trump. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut.
My statement and your statement are not mutually exclusive. The biggest gift to Democrats that year was watching Trump go up to the podium on a daily basis and make a complete fool of himself on national TV.

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