California Porn Stars May Have to Wear Eye Protection


HB King
May 29, 2001
A handsome delivery man arrives offering more than just a pizza. A pretty young woman opens the door. Flirtation ensues. Clothes are cast off. Then out come the goggles.


Porn stars could soon be forced to don far more protection than just condoms in California. New rules proposed last week by the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) would require adult film actors to wear eye gear for many scenes. The rules, which have yet to be finalized, would also impose strict hygiene standards and outlaw common porn practices.

Porn companies, actors and even some health advocates say the new rules are unnecessary.

“These are regulations designed for medical settings, and are unworkable on an adult film set — or even a Hollywood film set,” said Diane Duke, CEO of the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry. She said the rules would stigmatize performers and risk “shutting down an entire industry.”

For decades, California has produced the vast majority of America’s adult films. Recently, however, critics have pushed to crackdown on the state’s porn industry. In 2012, Los Angeles County passed a controversial law requiring condoms on porn sets. As a result, production in the county plummeted by more than 90 percent.

Technically, current health regulations require porn stars across California to use condoms, but critics say the rule is almost never enforced. California and New Hampshire are the only two states in the U.S. to explicitly permit adult film production, although other states tacitly allow it. Los Angeles County’s condom law is credited with pushing porn business to other locations including Las Vegas and South Florida.

Now porn companies fear that the proposed rules will kill California’s adult film industry for good.

The proposed rules are largely the work of one man: Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. For years, Weinstein has attacked the porn industry for what he calls dangerously poor testing procedures and its refusal to use condoms. Five years ago, Weinstein submitted a formal request to OSHA to impose stricter hygiene standards and crack down on condom dodging. His organization was also behind LA County’s condom law.

“This is really about worker protection, and what the Cal/OSHA Standards Board is for,” he said during the public hearing last week, according to the Los Angeles Daily News. His group claims that “at least four adult performers… have become infected with HIV while working in the adult film industry, while thousands of other adult performers became infected with thousands of other sexually-transmitted diseases.”

But the Free Speech Coalition disputes that, arguing that not a single porn star has contracted HIV “on a regulated adult set” since 2004. The porn industry says its testing procedures are safe and that performers shouldn’t be forced to wear condoms, although they can if they prefer. Some porn companies have accused the state of asserting control over actors’ bodies.
On a related note I see that the old chick wrestler Sunny has decided to do a porn. 20 years ago it would have been worth seeing. She has to be close to 50.
Never will quite understand the preoccupation with smut you guys seem to have...oh well far be it from me to force my puritanical views upon the forum.

It is easy to understand why this board is interested in sex, fart jokes, potty humor, and politics- its essentially anything bordering on the obscene

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A handsome delivery man arrives offering more than just a pizza. A pretty young woman opens the door. Flirtation ensues. Clothes are cast off. Then out come the goggles.


Porn stars could soon be forced to don far more protection than just condoms in California. New rules proposed last week by the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) would require adult film actors to wear eye gear for many scenes. The rules, which have yet to be finalized, would also impose strict hygiene standards and outlaw common porn practices.

Porn companies, actors and even some health advocates say the new rules are unnecessary.

“These are regulations designed for medical settings, and are unworkable on an adult film set — or even a Hollywood film set,” said Diane Duke, CEO of the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry. She said the rules would stigmatize performers and risk “shutting down an entire industry.”

For decades, California has produced the vast majority of America’s adult films. Recently, however, critics have pushed to crackdown on the state’s porn industry. In 2012, Los Angeles County passed a controversial law requiring condoms on porn sets. As a result, production in the county plummeted by more than 90 percent.

Technically, current health regulations require porn stars across California to use condoms, but critics say the rule is almost never enforced. California and New Hampshire are the only two states in the U.S. to explicitly permit adult film production, although other states tacitly allow it. Los Angeles County’s condom law is credited with pushing porn business to other locations including Las Vegas and South Florida.

Now porn companies fear that the proposed rules will kill California’s adult film industry for good.

The proposed rules are largely the work of one man: Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. For years, Weinstein has attacked the porn industry for what he calls dangerously poor testing procedures and its refusal to use condoms. Five years ago, Weinstein submitted a formal request to OSHA to impose stricter hygiene standards and crack down on condom dodging. His organization was also behind LA County’s condom law.

“This is really about worker protection, and what the Cal/OSHA Standards Board is for,” he said during the public hearing last week, according to the Los Angeles Daily News. His group claims that “at least four adult performers… have become infected with HIV while working in the adult film industry, while thousands of other adult performers became infected with thousands of other sexually-transmitted diseases.”

But the Free Speech Coalition disputes that, arguing that not a single porn star has contracted HIV “on a regulated adult set” since 2004. The porn industry says its testing procedures are safe and that performers shouldn’t be forced to wear condoms, although they can if they prefer. Some porn companies have accused the state of asserting control over actors’ bodies.

Leave it O
A handsome delivery man arrives offering more than just a pizza. A pretty young woman opens the door. Flirtation ensues. Clothes are cast off. Then out come the goggles.


Porn stars could soon be forced to don far more protection than just condoms in California. New rules proposed last week by the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) would require adult film actors to wear eye gear for many scenes. The rules, which have yet to be finalized, would also impose strict hygiene standards and outlaw common porn practices.

Porn companies, actors and even some health advocates say the new rules are unnecessary.

“These are regulations designed for medical settings, and are unworkable on an adult film set — or even a Hollywood film set,” said Diane Duke, CEO of the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry. She said the rules would stigmatize performers and risk “shutting down an entire industry.”

For decades, California has produced the vast majority of America’s adult films. Recently, however, critics have pushed to crackdown on the state’s porn industry. In 2012, Los Angeles County passed a controversial law requiring condoms on porn sets. As a result, production in the county plummeted by more than 90 percent.

Technically, current health regulations require porn stars across California to use condoms, but critics say the rule is almost never enforced. California and New Hampshire are the only two states in the U.S. to explicitly permit adult film production, although other states tacitly allow it. Los Angeles County’s condom law is credited with pushing porn business to other locations including Las Vegas and South Florida.

Now porn companies fear that the proposed rules will kill California’s adult film industry for good.

The proposed rules are largely the work of one man: Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. For years, Weinstein has attacked the porn industry for what he calls dangerously poor testing procedures and its refusal to use condoms. Five years ago, Weinstein submitted a formal request to OSHA to impose stricter hygiene standards and crack down on condom dodging. His organization was also behind LA County’s condom law.

“This is really about worker protection, and what the Cal/OSHA Standards Board is for,” he said during the public hearing last week, according to the Los Angeles Daily News. His group claims that “at least four adult performers… have become infected with HIV while working in the adult film industry, while thousands of other adult performers became infected with thousands of other sexually-transmitted diseases.”

But the Free Speech Coalition disputes that, arguing that not a single porn star has contracted HIV “on a regulated adult set” since 2004. The porn industry says its testing procedures are safe and that performers shouldn’t be forced to wear condoms, although they can if they prefer. Some porn companies have accused the state of asserting control over actors’ bodies.

I've been surprised at how well the CA porn industry has self-policed itself with limited numbers of stars acquiring AIDS since regular testing became law. I saw a cable biography on Ron Jeremy a couple of years ago. He was still 'performing' then and went through the same monthly HIV testing as everybody else. He said he always gets very nervous when he goes to the doctors office to get the results. I've heard that porn stars aren't nearly as promiscuous now as they used to be back in the John Holmes era. For one thing, less stars use drugs now (no sharing needles).
Never will quite understand the preoccupation with smut you guys seem to have...oh well far be it from me to force my puritanical views upon the forum.
It's our animal instincts Tennessee, we were born to #$#$. The ones who deny this very natural and enjoyable thing are the ones who end of going crazy and raping folks. Sex is healthy and there is nothing wrong with that.
If I pay a woman to have sex with me while my buddy videotapes it, and then post video on the internet with her permission, is that pornography or prostitution?
I mean some of those guys shoot with distance and velocity. Of course googles make sense. Hell the camera men should wear them as well. Nobody cares about the director
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If I pay a woman to have sex with me while my buddy videotapes it, and then post video on the internet with her permission, is that pornography or prostitution?

I believe you could still be busted for prostitution if you did not have the proper paperwork and testing completed. You really wouldn't need your buddy to tape unless you are into that stuff. Just put up a tripod or strap on a Go-Pro.