How many times do you wake up during the night?

If I may ask, wtf was your sugar level? Every 2 hrs? Have you had your kidneys looked at?
It was 9.8. Then down to 9.3. I'm hoping it's under 8 today when I go see the doctor but idk. I've kind of fallen off the last 2 weeks.
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I've had a couple sleep studies. Last one showed that I had 32 instances of when I stopped breathing or woke up. I would take a guaranteed year of perfect sleep over a free new car.
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Cut out sugar for the most part. Exercise a lot more. I downloaded the Fatsecret app to log all my calories each day. I've lost 20 pounds since January 15th.


Good for you. My numbers are high but not diabetic, and I have been eating pretty clean the last few years.

I just can’t get the A1C to move downward much after an initial good drop from a diet change and cutting out a lot of booze.
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Good for you. My numbers are high but not diabetic, and I have been eating pretty clean the last few years.

I just can’t get the A1C to move downward much after an initial good drop from a diet change and cutting out a lot of booze.

As you know, there are plenty of medications out there. Some affect certain individuals differently. I would encourage you to talk to your dr. about it. Only problem that I have encountered with them is if I take them too late, I feel hungover the next day.

Stay away from ambien unless you want to burn your house down or get an OWI. I had a RX for it once, I left the oven on all night. Got rid of it.
At least once. I am a light sleeper, I need to urinate during the night as long as I can remember. Really sucked in the college dorms to have to walk to restroom.

Good for you. My numbers are high but not diabetic, and I have been eating pretty clean the last few years.

I just can’t get the A1C to move downward much after an initial good drop from a diet change and cutting out a lot of booze.
Try chromium and vanadium. You can buy a combo pill on amazon. 2x a day. 1 am 1 pm
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Yes. I'm on a shitload of meds. I had a heart attack when I was 31 fifteen years ago. For diabetes I take trijardy and rybelsus
If you need some guidance, please let me know. I would see your endocrinologist again. We don't want to lose you or see you go blind.
Count me as another that can’t do the melatonin. Used it once and when I woke up wondering how I was going to dispose of the bodies… never again. What a horrible feeling. A relief when you realize it was all a dream.

0-1 times a night for me usually. Lately I have been eating a nice little gummy after dinner. Been getting a solid 7 hours of sleep which is great for me.
Count me as another that can’t do the melatonin. Used it once and when I woke up wondering how I was going to dispose of the bodies… never again. What a horrible feeling. A relief when you realize it was all a dream.

0-1 times a night for me usually. Lately I have been eating a nice little gummy after dinner. Been getting a solid 7 hours of sleep which is great for me.
I take melatonin every night, have been for decades, and haven't had any vivid dreams, just a gentle drowsiness. Didn't know it had side effects.
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If you need some guidance, please let me know. I would see your endocrinologist again. We don't want to lose you or see you go blind.
Thank you. I really trust my doctor. He's got me on the right path. I'm healthier now than i have been since my car accident 20 years ago.

That's where it all went downhill health wise. Broke my back in 3 places. Broke every rib in my body front and back. I was lucky to live but I spent 10 years not moving at all. I put on 125 pounds. Now I'm fighting back to get where I was. I still have a ways to go but I feel a million times better.
I take melatonin every night, have been for decades, and haven't had any vivid dreams, just a gentle drowsiness. Didn't know it had side effects.

Yeah man. It was very vivid and lucid. 6 years later and I still remember the dream. It was the absolute worst feeling ever waking up and thinking that I murdered someone. Some cough medicines do the same thing to me. I can't take Nyquil. Couple true stories. Probably about 14-15 years old and a couple different times after taking some Nyquil, I started to get ready for the day and was taking a shower. Mom knocks on the door and asks why in the hell I am taking a shower at 2 in the morning. I was completely oblivious. Another time when I was about 17. I was starting a new job at a semi truck washing facility the next day. Mom had to wake me up in the middle of the night as I was screaming bloody murder. I remember the dream to this day. A posse of semi trucks was chasing me. Yeah, I know. Weird.
Thank you. I really trust my doctor. He's got me on the right path. I'm healthier now than i have been since my car accident 20 years ago.

That's where it all went downhill health wise. Broke my back in 3 places. Broke every rib in my body front and back. I was lucky to live but I spent 10 years not moving at all. I put on 125 pounds. Now I'm fighting back to get where I was. I still have a ways to go but I feel a million times better.
I am very sorry to hear that. I am glad you are fighter. You might want to supplement your diabetes meds with a few key supplements to reduce your blood sugar and Hb1Ac. I am honestly very surprised you aren't on insulin yet. Kidney damage sucks.
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Yeah man. It was very vivid and lucid. 6 years later and I still remember the dream. It was the absolute worst feeling ever waking up and thinking that I murdered someone. Some cough medicines do the same thing to me. I can't take Nyquil. Couple true stories. Probably about 14-15 years old and a couple different times after taking some Nyquil, I started to get ready for the day and was taking a shower. Mom knocks on the door and asks why in the hell I am taking a shower at 2 in the morning. I was completely oblivious. Another time when I was about 17. I was starting a new job at a semi truck washing facility the next day. Mom had to wake me up in the middle of the night as I was screaming bloody murder. I remember the dream to this day. A posse of semi trucks was chasing me. Yeah, I know. Weird.
Melatonin used to give me vivid ultra-violent dreams. It was like being there. I would rather die than take that. It's horrible.
Melatonin used to give me vivid ultra-violent dreams. It was like being there. I would rather die than take that. It's horrible.

It was so vivid and real to me that it took several minutes for me to come to the next morning. Probably 5 minutes I literally thought I did something horrible the night before. I'm probably exaggerating on that, but you get what I am saying.
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It was so vivid and real to me that it took several minutes for me to come to the next morning. Probably 5 minutes I literally thought I did something horrible the night before. I'm probably exaggerating on that, but you get what I am saying.
Yes, it's wild. True.
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I have a post COVID thing where I wake up as soon as I fall asleep in a panic attack that repeats itself all night. It’s scary as **** and I feel like I’m dying for almost a half hour after. If I had never found similar cases on Reddit I would think my insanity stepped up its game on me. It’s ****ing torture. I’m not on good terms with the Sandman anymore.
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I have a post COVID thing where I wake up as soon as I fall asleep in a panic attack that repeats itself all night. It’s scary as **** and I feel like I’m dying for almost a half hour after. If I had never found similar cases on Reddit I would think my insanity stepped up its game on me. It’s ****ing torture. I’m not on good terms with the Sandman anymore.

Try deep breathing and prayer. It works. :)
Stress and excessive worry and drinking make for a shitty night of sleep. Get exercise daily, don't drink to excess, and don't sweat the small stuff and you'll be fine.

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