Carville says Rep...will "Slaughter" Harris with attacks.........

In other news, water is wet. Of course trump will attack her, that is all he knows. He's a beta bully who can't handle any criticism or push back. He's a spoiled brat that doesn't like talking to women or Blacks or anyone not like him. All he has is lies and baseless attacks.
Of course, it’s a presidential election…both sides attack each other…what’s new about that?
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Even if all these guesses and speculation points to Joe being pushed out of the race unwillingly, what of it? He gone and all your hopes and dreams of seeing Trump the Terrible back in the WH have been shattered. Maybe it’s time for you to put forth a candidate who’s competent and could rally enough to have a chance against Harris. I think even a perfect candidate will fail due to the other factors in play this cycle. The GOP should be focusing on preserving their Congressional numbers many of which are now in play due to their horrendous messaging. November could be a bloodbath.
Oh my Lord. You are making me laugh. You are REALLY trying to scrub everything aren't you moron. LOL!!

  • Just three days prior to dropping out, Biden says that "I am NOT dropping out, rather I am running and I am going to win!" VERIFIABLE.
  • Then right after that, Pelosi and Schumer controdict his very own words by saying "No, he has NOT made up his mind!" VERIFIABLE.
  • Then they go and visit him. After which, he comes down with Covid, and can't be seen or make any in person statements. VERIFIABLE.
  • And THEN a statement is released where he suddenly has an Epiphany (during his supposed Covid sickness) and drops out. (I mean when he was FORCED out via a bloodless coup), and where a candidate is installed who has not earned a SINGLE vote from the electorate. 😂 VERIFIABLE.
Where was I wrong here? By all means, show where I was wrong on these? LOL!
No candidate was "installed." That's where you're wrong.

I'm sorry you don't know the difference between an endorsement and an installment.

The rest of your anecdotes prove nothing beyond verifiable he-said, she said.

= Conspiracy theory.
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No need to attack her based on race or gender, rather just on her critical thinking and speaking skills. A 92% turnover ratio of her VP staff is telling as it shows she is not respected and a poor leader.
I've seen worse. For example, the retrumplican candidate's former VP won't even endorse him. And nearly all of his former staff have turned on him, testifying before various committees against him. His former chief of staff refers to him as an idiot. I could go on if I wanted.
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You really sticking with that line that it was HIS decision? That is AMAZING and Sad.

Let me guess, you were also one of the ultra leftist on here that was saying he was at the top of his game just before the debate. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but everyone knows EXACTLY what happened:
  • Just three days prior to dropping out, Biden says that "I am NOT dropping out, rather I am running and I am going to win!"
  • Then right after that, Pelosi and Schumer controdict his very own words by saying "No, he has NOT made up his mind!"
  • Then they go and visit him. After which, he comes down with Covid, and can't be seen or make any in person statements.
  • And THEN a statement is released where he suddenly has an Epiphany (during his supposed Covid sickness) and drops out. (I mean when he was FORCED out via a bloodless coup), and where a candidate is installed who has not earned a SINGLE vote from the electorate. 😂
Trouble in paradise?
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I've seen worse. For example, the retrumplican candidate's former VP won't even endorse him. And nearly all of his former staff have turned on him, testifying before various committees against him. His former chief of staff refers to him as an idiot. I could go on if I wanted.
Here it is Wednesday and crickets on this post. I’d slink off too, though. I get it @Hans81 .
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The GOP seems like a cornered animal at this moment, fully aware that they are likely to lose due to fielding one of the most deplorable candidates in history. Desperately, they are now scrambling to tarnish the reputations of Harris and Walz, attempting to portray them as equally unfit. This strategy only underscores how far the GOP has fallen.
She and Walz could absolutly win with the liberal media behind them. But, lets see what happens when she actually starts to give one on one interviews AND gets to a debate.
Well, he put it out there....she just has to accept. Good grief, she won't even do one on one interviews at this point. LOL!
That’s simply not true. Google is your friend. Try using it sometime. I hope facts aren’t too liberal for you.
  • Haha
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That’s simply not true. Google is your friend. Try using it sometime. I hope facts aren’t too liberal for you.
Good grief, some of you people. Are you SERIOUSLY going to claim that Trump has not said he would debate Harris on Fox? Do YOU even know how to use Google...or for that fact, know how to turn on a TV?

That is one of the things that is pissing Harris and the Dems off is that he wants to move the debate to Fox. I hope FACTS are too conservative for you. 😂
I absolutly understood what he said. He said the Rep were going to come at her with EVERYTHING they had and she and the Dems better be ready. It doesn't mean she can't weather it and win. But, it shows he understands what is ahead for her. I wonder if you do? LOL!

It's already started. They were pre-emptively attacking her and have only intensified recently. Worst thing ever, not black, going to install communism and enslave the white race etc...

Be afraid!!