We’re going to have to get over the “stall formula“ and “stall ride” as an excuse for Tom and co.
Kerk scored 3 freaking takedowns. That ain’t stalling. And the ride? Until they either change the rule that you have to actually attempt to turn, or get rid of riding time, it needs to be coached against better.
It is not only Lil KerKIn doing the overlay. It is the entire team now! Again if some of you knew wrestling, you would know why it is called RIDING! You would know where the term came from, how the rules worked, and maybe even why the rules changed!
I can tell you, some of the "old timers" could ride you all day like an old horse ride in front of the local grocery store. It was taught, and the near ankle over lay was one of the techniques. Was no stalling, you could sit on an ankle and hold a guy till the cows came home.
The rules were changed because of this. Makes for some really boring wrestling too. Now, somehow, we are coming full circle. Problem is, and you would not know this either, matches were much longer! guys had much more time to try and get out. So now, get a TD, and hold on, plus you may earn a point for doing nothing more then stalling!??!!?!
I will give you the part where if it is not called or a rule change(rule is already in place)Then why not. The lil GerKin got his 1st 2 TDs in part with another, I will call it SHADY tactic. He should have been warned, and then hit if he did it again, yet nothing?
ALL this being said, I put it ALL on Big Cass! He has to do a much better job and should! I will add that our WHOLE team except LEE falls into this category. Start making adjustments, start doing a few little things different, add a few new tricks, figure sh*t out!!!
As far as the clone guy, who in hell R U, and where in hell did you crawl out from?