CDC, Vaccines and Autism

Nat Algren

HB Legend
Nov 23, 2014
Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism
By Ben Swann -

Jan 26, 2016

The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.

For nearly two years, Truth In Media has explored the allegations of Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist who came forward in 2014, hired a whistleblower attorney, and claimed that important data regarding a study on vaccines and autism was eliminated.

Thompson’s claims have led to a divide among Americans, with some believing that Thompson’s allegations are credible and should be investigated further, and others convinced that the documents Thompson handed over mean absolutely nothing. In December 2015, Ben Swann was the first journalist to obtain the documents from Congressman Bill Posey.

In this episode, Swann further examines not only Thompson’s claims, but also the documents related to the study, with the assistance of doctors, journalists, authors and former CDC specialists who joined Swann in discussing every document that was handed over.

Update, January 26, 2016, 2:16 p.m.: Due to a high volume of requests, the CDC documents given to Truth In Media are available below, split into two folders.

Click here to download Folder 1.

Click here to download Folder 2.

Click link for 23 min. video:
Truth in Media: CDC, Vaccines and Autism
By Ben Swann -

Jan 26, 2016

The debate over whether vaccines cause autism has become one of the most controversial disputes in this country. In this episode of Truth In Media, the focus is not on whether vaccines are responsible for autism. The issue at hand here is a study that was performed at the CDC and the question of whether the agency was complicit in a cover-up over a decade ago.

For nearly two years, Truth In Media has explored the allegations of Dr. William Thompson, a CDC scientist who came forward in 2014, hired a whistleblower attorney, and claimed that important data regarding a study on vaccines and autism was eliminated.

Thompson’s claims have led to a divide among Americans, with some believing that Thompson’s allegations are credible and should be investigated further, and others convinced that the documents Thompson handed over mean absolutely nothing. In December 2015, Ben Swann was the first journalist to obtain the documents from Congressman Bill Posey.

In this episode, Swann further examines not only Thompson’s claims, but also the documents related to the study, with the assistance of doctors, journalists, authors and former CDC specialists who joined Swann in discussing every document that was handed over.

Update, January 26, 2016, 2:16 p.m.: Due to a high volume of requests, the CDC documents given to Truth In Media are available below, split into two folders.

Click here to download Folder 1.

Click here to download Folder 2.

Click link for 23 min. video:

No, it hasn't. There's no debate, but you know that.
In August, 2014, a senior CDC researcher, Dr. William Thompson came forward and sought whistleblower status by claiming that an important 2004 paper from the CDC—which found no correlation with the MMR vaccine and autism–was fraudulent. According to Dr. Thompson, the CDC researchers actually found that the MMR vaccine, when given before 36 months of age (it is presently recommended at 12-15 months and again at five years) was significantly correlated with the development of autism. However, the CDC, in a closed door meeting, altered the data to hide their findings. Furthermore, the authors of this 2004 paper were told, by their bosses at the CDC, to throw out and not disclose any information that showed a correlation of the MMR vaccine with autism.
Ben Swann’s long-awaited report on the “CDC whistleblower” goes over like a lead balloon of antivaccine misinformation

Ben Swann's report on the "CDC whistleblower" reminded me a great deal of another great wreck in history. I had debated whether to use a picture of the Titanic instead, but decided that a big blow up was more appropriate. Sorry, Ben. Actually, no, I'm not.
Ben Swann, anchor of the evening news for the local Atlanta CBS affiliate and the face of his Truth In Media series of videos, thinks himself an investigative journalist and a truth teller, but much of what I see him reporting more closely resembles reporting as though done by a cross between Ted Baxter, Ron Burgundy, and Alex Jones. For one thing, Mr. Swann sure does love him some conspiracies, and he sure is susceptible to antivaccine nonsense, no matter how nonsensical. I first saw him in action nearly three months ago, when he credulously regurgitated the antivaccine talking points on display in the antivaccine protest in Atlanta in which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Barbara Loe Fisher, and whole gaggle of the usual antivaccine suspects converged on Atlanta and the CDC with Scientology-allied Nation of Islam minister Tony Muhammed to protest…well, what the protest was about wasn’t exactly clear. Ostensibly, it was about the so-called “CDC whistleblower,” a CDC scientist named William Thompson who was involved with a number of CDC studies that failed to find a link between vaccines and autism back in the day. Yesterday, he published the culmination of his “investigation” (and I do use the term loosely) on his Truth In Media website as a story, CDC, Vaccines and Autism. As was the case with Swann’s previous reports on this issue, it’s largely a load of misinformation, shoddy reporting, and lying by omission, only stretched out to 25 minutes. In fact, I was rather disappointed by it, after having looked forward to it for two weeks after Swann had announced it, so much so that I wondered whether it was even worth blogging. Then I realized that this sort of stuff needs to be countered, and as a fairly high profile medical blogger I had an obligation to address this specific video, even though there really is nothing new in it. But first, some background.

I’ve discussed Thompson (a.k.a. the “CDC whistleblower”) and his claims in considerable detail on multiple occasions since his existence was first revealed by the antivaccine tag team of Brian Hooker and Andrew Wakefield in a truly despicable video in which Wakefield likened the vaccine program to the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Why did he make this claim? Why has Thompson been trumpeted as the “CDC whistleblower” since Wakefield’s video was released in August 2014? I like to think it’s because antivaccinationists think that he’s revealed actual evidence of what I like to call the central conspiracy theory of the antivaccine movement, namely that there is “smoking gun” evidence out there that vaccines cause autism but the CDC (or government or big pharma or all of them in cahoots) is covering it up. In this case, for whatever reason, William Thompson had a number of telephone conversations with biochemical engineer turned incompetent antivaccine epidemiologist Brian Hooker over many months, in which he apparently ranted against his colleagues at the CDC and claimed that a finding had been suppressed in a paper by DeStefano et al on which Thompson was also coauthor that was published in 2004. Apparently with Thompson’s advice, Hooker undertook a reanalysis of the data in this paper that was so incompetently performed that epidemiologists everywhere mocked him mercilessly. Let’s just say that Hooker analyzed a case control study as a cohort study and ignored one major confounder, which left him with the almost certainly spurious finding that receiving the MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months was correlated with a 3.4-fold increased risk of autism in only one subgroup, African American males. Of course, as I put it at the time, other than that spurious result, Hooker had just proven Andrew Wakefield wrong when it comes to all children other than African-American males.

In any case, it wasn’t long before Thompson lawyered up and claimed whistleblower status. Around the same time, he gave a number of documents to Representative Bill Posey (R-FL), who made a pointless speech on the House floor a few days before summer recess about them when few were listening and otherwise did basically nothing with them. Meanwhile, as more and more of Thompson’s statements were made public, it was hard not to get the impression that he had turned antivaccine. In any case, Ben Swann swallowed the CDC whistleblower story that claimed those documents held a “smoking gun” in which Thompson’s colleagues had altered the research plan for DeStefano et al after the study was underway in order to “hide” the result in African-American boys and had destroyed a bunch of data in order to prevent that from becoming known. Two months ago, we learned that Swann had obtained all the CDC whistleblower documents from Rep. Posey’s office and was planning on doing a report on it. Unfortunately for Swann, Matt Carey beat him to the punch, obtaining all the documents himself and doing an excellent analysis that shows that there was no coverup. For your edification, he even provided a link to download all the files yourself if you wish. It’s right here. I myself also reviewed the CDC whistleblower documents and agreed with Matt that there’s a whole lot of nothing going on there, noting from the documents’ contents that even William Thompson doesn’t appear to believe that the result in African-American boys was real.

I’m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. That’s why you’ll have to watch the video on my own website to see my awesomeness. Well, that, and the fact that the CBS affiliate in Atlanta where I anchor the evening news wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot cattle prod.

So when I learned that Swann was going to post his CDC whistleblower report on January 26, I was actually looking forward to it. Maybe he’d come up with a new antivaccine spin on the story that I hadn’t heard before. Alas, it was not to be, as you will see if you watch Swann’s video, which unfortunately doesn’t allow embedding. Before I get to the video, there’s one thing I noticed in the text:

See more about Swann's ridiculous article and video at:
Didn't the guy who claimed MMR was linked to autism end up admitting he made up a bunch of the data in his research? And that is the only study that linked the two? That's pretty conclusive that the whole argument is bunk.
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Didn't the guy who claimed MMR was linked to autism end up admitting he made up a bunch of the data in his research? And that is the only study that linked the two? That's pretty conclusive that the whole argument is bunk.

Not he, but the publication that put it up admitted yeah it was junk.
Ben Swann’s long-awaited report on the “CDC whistleblower” goes over like a lead balloon of antivaccine misinformation

Ben Swann's report on the "CDC whistleblower" reminded me a great deal of another great wreck in history. I had debated whether to use a picture of the Titanic instead, but decided that a big blow up was more appropriate. Sorry, Ben. Actually, no, I'm not.
Ben Swann, anchor of the evening news for the local Atlanta CBS affiliate and the face of his Truth In Media series of videos, thinks himself an investigative journalist and a truth teller, but much of what I see him reporting more closely resembles reporting as though done by a cross between Ted Baxter, Ron Burgundy, and Alex Jones. For one thing, Mr. Swann sure does love him some conspiracies, and he sure is susceptible to antivaccine nonsense, no matter how nonsensical. I first saw him in action nearly three months ago, when he credulously regurgitated the antivaccine talking points on display in the antivaccine protest in Atlanta in which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Barbara Loe Fisher, and whole gaggle of the usual antivaccine suspects converged on Atlanta and the CDC with Scientology-allied Nation of Islam minister Tony Muhammed to protest…well, what the protest was about wasn’t exactly clear. Ostensibly, it was about the so-called “CDC whistleblower,” a CDC scientist named William Thompson who was involved with a number of CDC studies that failed to find a link between vaccines and autism back in the day. Yesterday, he published the culmination of his “investigation” (and I do use the term loosely) on his Truth In Media website as a story, CDC, Vaccines and Autism. As was the case with Swann’s previous reports on this issue, it’s largely a load of misinformation, shoddy reporting, and lying by omission, only stretched out to 25 minutes. In fact, I was rather disappointed by it, after having looked forward to it for two weeks after Swann had announced it, so much so that I wondered whether it was even worth blogging. Then I realized that this sort of stuff needs to be countered, and as a fairly high profile medical blogger I had an obligation to address this specific video, even though there really is nothing new in it. But first, some background.

I’ve discussed Thompson (a.k.a. the “CDC whistleblower”) and his claims in considerable detail on multiple occasions since his existence was first revealed by the antivaccine tag team of Brian Hooker and Andrew Wakefield in a truly despicable video in which Wakefield likened the vaccine program to the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Why did he make this claim? Why has Thompson been tru
David Gorski’s Financial Pharma Ties: What He Didn’t Tell You
By Jake Crosby

His motto is “A statement of fact cannot be insolent,” yet the title of his blog reads “Respectful Insolence.” In other words, even he admits there are no facts on his blog.

He has become the online spokesperson for the vaccine industry, a member of the highly trafficked, drug-industry-sponsored “Science”Blogs where he heavily promotes the tobacco science obscuring causes of autism. Posting under the science fiction name “Orac,” David Gorski has become the most outspoken, self-styled “skeptic” in defense of mercury that exceeds EPA limits in vaccines. Another example of a cause of autism he vehemently denies is the MMR - the triple, combined live-virus vaccine implicated in measles virus infection in the ileum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and cerebrospinal fluid of children who have autistic enterocolitis.

In case anybody’s wondering what David Gorski’s connection is to the autism debate, he has undisclosed financial ties to the vaccine industry. He has made no mention of these connections, despite stating in one of his many defenses of millionaire vaccine industrialist Paul Offit, “A general principle is that undisclosed potential conflicts of interest (COIs) are of far more concern and potentially far more damaging to the scientific process than disclosed COIs.”However, Gorski has steadfastly denied possessing any conflicts, having once told me online without my even accusing him, “You are wrong. I receive no money from pharmaceutical companies and haven’t for 14 years.”


Well, it so happens Sanofi-Aventis – the world’s largest vaccine maker - is involved in several partnerships under which the company may be required to pay a total of €31 million ($39 million USD) from 2008 to 2013. Gorski’s employer, Wayne State University, is one of the partners, and he is conducting a clinical trial of one of the company’s drugs. Therefore, like Offit (who concealed the millions he received in Merck royalty payments because Merck paid the royalties to a third party, not Offit directly) Gorski has a reasonable expectation to receive money from a vaccine maker, even if it is through a third party. A look at the summary description of the Gorski Lab reveals that his research focus is drug discovery and development. However, he is not developing a new drug, but rather, developing new uses for an existing one. Such a process is far more profitable to the drug manufacturer as it eliminates the costs of developing a new substance from scratch, thereby maximizing profits for the company.

click link for balance:
My thought on the subject is this: I don't put anything into my body that I don't think is necessary, with the exception of alcohol, because I find that necessary to deal with most of the people I deal with on a daily basis. If weed becomes legal, and my job is okay with it, I will substitute weed for alcohol because I believe that it is truly better for you, and it will still help me deal with most of you people.
The research lab that Gorski runs is funded by the Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO. Who are their endowment donors you ask? Good question.

Mission Endowment Donors

Mission Endowment Founding Donors




Mission Endowment Sustaining Donors






AbbVie, Inc.
Celgene Corporation

Incyte Corporation
Onyx Pharmaceuticals

- See more at:
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My thought on the subject is this: I don't put anything into my body that I don't think is necessary, with the exception of alcohol, because I find that necessary to deal with most of the people I deal with on a daily basis. If weed becomes legal, and my job is okay with it, I will substitute weed for alcohol because I believe that it is truly better for you, and it will still help me deal with most of you people.

Weed is less bad for you. And you were probably vaccinated. Natural might call you autistic, but I just think you're cranky like me (for different reasons). And even if you weren't vaccinated, you've benefited from others being vaccinated.

I'm not a doctor, but I've heard a lot of rumblings about how the diagnostic criteria for autism have changed and that "the spectrum" is now much broader than it used to be. How does that play into the few "studies" which supposedly link the MMR vaccine with autism? Apologies if that was already addressed in this thread. It's hard to commit to reading the entirety of the first HROT vaccine argument of 2016.

Edit: Also, you people?
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Weed is less bad for you. And you were probably vaccinated. Natural might call you autistic, but I just think you're cranky like me (for different reasons). And even if you weren't vaccinated, you've benefited from others being vaccinated.

I'm not a doctor, but I've heard a lot of rumblings about how the diagnostic criteria for autism have changed and that "the spectrum" is now much broader than it used to be. How does that play into the few "studies" which supposedly link the MMR vaccine with autism? Apologies if that was already addressed in this thread. It's hard to commit to reading the entirety of the first HROT vaccine argument of 2016.

Edit: Also, you people?

Let me put it this way, I don't even put aspirin into my body unless I can't stand the pain, and I seem to have a high pain threshold, so one small bottle of aspirin lasts me years.
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Let me put it this way, I don't even put aspirin into my body unless I can't stand the pain, and I seem to have a high pain threshold, so one small bottle of aspirin lasts me years.

Is this a metaphor I'm not getting? Having a high pain threshold seemingly has little to do with your immune system's reaction to viruses which affect humans. I don't think you can give yourself HIV to forget about suffering from mouth herpes.
Hmmmm. So this Ben Swann guy must have been writing vaccine inserts for Big Pharma at some point; why else would they admit to causing autism, SIDS, seizures, etc.? ;) Good thing they no longer have to list the actual side effects. Wouldn't want to scare any customers away now, would we?


Go ahead and shoot yourselves and your kids up: I'm a live and let live kind of a guy. Just don't try and force it on the great unwashed.
Is this a metaphor I'm not getting? Having a high pain threshold seemingly has little to do with your immune system's reaction to viruses which affect humans. I don't think you can give yourself HIV to forget about suffering from mouth herpes.

I rarely go to the doctor and haven't taken antibiotics since it's been my decision. The result is that a rarely ever get sick.
No, it hasn't. There's no debate, but you know that.
You're a fool if you think introducing foreign substances into the human body would have absolutely no impact. A vaccine is not some simple formula concoction. It is a blend of many substances, most very rare and without full insight into what happens when you blend those substances. This happens almost on routine.

While also not accounting for any other foreign substances introduced to the body at the same time. Nor does history show enough accurate data or test composites to be able to gauge an individual's reaction to those substances mixing with the other substances in order to see their bodies reaction to them. Which is the end is inconclusive at best because everybody is different both chemically and reactionary.

In short, you're not even close to being qualified in even a small fraction of this topic to be talking about this in absolutes, so STFU. Big pharma is big business and like any business such as the tobacco business; it is not going to openly show is faults.

Newsflash genius, business isn't moral based.
I rarely go to the doctor and haven't taken antibiotics since it's been my decision. The result is that a rarely ever get sick.
And I can also report the same results. So can many others who do the same. Score one for the natural crew.
My thought on the subject is this: I don't put anything into my body that I don't think is necessary, with the exception of alcohol, because I find that necessary to deal with most of the people I deal with on a daily basis. If weed becomes legal, and my job is okay with it, I will substitute weed for alcohol because I believe that it is truly better for you, and it will still help me deal with most of you people.
And that is a very good method to have. What we have here is a beautiful example of falling in line from the pro-inject it because big pharma and the people they pay to study, or argue for them, say it's safe.

I wonder if the Ciggy types in this thread realize how ironic their foolish and naive arguments are.
I rarely go to the doctor and haven't taken antibiotics since it's been my decision. The result is that a rarely ever get sick.

Are you trolling or do you just assume that whatever vaccinations you received as a child were just big-pharma nonsense? I haven't been to the doctor in a few years but my folks took me a lot when I was a child and I received vaccinations which are supposed to have created t-cells in my body responsible for responding to specific viral pathogens that would have threatened my health in another world. And not just hypothetically. A lot people have historically died from pathogens that we don't sweat now (in this and other countries with some modern em-effin Western medicine).
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Ned...are you really that dense? This "theory" has been debunked so many times and yet you want to believe it so bad. It is impossible to give a person such as you any credibility when you spout tripe like this.
Debunked by who? Show us your personal understanding on biological chemistry and your self or peer led studies that can account for every variable of this debate.

We have proof of our argument in this thread. Alcohol, as it has clearly made you borderline retarded.
Call me whatever for my liberal socialist nonsense, but it's hard not to hate libertarians when you read a thread like this.
You hate us because you can't argue against us. You even have to label is as if all of us are of the same mold. You want me to start a list of all your misdeeds? You Democratic piece of crap. Just ask nicely and I'll make you hate us more, simply for being correct. You're pathetic.
Are you trolling or do you just assume that whatever vaccinations you received as a child were just big-pharma nonsense? I haven't been to the doctor in a few years but my folks took me a lot when I was a child and I received vaccinations which are supposed to have created t-cells in my body responsible for responding to specific viral pathogens that would have threatened my health in another world. And not just hypothetically. A lot people have historically died from pathogens that we don't sweat now (in this and other countries with some modern em-effin Western medicine).

Honestly? If you're a biological pussy, there really isn't much you can do about it. Natural selection is going to get you sooner rather than later, so I don't feel the need to poison my body any more than I feel necessary to sedate myself from all the f***ing idiots in this world.
Are you trolling or do you just assume that whatever vaccinations you received as a child were just big-pharma nonsense? I haven't been to the doctor in a few years but my folks took me a lot when I was a child and I received vaccinations which are supposed to have created t-cells in my body responsible for responding to specific viral pathogens that would have threatened my health in another world. And not just hypothetically. A lot people have historically died from pathogens that we don't sweat now (in this and other countries with some modern em-effin Western medicine).
Look how absolute you are. Do you not realize that the entire argument is based on documented instances of wrong doing? Do you even understand what that means?
Honestly? If you're a biological pussy, there really isn't much you can do about it. Natural selection is going to get you sooner rather than later, so I don't feel the need to poison my body any more than I feel necessary to sedate myself from all the f***ing idiots in this world.
Nor do I, and I haven't died of some disease yet. I also don't get sick, pretty much at all really. I also don't rely on big pharma either.

Only morons would argue your points.
Debunked by who? Show us your personal understanding on biological chemistry and your self or peer led studies that can account for every variable of this debate.

We have proof of our argument in this thread. Alcohol, as it has clearly made you borderline retarded.

Show us yours, you hypocritical dipshit. Take a bio 101 without being paranoid about the message the government is trying to send you. Try grasping that understanding of the difference between viruses and bacteria. Try understanding the purpose of vaccination. Or don't and continue to be a joke of a supposedly-serious person.
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Look how absolute you are. Do you not realize that the entire argument is based on documented instances of wrong doing? Do you even understand what that means?

I haven't been to a doctor since the last time I've been to a doctor and I'm doing fine. I haven't even listened to any arguments for medicine apart from "they're trying to control us" so since that point I'm assuming that everything they're doing is big government and the fact that I'm not suffering from polio is a fact of the American free market kicking ass.
You are a nonserious dipshit. Thank you for your alleged service, but you are supposed to be smarter than you are and you continue to eschew education
Honestly? If you're a biological pussy, there really isn't much you can do about it. Natural selection is going to get you sooner rather than later, so I don't feel the need to poison my body any more than I feel necessary to sedate myself from all the f***ing idiots in this world.

Do you have some knowledge that you weren't vaccinated as a child?
Show us yours, you hypocritical dipshit. Take a bio 101 without being paranoid about the message the government is trying to send you. Try grasping that understanding of the difference between viruses and bacteria. Try understanding the purpose of vaccination. Or don't and continue to be a joke of a supposedly-serious person.
So you're just going you take the argument in any direction you feel will help your pitiful and naive argument? I don't need to try to understand any of this, as I already do. You completely walked around my statements by the way.

Show us a stat by stat study, that includes a full listing of medicinal ingredients makeup, down to the method of ingestion, how the ingredients interact individually, together, and in certain combinations, with outside factors, certain genetic makeups, and all that along with a proof of consistency in biological interaction.

Once you do that, then you can continue this pro big business and big pharma support statement. I thought you didn't like Corporatism?

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