CBS Sunday Morning has a survivor of Odessa on...


HR King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
to deliver an editorial statement demanding Congress do something to regulate guns in this nation...and to do it now!
Silly woman. Congress, the NRA and the Republican Party has long ago made their decision on the 2nd a long time ago. They ain’t doin’ nothing!
That is why a few years ago, I decided to celebrate mass murders as they occur in this nation of ours. I still maintain, because Congress and the NRA have made this decision to tolerate mass murder of citizens, young adults and grade schoolers, I have made the correct decision.
Every mass murder in the USA, I pray to God and thank Him for allowing America to continue to have the ability to murder ( in large numbers) fellow citizens while allowing anyone with the wherewithal to buy a military style weapon with huge clips of ammunition! I understand this is key to us citizens self-defense against our duly elected government.
Hopefully, this woman in Odessa will come to her senses realize her editorial was misdirected and overly emotional.
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Things that will never change:

Combustible engine, weapons, prescription drugs, and interest rates. This country is ran by Big Oil, Big Rx, Banking and the NRA...too much money for there to be legitimate change...even if the change makes complete know like, closing gun show loop-holes, extended waiting periods for all guns, having only licensed gun dealers sell weapons (get rid of Wal-Mart, Dicks, etc.), extensive background checks, etc.
Things that will never change:

Combustible engine, weapons, prescription drugs, and interest rates. This country is ran by Big Oil, Big Rx, Banking and the NRA...too much money for there to be legitimate change...even if the change makes complete know like, closing gun show loop-holes, extended waiting periods for all guns, having only licensed gun dealers sell weapons (get rid of Wal-Mart, Dicks, etc.), extensive background checks, etc.
I hope they do not change
to deliver an editorial statement demanding Congress do something to regulate guns in this nation...and to do it now!
Silly woman. Congress, the NRA and the Republican Party has long ago made their decision on the 2nd a long time ago. They ain’t doin’ nothing!
That is why a few years ago, I decided to celebrate mass murders as they occur in this nation of ours. I still maintain, because Congress and the NRA have made this decision to tolerate mass murder of citizens, young adults and grade schoolers, I have made the correct decision.
Every mass murder in the USA, I pray to God and thank Him for allowing America to continue to have the ability to murder ( in large numbers) fellow citizens while allowing anyone with the wherewithal to buy a military style weapon with huge clips of ammunition! I understand this is key to us citizens self-defense against our duly elected government.
Hopefully, this woman in Odessa will come to her senses realize her editorial was misdirected and overly emotional.

She just has a knee jerk reaction to an alleged problem which most of us don't see as a problem to begin with.
I saw this! I felt awful for that woman. Her description of what happened was so real that I had no trouble imagining the whole thing.
Couple of honest thoughts about it...her emotions were raw and fresh and I wondered if she will feel the same in a few weeks or months.
What were her feelings about guns prior to this horrible event? Who contacted her to make this video? Or did she reach out to someone on her own? I just hope she's not being manipulated or used for political purposes.

Bottom line...this guy had failed a background check and was refused the ability to buy a firearm. But it didn't stop him. He just walked around existing laws and bought it privately. Not good.

I do not like guns. I do not own guns. I don't understand why people want assault type weapons. But they've always had the right and freedom to buy and possess them. It was not a problem until more recent times. What has changed? What's different now? Why is extreme weaponized violence so common? When did respect for life become so diminished?
It was not a problem until more recent times. What has changed? What's different now? Why is extreme weaponized violence so common? When did respect for life become so diminished?[/QUOTE]

Maybe its all the fluoride they are putting in the water? Maybe the "fluoride gap" has caught up with us as a nation?

Maybe though...I just don't know. It is a pathetic commentary on America and a more pathetic commentary that "we" cannot figure out a solution to the commonplace mass murders of innocent adults and children.
Our parents would be so proud of us!
Goldmom asks: "When did respect for life become
so diminished?"

In the past several decades we have seen gang wars
increase in our major cities. These turf wars are usually
about drugs and killing is a way of asserting authority.

Children are now exposed to violent video games and
films where killing is more of a contest between the weak
and the strong.

Most mass killings in America are done by those with
severe mental problems. There seems to be a copy-cat
element to it. It is seen as a way to become famous
and draw attention to yourself.
It was not a problem until more recent times. What has changed? What's different now? Why is extreme weaponized violence so common? When did respect for life become so diminished?

Maybe its all the fluoride they are putting in the water? Maybe the "fluoride gap" has caught up with us as a nation?

Maybe though...I just don't know. It is a pathetic commentary on America and a more pathetic commentary that "we" cannot figure out a solution to the commonplace mass murders of innocent adults and children.
Our parents would be so proud of us![/QUOTE]

The hippy liberal utopia dilemma... "we have something we want to change and damnit if we can't just snap our fingers and fix it the way we want!"
What some apparently find it hard to grasp is in a country of 300 million people, it's impossible to control the actions of them all... and all it takes is a few evil nutbags willing to kill others and this is what we get. Accepting mass killings has nothing to do with guns or the gop, it's about living in a country if 300 million with a broken culture in many segments of society. It's never going away.
She just has a knee jerk reaction to an alleged problem which most of us don't see as a problem to begin with.

I know you are a troll, and reasonable people can differ as to solutions, but if you don't see a problem, you are fricking blind.
The hippy liberal utopia dilemma... "we have something we want to change and damnit if we can't just snap our fingers and fix it the way we want!"
What some apparently find it hard to grasp is in a country of 300 million people, it's impossible to control the actions of them all... and all it takes is a few evil nutbags willing to kill others and this is what we get.
Well, to break a bad habit, you change the change the environment. We have a bad habit here, right now, that we can't seem to maybe we need to alter the environment.

Accepting mass killings has nothing to do with guns or the gop, it's about living in a country if 300 million with a broken culture in many segments of society.
The mass murder problem has become a real problem the past 12 years or so. Maybe it is time to change behavior patterns by changing the environment. Make gun buyers all subject to registration laws and being deemed "responsible", free from mental issues....get rid of the gun show allowances...ban clips of ammunition.....Dont allow any military type weapon to be sold to the public.....
I mention the GOP because they or their reps seem to be the ones (as a group) who oppose registering gun owners and doing any type of gun regulation and they seem to be in bed with the NRA (administration) much more than Democrats. The NRA administrators do NOT represent the NRA members as the VAST majority of NRA members favor some sort of limits on gun sales and who can buy them.

It's never going away.[/QUOTE]
As it is right now, you are correct. So, do as I do and celebrate these mass murders and worship at the holy grail of the 2nd Amendment. Amen! (and pass the ammunition)
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Maybe its all the fluoride they are putting in the water? Maybe the "fluoride gap" has caught up with us as a nation?

Maybe though...I just don't know. It is a pathetic commentary on America and a more pathetic commentary that "we" cannot figure out a solution to the commonplace mass murders of innocent adults and children.
Our parents would be so proud of us!

The hippy liberal utopia dilemma... "we have something we want to change and damnit if we can't just snap our fingers and fix it the way we want!"
What some apparently find it hard to grasp is in a country of 300 million people, it's impossible to control the actions of them all... and all it takes is a few evil nutbags willing to kill others and this is what we get. Accepting mass killings has nothing to do with guns or the gop, it's about living in a country if 300 million with a broken culture in many segments of society. It's never going away.[/QUOTE]

The % of gun killings in this country dwarfs others. It is there for you to see, if only you would be willing to honestly pay attention.
I have kids and am unwilling to throw my hands up and say it is never going away.
Maybe its all the fluoride they are putting in the water? Maybe the "fluoride gap" has caught up with us as a nation?

Maybe though...I just don't know. It is a pathetic commentary on America and a more pathetic commentary that "we" cannot figure out a solution to the commonplace mass murders of innocent adults and children.
Our parents would be so proud of us!

The hippy liberal utopia dilemma... "we have something we want to change and damnit if we can't just snap our fingers and fix it the way we want!"
What some apparently find it hard to grasp is in a country of 300 million people, it's impossible to control the actions of them all... and all it takes is a few evil nutbags willing to kill others and this is what we get. Accepting mass killings has nothing to do with guns or the gop, it's about living in a country if 300 million with a broken culture in many segments of society. It's never going away.[/QUOTE]
Look at the polls. It isn't some hippie liberal utopia. 90 percent want background checks. In three other areas the population wants increased gun security by better than 50 percent.
What changed in America is that Antonin Scalia rewrote the Constitution, and the NRA stopped being an organization that promotes gun safety, responsible hunting, and and sporting competitions, and became only concerned with promoting gun manufacturers positions, and became a political arm of the GOP.
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The hippy liberal utopia dilemma... "we have something we want to change and damnit if we can't just snap our fingers and fix it the way we want!"
What some apparently find it hard to grasp is in a country of 300 million people, it's impossible to control the actions of them all... and all it takes is a few evil nutbags willing to kill others and this is what we get. Accepting mass killings has nothing to do with guns or the gop, it's about living in a country if 300 million with a broken culture in many segments of society. It's never going away.

The % of gun killings in this country dwarfs others. It is there for you to see, if only you would be willing to honestly pay attention.
I have kids and am unwilling to throw my hands up and say it is never going away.[/QUOTE]

If you really have kids and really want to do something "immediate" then have you thought about bulletproof backpacks for the kids. I have purchased them for my niece and nephew and sleep better knowing they have them.
The % of gun killings in this country dwarfs others. It is there for you to see, if only you would be willing to honestly pay attention.
I have kids and am unwilling to throw my hands up and say it is never going away.

If you really have kids and really want to do something "immediate" then have you thought about bulletproof backpacks for the kids. I have purchased them for my niece and nephew and sleep better knowing they have them.[/QUOTE]
No, that is treating a symptom, not the cause. My kids are prolly older than you and quite obviously have better critical thinking skills. I have no problem sleeping.

1) he died in 1887...his idea of a gun was a musket.

2) in addition to being an individual anarchist, did you know he was a libertarian socialist and staunch abolitionist? I suspect you prefer to cherry pick his quotes.
If you want to stop the mass shooting, everyone should take a break from constantly being an asshole to each other online and on social media. Actually tell someone hello in public rather than lock yourself inside a bubble. Take the weird shit off the internet.
Pretty spot on. Add in having expectations and accountability and you've basically nailed what's really the issue.
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Goldmom asks: "When did respect for life become
so diminished?"

In the past several decades we have seen gang wars
increase in our major cities. These turf wars are usually
about drugs and killing is a way of asserting authority.

Children are now exposed to violent video games and
films where killing is more of a contest between the weak
and the strong.

Most mass killings in America are done by those with
severe mental problems. There seems to be a copy-cat
element to it. It is seen as a way to become famous
and draw attention to yourself.
These gang wars: Lute, you know nothing about this. They’re a blip symptom. And an awesome deflection tool.
These gang wars: Lute, you know nothing about this. They’re a blip symptom. And an awesome deflection tool.
so let them keep on shooting each other and drug dealing and having kids with three different dads and no dad.... and ignore them, they are a blip, while libs deflect on over to taking guns away from citizens who are lawful and not in gangs? is that the plan? do you really think gangs never happened and are not still happening?
so let them keep on shooting each other and drug dealing and having kids with three different dads and no dad.... and ignore them, they are a blip, while libs deflect on over to taking guns away from citizens who are lawful and not in gangs? is that the plan? do you really think gangs never happened and are not still happening?
Good lord.

Look, we worship money in this country, period. The gang violence mirrors the military violence, same thing, different scale. We, as a country, devalue life whenever it is in the way of some type of profit mechanism—be it access to markets, resources, or both. Gangs fighting over turf is no different than the US killing for "foreign policy"—which is really, basically, on a fundamental level, self-serving just the same. We also demonstrate on a constant basis that life is less valuable than power, which is basically a greed-based motivation, in our basic politics. Our society reflects us back to us. So if you really care about the gang violence, or violence in poor communities, or violence related to drug economy, then I beg you to reflect more deeply on the macro. Stop pointing to Chicago any time it becomes convenient, because it is clear most people really don't give a damn and love that Chicago exists as it does. Why do I feel like I can claim carelessness? Because if people really cared they would 1) be much better informed as to the historical nature of the issues facing Chicago's segregated poor communities, and 2) they wouldn't posit that libs aren't trying to address it, or that libs cause it, or whatever bullshit uninformed drivel that accompanies any right winger mention of Chicago.

We worship money. We worship individualism. Which is to say, we worship self-serving greed. Anything that validates and affirms is gold. Anything else is rejected. I need money and whatever ribbons come with it. That is the America you love, the one you want. Nothing you have ever said in HROT has remotely suggested otherwise.

You don't care about Chicago. Nor does Lute. Chicago is just a convenient rebut.
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Good lord.

Look, we worship money in this country, period. The gang violence mirrors the military violence, same thing, different scale. We, as a country, devalue life whenever it is in the way of some type of profit mechanism—be it access to markets, resources, or both. Gangs fighting over turf is no different than the US killing for "foreign policy"—which is really, basically, on a fundamental level, self-serving just the same. We also demonstrate on a constant basis that life is less valuable than power, which is basically a greed-based motivation, in our basic politics. Our society reflects us back to us. So if you really care about the gang violence, or violence in poor communities, or violence related to drug economy, then I beg you to reflect more deeply on the macro. Stop pointing to Chicago any time it becomes convenient, because it is clear most people really don't give a damn and love that Chicago exists as it does. Why do I feel like I can claim carelessness? Because if people really cared they would 1) be much better informed as to the historical nature of the issues facing Chicago's segregated poor communities, and 2) they wouldn't posit that libs aren't trying to address it, or that libs cause it, or whatever bullshit uninformed drivel that accompanies any right winger mention of Chicago.

We worship money. We worship individualism. Which is to say, we worship self-serving greed. Anything that validates and affirms is gold. Anything else is rejected. I need money and whatever ribbons come with it. That is the America you love, the one you want. Nothing you have ever said in HROT has remotely suggested otherwise.

You don't care about Chicago. Nor does Lute. Chicago is just a convenient rebut.
OiT did serve a purpose! He was the muse that created this exceptional post that I'm going to re-post in bold letters. It's one of your best!

Look, we worship money in this country, period. The gang violence mirrors the military violence, same thing, different scale. We, as a country, devalue life whenever it is in the way of some type of profit mechanism—be it access to markets, resources, or both. Gangs fighting over turf is no different than the US killing for "foreign policy"—which is really, basically, on a fundamental level, self-serving just the same. We also demonstrate on a constant basis that life is less valuable than power, which is basically a greed-based motivation, in our basic politics. Our society reflects us back to us. So if you really care about the gang violence, or violence in poor communities, or violence related to drug economy, then I beg you to reflect more deeply on the macro. Stop pointing to Chicago any time it becomes convenient, because it is clear most people really don't give a damn and love that Chicago exists as it does. Why do I feel like I can claim carelessness? Because if people really cared they would 1) be much better informed as to the historical nature of the issues facing Chicago's segregated poor communities, and 2) they wouldn't posit that libs aren't trying to address it, or that libs cause it, or whatever bullshit uninformed drivel that accompanies any right winger mention of Chicago.

We worship money. We worship individualism. Which is to say, we worship self-serving greed. Anything that validates and affirms is gold. Anything else is rejected. I need money and whatever ribbons come with it.
OiT did serve a purpose! He was the muse that created this exceptional post that I'm going to re-post in bold letters. It's one of your best!

Look, we worship money in this country, period. The gang violence mirrors the military violence, same thing, different scale. We, as a country, devalue life whenever it is in the way of some type of profit mechanism—be it access to markets, resources, or both. Gangs fighting over turf is no different than the US killing for "foreign policy"—which is really, basically, on a fundamental level, self-serving just the same. We also demonstrate on a constant basis that life is less valuable than power, which is basically a greed-based motivation, in our basic politics. Our society reflects us back to us. So if you really care about the gang violence, or violence in poor communities, or violence related to drug economy, then I beg you to reflect more deeply on the macro. Stop pointing to Chicago any time it becomes convenient, because it is clear most people really don't give a damn and love that Chicago exists as it does. Why do I feel like I can claim carelessness? Because if people really cared they would 1) be much better informed as to the historical nature of the issues facing Chicago's segregated poor communities, and 2) they wouldn't posit that libs aren't trying to address it, or that libs cause it, or whatever bullshit uninformed drivel that accompanies any right winger mention of Chicago.

We worship money. We worship individualism. Which is to say, we worship self-serving greed. Anything that validates and affirms is gold. Anything else is rejected. I need money and whatever ribbons come with it.

Did I seriously get this far in a mass shooting thread, and nobody has mentioned or blamed the guy occupying the Oval Office?

I have to be blind