Well... Have we actually tried that?Santorum's immigration plan: Just tell them to go home. For real he just said the problem is we have a gov't who doesn't tell them to leave and he will fix that. Who knew it was so easy? What a brain!
In a very expensive suit.How will Donald step on his d@#k tonight????
He's killing it. "First thing we're going to do is drink more." Now he's telling the timekeeper nazi to simmer down. Let's move him up next month.BEST LINE SO FAR: Lindsy Graham - "I wasn't the best law student. At the end of this debate it will be the longest I've ever been in any library." Awesome.......
And a bar and a pool hall. If he would stop sending Americans to die in the desert I could feel some loyalty.When I hear him I really like him. And his dad ran a liquor store. I'm with you, move him up.
And he said "BASTARDS"!!!! He is shinning!!!Lindsay Graham is winning on comedy alone!
It's a long swim to the U.S. I bet we could ignore it forever. Let Saudi Arabia and Russia divide it up.We can't afford to ignore the desert too long. But........ the EU is getting what they deserve. They have to share in the solution and they're paying the price for ignoring their backyard.
Gave him a good spanking. And well deserved.Graham just called Jindal a liar. This is fun.
Be short.What did Rand do to piss Trump off?
Steve King and his man puppies would be a good partner in this.If Cruz's political career doesn't work out, he would do well on those Sara Maclaughlin(sp) animal abuse commercials.
"From the arrrrms of an angel" *Slow pan in*
"Hello, I'm former Senator Cruz - and I love puppies, for 5 dollars a month, you can love puppies to."
Why is it that Republicans don't understand that the Iran deal doesn't actually give Iran $150 billion?
If we understood that maybe we'd understand why they have effed up America so badly.
Love how little the rest of them respect Cruz.
If that's true, the Rs may be right about not trusting the educated for they are two of the biggest fools in the race.It is interesting considering he is, likely, the most intelligent (with Carson) and the most accomplished (with Carson).