Chicago Cop is suing the City! It's a Gender/Race issue. This should be fun to watch. What will the ACLU do?


HR Heisman
Dec 2, 2014
Dallas Texas
Chicago opened Pandora's box where will it end?

Chicago now allows police officers to change their genders to whatever they want. So, a Caucasian officer who can't receive a promotion because of his race asked to change his race to African American. The city said no. Now he's suing.
Chicago opened Pandora's box where will it end?

Chicago now allows police officers to change their genders to whatever they want. So, a Caucasian officer who can't receive a promotion because of his race asked to change his race to African American. The city said no. Now he's suing.
Is African American a gender?
Gender and race are social constructs so we should just let people identify as they will. 😁

Rachel says "You know thats right sister!"

Mohammad Yusuf took a DNA test and found out he was Egyptian. I don't see why he couldn't claim African American. He has been a cop for 20 years so I would see why he might want to claim Caucasian in circa 2004.
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If a man can just wake up one day claim he is a women, why can't a white man just claim he is a black man?
Yeah this guy dropped the ball when he tried to claim he's a black male. Had he said he was a woman, then his discrimination case might have had a chance. As is, he'll be told he's a white male and to take a hike, and probably asked to pay reparations.
Wait, what?
So, a Caucasian officer who can't receive a promotion because of his race asked to change his race to African American
If he posted a link, it would probably be to dark web fascist site or russian bot site. But it stirs the victim in his soul.
Do the world a favor, kill yourself.

Kill yourself. Do the farm animals a favor.

Kill yourself, nazi.

Kill yourself, pervert.

Kill yourself, pervert.

Kill yourself dimwit. F**king idiots like yourself suck up the rhetoric of the lying fascist right wing in Iowa and you are too stupid to actually think. You might as well be dead since you are just a burden on society.

Just kill yourself, f**king idiot. It was rated higher academically than all but 4 schools in the 8 states it drew most of it's students from. In other much better than your possible 8th grade diploma.

Just like maga scum, so just kill yourself, you f**king maggot.

Kill yourself lying scumbag.

I learned more in that 1 and 1/2 years than you and all of your fascist buddies will ever learn or know. So go kill yourself, f**king idiot. Lucky for you, that you had public schools willing to put up with your incompetency as you likely wouldn't fare well in corrupt kim's system of keeping private schools afloat with tax dollars. You know, private schools that don't have to take idiots like you.