Ol' Doodle has been sick with upper respiratory "cold" type crap for 2 weeks now. Actually bad enough it caused Doodle to take a day off work last week...only the 7th in 34 years of professional life. Crud is going around and it's more than just a bad cold. High fever. Muscle weakness. Productive coughing fits to near passing out. Head pressure like you wouldn't believe. Going through a box of Kleenex per day, seriously.
In fact, Doodle was at urgent care (finally relented to Mrs. D's demands...no pic) Sunday waiting to be seen and watching the game on his phone, and there was a closeup of CC in the first half and she was sniffing, rubbing her nose, coughed a couple of times, holding one side of her nose trying to get clear air, etc. Right then Doodle knew she had some kind of crud. No surprise whatsoever to find out she was indeed sick.
Today is day 14, and it's the first morning in 2 weeks Ol' Doodle has woken up without a 10 minute coughing jag and eleventy-fourteen nose blows. Here's hoping Caitlin gets over it a helluva lot faster. And of course she will because she's a young (what is she...25? 😁), finely tuned, world-class athlete with access to the best care imaginable on staff and at UIHC...and not a stubborn old mule who waits 11 days before even thinking of seeking medical attention.
But the point is, this stuff this year is no joke. If Molly has something similar it certainly could explain her limited play the last couple of games.