Clear Your IGNORE List

Will you clear your ignore list?

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I use ignore pretty sparingly. I have about 4 leftists and 4 right wing extremists on mine.

They'll stay there, I'm happy with my decision.
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Never put anyone on ignore. The Ryan alts would just come back under another name anyway (if our MAGA mod would actually mod).
Wait. There's a MAGA mod?

In my experience there's about as much evidence that HBOT has mods as there is for the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Which could just mean they exercise an extremely light touch.

Perhaps this needs to be tested.

Maybe one of our defenders of the "Heart Salute" will be willing to replace his avatar with a swastika just to see what happens?
In my experience, there are at least 2 good reasons for having a robust Ignore List:

1. The obvious one, viz., to keep from having to see and wade through so much hatred and stupidity;

2. The more important one, viz., to TAG those who have proven themselves to be racists, fascists, name-callers, dishonest, or otherwise despicable human beings (or bots, as the case may be).

Most of my former ignore list consisted of type 2 folks.
In my experience, there are at least 2 good reasons for having a robust Ignore List:

1. The obvious one, viz., to keep from having to see and wade through so much hatred and stupidity;

2. The more important one, viz., to TAG those who have proven themselves to be racists, fascists, name-callers, dishonest, or otherwise despicable human beings (or bots, as the case may be).

Most of my former ignore list consisted of type 2 folks.
Several on ignore, they are partisan hacks and offer no value to the discussion. If someone on the other team does something the same as someone on their team, they complain about the other team.
Looking at the 1st page of this board, the hatred and stupidity is accelerating and it has only been 1 day of 4 years. Feel bad for many on this board
No chance. I keep a good balance on that list. I don't mind reading differing opinions but the people who are just out to rile up others aren't worth it.

The only thing I wish is that I could turn off Show Ignored Content once I turn it on in a thread. I'm weak at times.
I suggest we all do this to begin the new era. Who's with me?

Unfortunately, people who have me on their ignore list won't see this request. But maybe some reasonable conservative will link this thread in a thread of their own (or make their own appeal) to spread the word.
I'm out. I tried but there is a prolific faction that posts here and all they do is raise my blood pressure.

I love how stolen_valor_4_a_day always wants to box you at the DSM southside gym when you hand the bitch his lunch.

You can change handles NC, but you're still the same Ryan (McMahon)!
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The folks that I have on ignore have earned the right to be ignored by me..

That, and I just don't like them.
I cleared mine at the start of the year.

Huge mistake that I won't make again.
Pretty well sums up my main reasoning for using the ignore function:

I think the best strategy is to clear your ignore list at the end of each day. That way you have a fresh chance to publicly announce that you've ignored the same poster every day if you choose.
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