Which of the 6 New American Parties Would You Align With?

Which party would you fall into (from the quiz or based on your own assessment)?

  • Total voters
Because Democrats push for most of the same policies the Green party does minus the really crazy ideas. Democrats actually have a shot to get policies written into law, the Green party does not. So many people who might vote for the Green Party vote for Democrats because they still are going to get most of what they want.

That's my point the major parties vacuum up all the votes. But the minor parties are still there among the people who are less pragmatic and more believers in ideological purity.

So it makes more sense to review based on existing parties and not ones someone made up in their head.
Because Democrats push for most of the same policies the Green party does minus the really crazy ideas.
Yeah, all those really crazy ideas, like:

A clean, protected environment
Top quality schools
Health care for all
A living wage

Dems' big-money donors don't want these, so they're really crazy. Nor do the Rs' big-money donors want them. Meaning there is bipartisan agreement that these ideas are really crazy. Who can argue with bipartisanship?
I'm sure that's where I am but I am probably far less socially conservative than you.
That's my point the major parties vacuum up all the votes.
I'd argue that's not the case. They only vacuum up 60% or so. Often less (especially in off-year elections). Only few of the other 40% vote Green or Libertarian or other small party. The rest don't vote.

So one big argument for proportional representation might just be that many more people will find someone they want to vote for.

And the next big argument is that a lot more parties have a chance to win. So not only will there be someone to vote for, but that someone might actually win. For a change. You won't be throwing your vote away.

Lot's of other nations vote at much higher rates than the US. Not all have mandatory voting. I'm guessing finding candidates and parties that seem to reflect your values - and knowing that they could actually win - turns out a lot of voters who would be no-shows here.
I ain’t paying to take the quiz but I would be a New Populist with some Growth and Opp party
Another possible selling point for proportional representation is that many more people will be able to find a candidate to vote FOR - someone they actually want in office - as opposed to feeling they must vote AGAINST the other guy.
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Multiple candidates may also improve the quality of political campaigning and advertising.

These days, you split your money into selling yourself and your positions vs tearing down your opponent and his positions.

With 5 or more opponents, you'd have to spend the major portion of your resources on tearing down all those competitors. Sounds like a chump's game. Smarter to focus mainly on your own positives.

I'm not saying that negativity and attacks will go away, but positivity should increase.

I wonder if that's borne out in foreign elections where they have multiple parties? Thinking of France, maybe not as much of an improvement as I'd hope. But maybe somewhat better.
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I could have sworn you were a Democrat this whole time too..
People like you are what is wrong with this country. To you it's either black or white. You have no original thoughts of your own nor can you disagree with specific things in the party you subscribe to. How many times have you ever crossed party lines to vote? I would be shocked if you ever have.
If you look at Republicans in the top quadrant it kind of goes to show IMO how much the social issues play into this whole thing and how much it hurts the Dems to die on certain hills.

It is interesting also how comparatively few people fit into the economically conservative/socially liberal quadrant.
I’m paywalled so can’t take the quiz, but I am one of the economic conservatives/socially liberal folks. It seems like there were a lot of us in the last election, but maybe it is the scale of the charts that throws things off. Anyway, in general there are very few politicians who represent my interests.
While I advocate for a multi-party system, there is a reason America doesn't have it. Our system is not like the democracies you see elsewhere. Germany for example may have many parties represented in their Bundestag, but that house has all the power to make and enforce laws. They seek to balance things out by having many parties and requiring deals and compromises be made, but once made that is it, they have all the power. Here, we balance things through separate entities. The Congress itself is split, then we have the executives and the court. The varying viewpoints out there are meant to hash it out in the preliminaries, and the overall balance is achieved by the various checks in the system.

Food for thought.
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The New Populist Party doesn't seem to show up on their graph; am I missing it somewhere?
This interesting article (see below) makes the argument for switching to a proportional representation system here in the US. Apparently no constitutional change is needed, just a small tweak of existing laws.

Part of their argument is that because of our winner-take-all approach, nearly half of us don't have representation in the House of Reps.

Another part of the argument is that with proportional representation, more parties would likely arise so we wouldn't so often have to chose between 2 candidates and parties we don't feel much (if any) connection with.

After massaging a huge database on voters, they identify 6 somewhat overlapping clusters of values and interests and suggest that we could end up with these parties - more or less from left to right:

Progressive Party - emphasizes equity and racial justice, bringing a vision of inclusive social democracy …
New Liberal Party - slightly to the right of the Progressives, more pro-market while still holding liberal social views.
New Populist Party - more in the middle, combining economic populism with moderate views on cultural and social issues …
Growth and Opportunity Party - heir to the socially moderate, market-friendly Rockefeller Republicans.
Patriot Party - would carry forward the America First agenda, with restrictionist immigration and protectionist economics …
Christian Conservative Party - argues for limited national government and emphasizes religious liberty and biblical morality.

I took the quiz (2nd link below) and they put me in the New Liberal Party. Surprised me a bit, since I consider myself a progressive. And on their graph, my dot is closer to the Progressive Party, but what do I know? Maybe I'm getting conservative in my old age.

Article on proportional representation:

Quiz to sort yourself into your new party:

They could all bubble up to the top at times depending on our most pressing needs.
You don't have to pay, just created a free account and took the quiz.
Growth and Opportunity with slight lean right, about what I'd have expected. Too many racial/identity politics worded questions however. The quiz creators clearly didn't get the memo that most people are over that garbage.
I didn't finish the quiz. Too many unanswerable and really stupidly worded questions like this one: "When it comes to really important questions, scientific facts don't help very much."

What tf does that even mean?

I would probably join the AnarchoCapitalist Party if there was one.

You are closest to the Growth and Opportunity Party​

From the quiz, I'm almost exactly on the middle intersection.

I cant be bothered to create an imgur account, so 2 degrees south of this guy's results almost exactly equidistant between AM Labor, New Liberal and G&O.

Also think the way some of the questions were asked could be skewing some answers. I try to take these exactly as asked and am rarely a "always" or "never" respondent.
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Now that's more like what I was expecting. Instead, I got this


My dot is almost exactly where yours is but it said I was progressive. I do think that some of my answers are based on what is actually happening now with regard to businesses not being good community members unless forced. If I thought they could be trusted to take into account the greater good on their own I wouldn't support regulation as much as I do now.