I passed Cory as he was going into Carver about an hour ago. I hope they honor him at the basketball game.
I've rewatched 49 though 84 a couple of times (and my wife keeps asking me why). The only other match I also rewatch was Clarks. Was out of my seat 6 times during the finals.

Even surprised myself how much I was rooting for Clark. I said back in Dec or Jan that a 75% Clark could beat anyone but possibly Nato. He proved it was everyone. That will be a great tape to show his kids and grandkids.
Here's an update to Iowa's NCAA champion list - welcome #54, Cory Clark

Iowa NCAA Champions

Iowa (28): Royce Alger, Leslie Beers, Jay Borschel, Terry Brands, Tom Brands, Pete Bush, Cory Clark, Jim Craig, Barry Davis, Kevin Dresser, Lee Fullhart, Dick Govig, Mark Ironside, Eric Juergens, Bruce Kinseth, Gary Kurdelmeir, Matt McDonough, Jeff McGinness, Cliff Moore, Mark Reiland, Simon Roberts, Derek St. John, Doug Schwab, Sherwyn Thorson, Daryl Weber, Jesse Whitmer, Chuck Yagla, and Jim Zalesky.
Illinois (7): Dan Holm, Terry McCann, Dan Sherman, Brad Smith, Joe Williams, T.J. Williams, and Tony Ramos
New York (3): Ed Banach, Lou Banach, and Brad Penrith.
South Dakota (2): Randy Lewis and Lincoln McIlravy
North Dakota (2): Terry Steiner and Troy Steiner
Minnesota (2): Ken Leuer and Joel Sharratt
New Jersey (2): Chris Campbell and Steve Mocco
California (1): Marty Kistler
Colorado (1): Duane Goldman
Maryland (1): Rico Chiapparelli
Michigan (1): Brent Metcalf
Montana (1): Bill Zadick
Nebraska (1): Joe Scarpello
Ohio (1): Jim Heffernan
Oklahoma (1): Mark Perry​
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Here is a short vid of Terry talking about CC after the finals match. At about 1:25 into the interview Terry talks about negative recruiting against Iowa.

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We got how many pages on a thread about Grothus and this is all we got for WIMPS
What a wonder nite it was Congrats Cory Clark you got your dream.. No more bridesmaids. Was so happy for you was sitting with Mona Eustice and we were both excited. Job well done took lots of heart and sweat but you made it and all Hawkeye land is so very proud of you.
Congratulations Cory Clark. Incredible accomplishment with those injuries. I was 1 ft away from the TV for the whole 2 and 3rd period. Trying to help all I could. Great job!!
I enjoyed his reaction after it was over. "Here, take my headgear, my mouth piece, and oooh, I'm supposed to hug you now."
Clark was probably the epitome of a "blue collar" type of wrestler. Many of his opponents were stronger or quicker than him. But they did not have the perseverance and spirit that Cory had. He demonstrated to us all what the "will to win" is all about.
I agree Kwood except I really think CC is one of the strongest if that the strongest at 133 he might not look it but he sure does show it even with one arm severely injured . I had the same injury in HS it's brutal
Nobody in college wrestling is better with a 2-on-1 Russian Tie than Cory Clark.
Well given recent events, Clark is the only thing that is keeping me positive. Gonna just only think about his victory. Bump

Another good Cory Clark interview on trackwrestling. Heres a quote for all of the haters that are trying to demean Brands.

We’re trying something different with the last part of the series. We’re giving every wrestler the opportunity to ask a question to the next guy we interview. Cornell’s Brian Realbuto asked: What was your favorite moment in your whole wrestling career?

My favorite moment was throwing Terry Brands. You’ve got to know his history a little bit, but when Terry Brands is so happy he wants to get back-arched onto the mat, that’s a great day."