I’m gonna go ahead and give props to NCHawk5. I’d tag him, but he’s no longer around. His real name is Ryan McMahon. Know how I know that? Because he emailed me the first time begging to be let back in to the cess pool. I did. Then I ended up banning him again. Only I didn’t let him back, he went over my head, which is fine. Out of respect for the owner of this site, I let it play out till yesterday. Ryan thought he was untouchable. He was wrong. I banned him again.
tonight, he had the balls to email me this:
Any interest in a boxing match?
I’d pay for all of your medical expenses up to your out of pocket max. All proceeds go to the children’s hospital. Deal or no?
Probably not. I’d **** you up 8 ways from Sunday. But at least I’d pay to do it.
I emailed him back, copied Tom, and told him he should get some help. I also corrected his error in grammar from yesterday when he told me to “pump the breaks”. Told him for a highly educated son of a bitch, he had a lot to learn!
And then, in true NC fashion, he came back with this:
My education would make you cry. Maybe more than if I got in the ring with your bitch ass. Humble beginnings lead me to believe I’d smoke your ass in a physical altercation, yet also destroy you intellectually (which I always do). I’m neither above nor beneath a boxing match.
Ryan doesn’t know me very well.
what do you all think of old NC now?
and he just doesn't know when to quit:
Unfortunately for you, I am extremely successful. I’d smoke your ass in a boxing manner, in a cage, intellectually, and monetarily.
Bring it on bitch ass. I’ll cover your required medical treatment.
At what point do I stop goading him?