Carville says Rep...will "Slaughter" Harris with attacks.........

Yes, you using "then" instead of "than" in a post talking about someone being brain dead is all I have.

Have a good rest of your night, Hawkman!
Ummm.....dude you might want to recheck your "gotcha" moment. LOL! See
Yes, you using "then" instead of "than" in a post talking about someone being brain dead is all I have.

Have a good rest of your night, Hawkman!
Well again, if that is all you have.....that is fine.

Have an AWESOME night McLovin32 :)
You sure know how to follow the clues, nothing gets past you.

All one would need to read is your posts in this thread to realize you're a lunatic - or at least occasionally - post like one. LOL!
Right....says the stalker with 27000+ post.
I have not called her a DEI hire. I mean, I guess Biden did say that his Vice President HAD to be a Black women. But, I never called her a DEI hire. LOL!
I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to Faux news, Rep Burchett and all the others who have referred to her as such.

District Attorney, California AG, United States Senator, Vice President of the United States. Only a partisan hack, a racist or someone with Down Syndrome would refer to someone with her qualifications as a DEI hire.
I absolutly understood what he said. He said the Rep were going to come at her with EVERYTHING they had and she and the Dems better be ready. It doesn't mean she can't weather it and win. But, it shows he understands what is ahead for her. I wonder if you do?
Derp. No one believes this. Stick to not posting.

Edited to add that your history shows you’ve been on for about twelve hours straight reacting and posting. That’s pretty weird, basement boy.
I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to Faux news, Rep Burchett and all the others who have referred to her as such.

District Attorney, California AG, United States Senator, Vice President of the United States. Only a partisan hack, a racist or someone with Down Syndrome would refer to someone with her qualifications as a DEI hire.
Come on now. That is like saying that ANYONE who thought Biden was unfit to continue to serve as President because they saw he had clear mental incompetence the last three years was being ageist. You know, like how all the Libs and the media were accusing anyone who said that about Biden pre debate. But, then they all watched as the Dems perform a coup and force him out....and then install a candidate that has not won ONE primary vote. Yep, Democracy in action!! LOL!!

Now again, I have NEVER said she was a DEI hire, but Biden DID say his VP HAD to be a Black woman, so do you think, just maybe, some might see her as just that? :rolleyes:
Derp. No one believes this. Stick to not posting.

Edited to add that your history shows you’ve been on for about twelve hours straight reacting and posting. That’s pretty weird, basement boy. one believes this. And again, don't shoot the messenger...I simply quoted a Dem stratagist. LOL!!!

And I logged in before I left town this AM and the popped on here again when I returned from my meetings later this afternoon. But, you hilariously claim I have been here for 12 you. I am literally on here for minutes at a time, sometimes not popping in for weeks......while you have racked up almost 44000 post!! 😂

I have a job and family to keep me busy. I am sorry you do not, but again....push through all of that sadness, log of the computer and get some freash air. Take care FS
Come on now. That is like saying that ANYONE who thought Biden was unfit to continue to serve as President because they saw he had clear mental incompetence the last three years was being ageist. You know, like how all the Libs and the media were accusing anyone who said that about Biden pre debate. But, then they all watched as the Dems perform a coup and force him out....and then install a candidate that has not won ONE primary vote. Yep, Democracy in action!! LOL!!

Now again, I have NEVER said she was a DEI hire, but Biden DID say his VP HAD to be a Black woman, so do you think, just maybe, some might see her as just that? :rolleyes:
Yes. Partisan hacks, racists and those with Down Syndrome. See my original post on the topic.

Please explain the "coup" that the dems "performed."
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Yes. Partisan hacks, racists and those with Down Syndrome. See my original post on the topic.

Please explain the "coup" that the dems "performed."
Well, that makes zero sense. LOL! Even your beloved Biden said she was hired because of her color, which is why some people feel this way about her

And, nice shot at those with Down Syndrome. I volunteer to help with the special Olympics and I can guarantee they have more worth than you do. But, you do you idiot.

And, since you either can't read or refuse to read my whole post, I will give you the FULL steps to their coup.

  • Biden won the nomination fair and square.
  • He forcefully said to the Dems in a letter that he was NOT going to subvert Democracy by stepping down.
  • After he said this over and over and over, the Dem Leadership kept claiming he had NOT made a decision yet. LOL!
  • Then they claimed he got covid (riiiight), even though Mr Mask didn't even put on a mask when getting on his plane surrounded by people.
  • Then while he has covid, they force him out.
  • Then they magically install Harris without her even getting one single vote. LOL!

That is a coup.
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Well, that makes zero sense. LOL! Even your beloved Biden said she was hired because of her color, which is why some people feel this way about her

And nice shot at those with Down Syndrome. I volunteer to help with the special Olympics and I can guarantee they have more worth then you. But, you do you idiot.

And, since you either can't read or refuse to read my whole post, I will give you the FULL steps to their coup.

  • Biden won the nomination fair and square.
  • He forcefully said to the Dems in a letter that he was NOT going to subvert Democracy by stepping down.
  • After he said this over and over and over, the Dem Leadership kept claiming he had NOT made a decision yet. LOL!
  • Then they claimed he got covid (riiiight), even though Mr Mask didn't even put on a mask when getting on his plane surrounded by people.
  • Then while he has covid, they force him out.
  • Then they magically install Harris without her even getting one single vote. LOL!

That is a coup.
You forgot the step where Joe Biden announced publicly that he was exiting the race. That’s a pretty important detail to omit from your alleged coup storyline.
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You forgot the step where Joe Biden announced publicly that he was exiting the race. That’s a pretty important detail to omit from your alleged coup storyline.
You really sticking with that line that it was HIS decision? That is AMAZING and Sad.

Let me guess, you were also one of the ultra leftist on here that was saying he was at the top of his game just before the debate. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but everyone knows EXACTLY what happened:
  • Just three days prior to dropping out, Biden says that "I am NOT dropping out, rather I am running and I am going to win!"
  • Then right after that, Pelosi and Schumer controdict his very own words by saying "No, he has NOT made up his mind!"
  • Then they go and visit him. After which, he comes down with Covid, and can't be seen or make any in person statements.
  • And THEN a statement is released where he suddenly has an Epiphany (during his supposed Covid sickness) and drops out. (I mean when he was FORCED out via a bloodless coup), and where a candidate is installed who has not earned a SINGLE vote from the electorate. 😂
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Well, that makes zero sense. LOL! Even your beloved Biden said she was hired because of her color, which is why some people feel this way about her

And, nice shot at those with Down Syndrome. I volunteer to help with the special Olympics and I can guarantee they have more worth than you do. But, you do you idiot.

And, since you either can't read or refuse to read my whole post, I will give you the FULL steps to their coup.

  • Biden won the nomination fair and square.
  • He forcefully said to the Dems in a letter that he was NOT going to subvert Democracy by stepping down.
  • After he said this over and over and over, the Dem Leadership kept claiming he had NOT made a decision yet. LOL!
  • Then they claimed he got covid (riiiight), even though Mr Mask didn't even put on a mask when getting on his plane surrounded by people.
  • Then while he has covid, they force him out.
  • Then they magically install Harris without her even getting one single vote. LOL!

That is a coup.
That's a conspiracy theory. That's not a coup. Your 6th grade social studies teacher should be ashamed of you.

The party has yet to make an official decision. That will take place at the convention, just as it always has.
That's a conspiracy theory. That's not a coup. Your 6th grade social studies teacher should be ashamed of you.

The party has yet to make an official decision. That will take place at the convention, just as it always has.
If you believe that then you must have your head in the sand 24/7

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That's a conspiracy theory. That's not a coup. Your 6th grade social studies teacher should be ashamed of you.

The party has yet to make an official decision. That will take place at the convention, just as it always has.
Oh my Lord. You are making me laugh. You are REALLY trying to scrub everything aren't you moron. LOL!!

  • Just three days prior to dropping out, Biden says that "I am NOT dropping out, rather I am running and I am going to win!" VERIFIABLE.
  • Then right after that, Pelosi and Schumer controdict his very own words by saying "No, he has NOT made up his mind!" VERIFIABLE.
  • Then they go and visit him. After which, he comes down with Covid, and can't be seen or make any in person statements. VERIFIABLE.
  • And THEN a statement is released where he suddenly has an Epiphany (during his supposed Covid sickness) and drops out. (I mean when he was FORCED out via a bloodless coup), and where a candidate is installed who has not earned a SINGLE vote from the electorate. 😂 VERIFIABLE.
Where was I wrong here? By all means, show where I was wrong on these? LOL!
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While it should be easy to attack her, they won't succeed. Her propaganda machine is very strong. Much stronger than Trump's.

Playing the victim card. BAU.

It's so funny how MAGA was beating their chest the last 4 weeks. Trump was going to waltz back into the WH. Now the Dems pivoted on strategy and completely shifted the momentum. Now it's back to being victims. Nobody gives them a fair shake.

Ho hum.....
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In other news, water is wet. Of course trump will attack her, that is all he knows. He's a beta bully who can't handle any criticism or push back. He's a spoiled brat that doesn't like talking to women or Blacks or anyone not like him. All he has is lies and baseless attacks.
That's a conspiracy theory. That's not a coup. Your 6th grade social studies teacher should be ashamed of you.

The party has yet to make an official decision. That will take place at the convention, just as it always has.

It is also important to note that every delegate at the convention has pledged to support Biden & Harris, based on the primary election results. It is reasonable to assume that they will support the will of the voters by casting their vote for Harris at the convention.

I would have preferred an open convention; partly for the spectacle but mainly so we might fight a stronger candidate. But following the will of the voters means Harris is the presumed nominee. Delegates would be hard-pressed to justify otherwise.
This is what is so crazy. The left always claims the other side is against Democracy. Yet, here they are forcing out one candidate (who DID NOT want to leave and earned the votes needed during the primaries) and then installing another candidate who has not earned one single vote in any primary. That is utter hypocrisy. LOL!
Gotta save the democracy!

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It is also important to note that every delegate at the convention has pledged to support Biden & Harris, based on the primary election results. It is reasonable to assume that they will support the will of the voters by casting their vote for Harris at the convention.

I would have preferred an open convention; partly for the spectacle but mainly so we might fight a stronger candidate. But following the will of the voters means Harris is the presumed nominee. Delegates would be hard-pressed to justify otherwise.
No offense......but are you kidding? The delegates got their orders and followed them. There was no Democratic process in their switching over to Harris.

GUARANTEED, if the Dems had had an open primary, she would have faired the same as she did in 2020, meaning she would get ZERO votes.

Good grief, before the debate many, many Dems and media were saying Biden AND Harris needed to go as they were both terrible. The Dems are a joke. 😂

LINK - Dems want BOTH Biden AND Harris off the ticket.
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Carville resembles a dried out hemorrhoid. It's not 1991-92 again. Go back into your nutria swamp James.
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Sorry, you have been busted as another one of those basement dwelling, triggered leftist who is logged on here 24/7. I mean you are the one who admitted to knowing my likes and post. LOL!!

Your simply another poster with lots of post (27000+ - Seriously?) with no real substance. Look, some of the posters in this thread HAVE to be the same person as they all seem to LIVE on this site. 😂
shocked the lorax GIF
No offense......but are you kidding? The delegates got their orders and followed them. There was no Democratic process in their switching over to Harris.

GURANTEED, if the Dems had had an open primary, she would have faired the same as she did in 2020, meaning she would get ZERO votes.

Good grief, before the debate many, many Dems and media were saying Biden AND Harris needed to go as they were both terrible. The Dems are a joke. 😂

LINK - Dems want BOTH Biden AND Harris off the ticket.
Worry about your party with the rapist felon at the top of the ticket. Fix that.
She's been getting attacked since committing to the campaign.

And all those attacks have done is given her a poll lead in the swing states.

Keep making fun of her race and sex by calling her a "DEI hire."

That line of attack has worked so well. lol.
No need to attack her based on race or gender, rather just on her critical thinking and speaking skills. A 92% turnover ratio of her VP staff is telling as it shows she is not respected and a poor leader.
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I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to Faux news, Rep Burchett and all the others who have referred to her as such.

District Attorney, California AG, United States Senator, Vice President of the United States. Only a partisan hack, a racist or someone with Down Syndrome would refer to someone with her qualifications as a DEI hire.
However, isn’t it true that Biden said his VP would be a woman of color? I don’t understand why any president would limit the pool from whom they pick as VP.
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Yes. Partisan hacks, racists and those with Down Syndrome. See my original post on the topic.

Please explain the "coup" that the dems "performed."
The “coup” was the Dems simply pushing out Biden who did not want to leave the presidential race.
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