Not sure if you read the post I was responding to, or understood what I was trying to say. I guess I need to work on my communication skills. MitchLL wrote "We'd all dislike, but respect, CC if she played anywhere else." I said "Disagree" and that many of us WBB fans would still like CC even if she played for another team. I wasn't complaining about CC. I doubt there are 25 bigger CC fans on this board than me. I've paid good money to see her play numerous times this season in multiple venues. But I still think she has some on-court maturity issues, i.e. body language toward teammates. When she throws the ball to O'Grady and she fumbles it, misses it or otherwise fails to catch it, CC will frequently extend her arms and hands as if to say, "how in the hell did you not catch that pass." Not ideal, IMO, but not the end of the world either. But it is something CC could improve on. How you treat your teammates in the heat of the moment counts, even if you are otherwise a great teammate, as I think CC is, and even if CC is exemplary off the court, as I think she is, and wrote.