Cade was running, jumping & diving in the team's softball game

If this is real, I am shocked that Iowa let him play in a softball game. And I'm shocked that Cade would do it . . . unless he's made a miracle recovery and is healthier now than he was before his very first injury. I mean, I'd have the guy in bubble wrap except for necessary football activities. :)

As others have noted, the observations of Cade barely being able to walk two weeks ago make this alleged video nothing short of incredible. But, as we know, even if Cade is 150% healthy to start the season, anyone can get hurt at any time. Just ask Cooper. So Iowa still needs to coach up Lainez and bring in Sullivan from NW, or someone similar. Imagine what a Lester offense could be with a healthy Cade McNamara all season. Wow. Just wow.

it's real and as long as he's cleared by the doctors....
Regarding the WRs - Do those of you that have knowledge about catching the FB, are some QBs harder to catch than others (i.e. 100 mph throw vs slower). Thinking if Deacon made WR drops more often or just bad hands.??????
Making me nervous!

my thoughts: if the doctors and coaches had no problem with him playing, that means his knee is good to go. so why be nervous? ;)

and remember: if you are truly running the bases, you round the bases and put some pressure on the knee joints. so, if the coaches were fine with him playing and jumping around, i just think it's a postive sign

now, will he hold up for a full season? time will tell. I just hope he finally has some luck and a good year. and if he does? we're talking a possible...well, @EvilMonkeyInTheCloset knows! ;)
The brace making him look gimpy? Hmmmm
He didn’t say the fact he was wearing a brace made him gimpy. He said there was something wrong with the brace. Maybe it had a catch in it? I don’t know.

Seeing him move around now, there being an issue with the brace makes sense.
He didn’t say the fact he was wearing a brace made him gimpy. He said there was something wrong with the brace. Maybe it had a catch in it? I don’t know.

Seeing him move around now, there being an issue with the brace makes sense.
Could've also had it on too tight.
My knee, to put it in context was injured in 2007. I tore all the meniscus and cartilage on the inside and had it removed about a year later due to pain. My knee got really bad about 5 years ago but I put off the surgery until 5 months ago. My knee six weeks after surgery and rehad was great and it is still very good. All the pain in the damaged area is gone. I can walk again without pain.

Thanks for asking
Congradulations. Mine hurts like hell. Yesterday almost splashed in the garden pond.
I've got one that's pretty bad right now too. Keeping me from running. Haven't had anyone look at it yet.
It’s tough to give up, but try to find a low/no impact exercise to switch to. There is a good chance it will alleviate that knee pain. I’m sure that’s not news.

I eventually went with a stepper. I really miss running, there’s nothing quite like it, but it’s worth it.😔
I post my meniscus graft a few years ago. Gave up running. Tweaked my good knee this winter.
Ahh, the last time I ran was about 8 years ago and I made it about 200 yards before my bad knee did way more than bark at me it howled. I am 72 now so it is walking and exercyling. I agree that running, especially long distances which I loved to do, is about as basic a thing humans do besides using their opposable thumbs.
I look forward to about 8 different posters blather on about how he should be in a wheelchair until Labor Day, and that this is reckless behavior.

Well you’ll get your wish undoubtedly, lots of KF haters in here.
Well you’ll get your wish undoubtedly, lots of KF haters in here.
Conan Obrien Ugh GIF by Team Coco
It’s tough to give up, but try to find a low/no impact exercise to switch to. There is a good chance it will alleviate that knee pain. I’m sure that’s not news.

I eventually went with a stepper. I really miss running, there’s nothing quite like it, but it’s worth it.😔
I switched to cycling after a knee injury and never looked back! My knee never bothers me when biking.
Wait a second. How do we know it’s Cade? Or maybe that was his evil twin we saw at practice. We need to get to the bottom of this.
He's gonna be running for his life starting in September.

Might as well get in the groove.
Not saying teams won't bring pressure but I don't think this will be close to last season. RPO scheme will improve our overall offense in my opinion.