Bob Costas: College Football could collapse like house of cards if people begin connecting the dots

Agreed, wholeheartedly. In today’s social media society, everyone wants the wow factor for attention, so everyone uses over the top hyperbole to draw attention. It’s ridiculous. And not a Trump fan per se, but he is right in that the media as a result has declined greatly in the past 10 years as a result, and is hard to trust anymore. Their job now is headline attention grabbing crap to try and draw max attention and max dollars, not fair and balanced, unbiased, good old regular discussion (goes for Fox as well, not trying to plug them).

Actually Fox is better than the rest cuz it provides something that has never been provided before. The American people were being cheated with just one slant being offered.
I'm not sure why so many are pissed at Costas. He didn't say football was going to be legislated away, he simply said he thought it would decline dramatically in several decades because kids aren't going to be playing it as much.

I think he missed the mark, in that I think High school is where it will start, or already beginning. Liability and participation. Football is already being "deselected" as as an extracurricular activity in High School.

I've heard that Iowa City High was not able to field a freshman football team due to lack of participation. I've also heard that Clinton high school has 4 juniors on the varsity. It's not like kids don't have other options.

I hope football is big for the rest of my life (I'm 62) because I really enjoy watching it. But I can absolutely understand Costas' point.

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