BTN's The Journey - The Wave

Another terrific piece on The Wave, following up on young Kaden, who is now cancer free!

Best wishes to all the kids and families going through such difficult times and circumstances. It's wonderful to see and know the impact this spectacular tradition is having.

Showed it to my wife who hasn’t been to a game since a gfriend from michigan visited 10 plus years ago.
She now wants to go sat just to wave. In tears.
No pics of wife or friend.
I have this weird salty discharge coming from my eyes and I can't figure it out.
I really hope that there is no one out there complaining about the "IOWA WAVE", or that it is getting old or other stupid things. Hopefully this will go on for years, and years, and years, etc., etc.
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I really hope that there is no one out there complaining about the "IOWA WAVE", or that it is getting old or other stupid things.

I do not feel that way about the wave. I do feel that way about the coverage of it.
My father was in U of I Hospitals last week. They did a terrific job and he is going to be just fine. I can't say enough about the surgical team and care he received after the operation.
One afternoon, while he was sleeping, I took my mother up to the 12th floor of Children's Hospital to see where the kids watch the game.
The 12th floor is open to the public and I recommend to anyone they go up there if they are visiting the hospital.
Just standing there we both got very emotional and it will mean even more to us when we watch the fans and the kids do THE WAVE.
What a fantastic piece! I was at the Minnesota game as it was parents’ weekend for my daughter who is a freshman. Thus, it was my first opportunity to participate in the wave. What an awesome tradition! On Sunday we attended a brunch for the dance marathon which my daughter is involved with. If you know nothing about it they provide millions of dollars of funding to support cancer research. We’ve already donated and I encourage all of you to consider it as well.

A couple of years ago we got the same news about our daughter, that Coach Fran got about his son— They told us they believed she had thyroid cancer. I can tell you that hearing from her surgeon the words ”benign” and “no complications” are the sweetest words a parent ever heard besides “I love you!” This video shows that not all families are as lucky as we are.

Putting rivalries aside ( yes I am an Iowa State grad, and my son who is a sophomore there thinks it is a sign of bad parenting that his sister goes to Iowa ) this is likely the single best sports tradition I’ve ever had the privilege to take part in. Kudos to the University of Iowa and it’s football fans for starting it. God bless those on the receiving end of “The Wave”.