1300 people, out of tens of millions of children vaccinated?
Do you understand anything about risk management and acceptable risk levels? (Apparently, no)
Do you understand the percentage and rate of injury here? (Clearly, someone ELSE has to do the math for you)
Assuming the rough average US rate of 15 births per 1000 people, that's >5 million births PER YEAR. Over a decade, that's 50 million babies vaccinated. 1300/50,000,000 = 0.00025, or 0.025% risk of a serious problem or reaction. MOST medical procedures carry at LEAST 1-2% risk of problems, many are much higher. That makes vaccines 100x LESS risky than most medical procedures.
Care to guess how many hundreds of thousands would have ended up dead or injured WITHOUT vaccines? (Note that rubella, part of the MMR series, also causes birth defects like the Zika virus that everyone is getting freaked out about now). We would have FAR higher mortality and other issues, guaranteed.
The fact is clear and very simple: vaccines are VERY safe compared with most other aspects of medicine - FAR more people have been injured by other medical procedures over a decade that are considered 'acceptable' and 'safe' than from vaccines.
And all the BS you and others are spouting about 'Big Pharma' and 'CDC' conspiracies is sheer lunacy - there are hundreds of university-based entities, and other international entities which have examined the vaccines issue; ALL of them have deemed them 'safe'. It is simply beyond implausible that CDC or Big Pharm could possibly keep the types of allegations you are making under wraps without some major university/etc discovering it and publishing it. Hasn't happened.