Border officials report biggest fentanyl bust ever, capturing nearly 254 pounds


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
PHOENIX (AP) - The Latest on a record fentanyl seizure at the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona (all times local):

11:30 a.m.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials say they have made their biggest fentanyl bust ever, capturing nearly 254 pounds (114 kilograms) of the deadly synthetic opioid in Arizona.

The Nogales CBP Port Director Michael Humphries said Thursday that the drug was seized Saturday from a tractor-trailer carrying produce from Mexico after it was stopped for inspection at the border crossing.

Agents also seized an additional 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of fentanyl pills and a large cache of methamphetamine.

The Mexican man driving the truck was arrested
Imagine all the low information Trump voters hearing about this on Facebook, then forwarding on the link stating that this was hidden in a caravan of MS13 thugs who had duct taped a bunch of women's mouths closed while coming through the desert in a VW.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Yes; we know that. And no one is debating the necessity of that fence.
We the argument is that fences, walls, barriers are immoral you have to admit that the existing fences need to be part of the discussion.

If Obama was POTUS today and asked Congress for border wall funding, I promise you that it would get passed.

This is a Trump victory lap issue
Why is a wall needed when the fence already forces trucks to designated ports of entry?

Because a fence doesn't keep illegal aliens out. That is the argument. The people who pick your lettuce and blueberries and a lot of other stuff you buy in the produce section should not be picking your lettuce and blueberries and a lot of other stuff you find in the produce section.
If there wasnt an existing fence, they could just drive trucks across the desert.

I’m not sure why they just didn’t gun their V16, 1000 horsepower, armored supercars through the gates at the POE. Some politician told me one can catch them!
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Because a fence doesn't keep illegal aliens out. That is the argument. The people who pick your lettuce and blueberries and a lot of other stuff you buy in the produce section should not be picking your lettuce and blueberries and a lot of other stuff you find in the produce section.
Why not just shift enforcement to documenting workers? That would be a lot cheaper, right? We do need some cheap labor in this country.
The four legged kind, or the shifty eyed brown skinned kind?

I was thinking of the four-legged kind. I hit one once driving down a rural highway. I felt terrible, it looked like a small dog. If it was a she (I didn't look that closely) I hope she didn't have puppies somewhere.
The people who pick your lettuce and blueberries and a lot of other stuff you buy in the produce section should not be picking your lettuce and blueberries and a lot of other stuff you find in the produce section.

Okay, are you ready to pay 3+ times more for said produce?