Can you hear the interstate when it's quiet at night?

Not even close to being able to hear an interstate or highway...most traffic I hear will be over the next couple of months with the ATVs heading into the dessert.
I live on a road outside of the city around farm fields. The most traffic we see is on Sunday morning when people go to the church about a mile down the road.

There are train tracks that cross the road though and I can hear that but I've gotten so used to it that I shut it out.
No interstate here, but... sirens, light rail bells, neighbors, planes, occasional car going down residential street, etc
Nope and it's awesome. Lived about a mile from I80 for about 15 years and don't miss the constant hum of cars and semi's zipping by.
Sounds travel farther in cold weather. On a cold clear day, you can hear conversations from across a lake. On a cold clear night, you can hear semis, trains, and your neighbors banging from far away.

I lived about 3 miles from 680 and can hear it in the evenings.
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No. The closest interstate is probably 12 miles away. But there is a small airport about a mile and a half away and occasionally I can hear small jets. Theres no commercial traffic so it’s not a huge deal.
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Occasionally traffic from 218. I hear my good friend Rabbit blow his train horn to say hello on some evenings. He worked for the railroad and took his life about a year ago. Even on the other side he’s still a smart ass.
Agreed. I’ve stayed in a shitload of hotels over the years just off of highway or interstate exits. While some people hate the sound of cars and trucks creeping into a hotel room, I find it relaxing.
FWIW, we have lived for nearly 30 years fairly close to the interstate and really don't mind it all. The only things I find annoying is the occasional use of air brakes.

Now then, we will be moving in about a year and will then be a long ways from the interstate and I am sure we will not be able to hear traffic, as we will be on what amounts to a dead end road, well away from highway traffic. I am actually curious to see if we will "miss it".
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I'm 0.75 miles from a highway. If I listen, I can hear the hum of the cars. If I'm not listening for it, then I don't notice it.

I'm maybe 1.5mi from a train track. I can hear the train horns when they pass through.

Not a lot of air traffic, nor is there much traffic down my street.
Nearly every night in the wee hours, I wake up in the dark to that awful screaming of the lambs.
Sometimes hear the interstates when it is really quiet around us, especially at night or during rush hours with the large amount of vehicles traveling at that time. We are in the flight path from time to time for landing planes and will hear that type of traffic but not to often.
Yep, I live in the armpit of 80/35 (within 2 blocks of both) Over the past 24 years I've lived within 6 blocks of a major interstate system. When we stay at peoples houses away from it I can't sleep. The silence is deafening.
Not really. About a mile from I35. Hear more planes heading into the airport. But rarely notice. The best is the occasional night taking the dogs out and hearing the coyotes in the background. Dogs always give me a weird look.
Lake, gulf, or ocean? I enjoy being on vacation next to the ocean or gulf to hear the crash of waves on the shore, both calm waves then also the crash of violent storm waves. Very relaxing to me.
I live in the Santa Cruz mountains...when big swell pushes in, I can hear the waves breaking against the rocks. Not the gentle lapping wave sound...its a bassey thundering, rumble sound. Im about 3 miles away from the ocean.