CDC, Vaccines and Autism

So you're just going you take the argument in any direction you feel will help your pitiful and naive argument? I don't need to try to understand any of this, as I already do. You completely walked around my statements by the way.

Show us a stat by stat study, that includes a full listing of medicinal ingredients makeup, down to the method of ingestion, how the ingredients interact individually, together, and in certain combinations, with outside factors, certain genetic makeups, and all that along with a proof of consistency in biological interaction.

Once you do that, then you can continue this pro big business and big pharma support statement. I thought you didn't like Corporatism?

My pitiful and naive argument that none of our candidates for POTUS have polio? Holy shit. You weren't popular in the military either, right? Like, the other guys thought you were crazy?
My pitiful and naive argument that none of our candidates for POTUS have polio? Holy shit. You weren't popular in the military either, right? Like, the other guys thought you were crazy?
I was pretty well liked actually and I'm not sure who my CIC candidates are as I have none? You should probably go to sleep.
I think I'm starting to buy into this theory. A few of you make a very strong case.
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I think I'm starting to buy into this theory. Clearly we have a number of empirical examples in this tread.

I think we're the stupid ones for responding. But how don't you call that shit out? It's not like we're breaking ground. It's hard to not respond to people who have confidently not figured things out. If God hates fags, he hates straight literates too.
You should probably try a formal education. Thanks for your service, but holy shit. Education isn't the mind control you're used to.
I love this and I love that you really believe this. It's grade school on your part, but you think it is effective debate.

You're going to need to look deeper within yourself to actually get over on me. This isn't even boring to me yet, it's simply fascinating because of how ineffective it is.
I think we're the stupid ones for responding. But how don't you call that shit out? It's not like we're breaking ground. It's hard to not respond to people who have confidently not figured things out. If God hates fags, he hates straight literates too.
You are trying to use the God hates fags argument as a swipe at CONservstives?

Just point out that he is the alpha omnisexual of the Universe and be done with it.
I love this and I love that you really believe this. It's grade school on your part, but you think it is effective debate.

You're going to need to look deeper within yourself to actually get over on me. This isn't even boring to me yet, it's simply fascinating because of how ineffective it is.

I'm not trying to get over on you with this one. I don't have to. THE RESULTS, stupid. If anything, you're proof that vaccines cause autism.
I'm not trying to get over on you with this one. I don't have to. THE RESULTS, stupid. If anything, you're proof that vaccines cause autism.
Then you believe that autistic types are the ultra form of humanity?

That just turned this entire debate upside down.
Not exactly, but you were vaccinated as a child and now you're too autistic to understand this issue.
Does autistic mean too intelligent to be dragged down by the systematically created dumb where you are from? If so, your definition is way different than mine.
I think we're the stupid ones for responding. But how don't you call that shit out? It's not like we're breaking ground. It's hard to not respond to people who have confidently not figured things out. If God hates fags, he hates straight literates too.
God gave us wine, he must love us all. Wine kills germs too.
Keanu Reeves says whoa sometimes.

And you say nothing always, but with an infuriating amount of confidence. I wasn't kidding about Bio 101. It's not a big gov conspiracy. It can help you understand the benefits of vaccinations. Also, everyone you know and love will still die of something. Just hopefully when they're older. And that's been the trend.
Does autistic mean too intelligent to be dragged down by the systematically created dumb where you are from? If so, your definition is way different than mine.
No, that's not what autistic means. Not even by the modern DSM for that shit. I meant it as an insult directed at you. You're the one who sees through all the bullshit. You fit Like viruses. Also, I'm not sorry to the people who actually have autistic kids or relatives in their lives. My intent is to verbally bully one dipshit.
No, that's not what autistic means. Not even by the modern DSM for that shit. I meant it as an insult directed as you. You're the one who sees through all the bullshit. Like viruses.
You're too drunk to continue playing football with an NFL level team. Sober up and try this again when you're not impaired. Kisses
You're too drunk to continue playing football with an NFL level team. Sober up and try this again when you're not impaired. Kisses

You're worthless when you're sober, kid. I don't have to reference anything other than this thread. You're poorly read, you're suspicious of the greatest successes of modern western medicine, and you still insist that you know what's happening.
These guys convinced me. Let's bring back measles, smallpox, polio, Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough. I mean, so long as guys like soup don't take antibiotics and don't get sick what's the worst that could happen?
You're a fool if you think introducing foreign substances into the human body would have absolutely no impact. A vaccine is not some simple formula concoction. It is a blend of many substances, most very rare and without full insight into what happens when you blend those substances. This happens almost on routine.

While also not accounting for any other foreign substances introduced to the body at the same time. Nor does history show enough accurate data or test composites to be able to gauge an individual's reaction to those substances mixing with the other substances in order to see their bodies reaction to them. Which is the end is inconclusive at best because everybody is different both chemically and reactionary.

In short, you're not even close to being qualified in even a small fraction of this topic to be talking about this in absolutes, so STFU. Big pharma is big business and like any business such as the tobacco business; it is not going to openly show is faults.

Newsflash genius, business isn't moral based.

Oh good introduce "foreign substances" into your body every time you breathe. Seriously...NOBODY can possibly be this dumb.
Yes, he can be.
People who are anti-vaccine need to be transported back only as far as my childhood to realize how spoiled and foolish they are. I remember the two summers when polio came through, and all the swimming pools were closed. Two kids in our neighborhood had their lives destroyed by polio,and all the parents were scared silly. When I was in medical school at Iowa, one of the pediatricians took me down in a basement where they had stored a dozen iron lungs just in case they needed them again. You need to have been there when quarantine signs used to pop up on doors, or to have seen me come very close to dying from whooping cough. Ant-vaxxers are selfish pigs, living off of the responsibility of the rest of society getting their shots. It's also becoming clearer that much of the increase in autism is caused by maternal factors; older mothers, obesity, diabetes. You can say whatever you want about putting nasty foreign substances in your body, but you're still a freeloader.
People who are anti-vaccine need to be transported back only as far as my childhood to realize how spoiled and foolish they are. I remember the two summers when polio came through, and all the swimming pools were closed. Two kids in our neighborhood had their lives destroyed by polio,and all the parents were scared silly. When I was in medical school at Iowa, one of the pediatricians took me down in a basement where they had stored a dozen iron lungs just in case they needed them again. You need to have been there when quarantine signs used to pop up on doors, or to have seen me come very close to dying from whooping cough. Ant-vaxxers are selfish pigs, living off of the responsibility of the rest of society getting their shots. It's also becoming clearer that much of the increase in autism is caused by maternal factors; older mothers, obesity, diabetes. You can say whatever you want about putting nasty foreign substances in your body, but you're still a freeloader.
So if the anti-vaccines are the only ones in danger due to the vaccines working on the ones who get them, then what is your problem?
People who are anti-vaccine need to be transported back only as far as my childhood to realize how spoiled and foolish they are. I remember the two summers when polio came through, and all the swimming pools were closed. Two kids in our neighborhood had their lives destroyed by polio,and all the parents were scared silly. When I was in medical school at Iowa, one of the pediatricians took me down in a basement where they had stored a dozen iron lungs just in case they needed them again. You need to have been there when quarantine signs used to pop up on doors, or to have seen me come very close to dying from whooping cough. Ant-vaxxers are selfish pigs, living off of the responsibility of the rest of society getting their shots. It's also becoming clearer that much of the increase in autism is caused by maternal factors; older mothers, obesity, diabetes. You can say whatever you want about putting nasty foreign substances in your body, but you're still a freeloader.

I'll add this: You don't need to be old enough to actually remember that stuff happening. You just have to be able to read a little bit. One of our most famous presidents had polio and nobody gets polio anymore. And these guys can clearly read (and they do if it's something that speaks to them.)
I'll add this: You don't need to be old enough to actually remember that stuff happening. You just have to be able to read a little bit. One of our most famous presidents had polio and nobody gets polio anymore. And these guys can clearly read (and they do if it's something that speaks to them.)
Polio was mostly gone already. Introducing the vaccine actually caused a surge in the beginning.
I'd let my daughter (the one starting her graduate work in genetics at UC San Diego this summer, that's to whoever the poster was a few months ago that mentioned it) educate you, but she has better things to do than waste the 30 seconds it would take to go over your head.
Sounds great, tell her that I'm glad we have less than 20,000 cases of Scarlet Fever a year.
Communicable diseases aren't marginal income tax rates, dawg. And polio is just one. And you're wrong.
I'm not actually, and the even the 'best flu vaccines', cover 4 different strands at once. With an unknown number of other strains not covered at all. Again, I'm glad vaccines at least took care of Scarlet Fever though.
People who are anti-vaccine need to be transported back only as far as my childhood to realize how spoiled and foolish they are. I remember the two summers when polio came through, and all the swimming pools were closed. Two kids in our neighborhood had their lives destroyed by polio,and all the parents were scared silly. When I was in medical school at Iowa, one of the pediatricians took me down in a basement where they had stored a dozen iron lungs just in case they needed them again. You need to have been there when quarantine signs used to pop up on doors, or to have seen me come very close to dying from whooping cough. Ant-vaxxers are selfish pigs, living off of the responsibility of the rest of society getting their shots. It's also becoming clearer that much of the increase in autism is caused by maternal factors; older mothers, obesity, diabetes. You can say whatever you want about putting nasty foreign substances in your body, but you're still a freeloader.
I guess for the sake of a good argument, one could then reasonably say that Pro-vaxxers are fascist pigs, attempting to have laws written that would forcibly inoculate citizens against their will and whoring themselves out for the financial gains of Big Pharma.

You know, if one wanted to play the devil's advocate...............for the sake of keeping an argument going. :cool:
Polio was mostly gone already. Introducing the vaccine actually caused a surge in the beginning.
No, polio was not "almost gone" before the vaccine. There was a huge epidemic (which I alluded to in my post) in the period around 1950, and the incidence was starting to decline very rapidly back towards its baseline level when the vaccine was introduced... now if you accept 10,000 cases a year as "almost gone" then I'd agree with you. It probably would have gone lower than that from better hygiene and from it being a post-epidemic period, but even two or three thousand cases of polio a year with its devastating long term effects is not acceptable. Plus, without the vaccine, there would have been hundreds of thousands of cases overseas, and with today's international travel, it would have been a disaster. The "surge" in polio after the vaccine was introduced was just a small natural fluctuation in the rapid decline in cases after the epidemic and before the population became protected by the vaccine. Saying that the vaccine caused a "surge" in polio is just bizarre.

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