colin cowherd at it again...

Mar 18, 2004
saw a link on facebook where he is bashing us again calling us a fake id of college football and bashing coach ferentz today on his show used to have a little respect for him but its all gone now, and said he gives us no credit for coming close what an asshole.
It doesn't seem coincidental that his name could rhyme with a slight change of spelling of it to be a synonym for what other people call non-male "Bulls*t"...
His viewership is fewer than a well attended ISU football game. All you are doing is validating his existence to FS1. Rather, we should continue to let Sesame Street & Dora the Exlporer get higher ratings in syndication at the same time slot. He's on short time & using you as a lifeline.
It was a little comical before, but this is a whole different type of disdain. He truly hates Iowa.

I hope he has a deeper unspoken reason other than the one he's spouting off because he really, really comes off as a know nothing idiot with this rant.

At the end of the day that's really what he is I guess, but Jesus, why blare it out there for the whole world to hear? "Hey everybody, look how dumb I am!"

Obviously not one to let facts get in the way of a good his hissy fit.
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Aah, Colin I'm not gonna let you bring me down from this high. I've been partying all night. I saw the sunrise at Liza's!
It was a little comical before, but this is a whole different type of disdain. He truly hates Iowa.

I hope he has a deeper unspoken reason other than the one he's spouting off because he really, really comes off as a know nothing idiot with this rant.

At the end of the day that's really what he is I guess, but Jesus, why blare it out there for the whole world to hear? "Hey everybody, look how dumb I am!"

Obviously not one to let facts get in the way of a good his hissy fit.

He must have been seeing a lot of the Iowa fan signs talking about him on College Gameday over the weekend. He made it personal to start with. He earned the hate. Now he, Mr. Cowturd, knows how it feels!
The only thing he has over any one of us here is a forum to be heard. He really doesn't know anymore about sports than the average poster here. He really shouldn't be taken to seriously unless you are impressed by a loud mouth.
I would suggest people stop clicking on his website, don't give him the traffic. All he is doing is trying to ruffle feathers and generate clicks and viewership. ignore him and he'll eventually disappear like a fart in the wind. I'll never click on anything Coward related, nor listen to any of his shows. This is the easiest and best option for all hawk fans.

Go Hawks.
Listen to him a little today. Same old same old about Iowa and their schedule. He then turns around and says the Big 10 is the best conference in the nation. Of course he talks about the top 3 teams in the East, and then mentions Indiana, Wisconsin, teams Iowa beat. He ripped the SEC and Alabama, which then upset Bama fans. He's a pretty big hypocrite with the agenda of pissing off as many Iowa, SEC, and Alabama fans as he can.
Anymore his rants r boring and sound down right stupid.
Quit starting threads and stop posting about him and what he says. he is one of the outside noises that the players have shut out. If we as fans do that too, cc will eventually cease.
Cowturd is the last guy that is going to admit he was wrong. He knows he is, but he found ways around it. The thing is, just don't pay attention to him. I saw the FB link too, and I was steaming like a tea pot at first but then just laughed it off. Guy is a tool. Tells us how bad our schedule is is a joke. NW beats Stanford and the B1G is not near as bad as some think, no matter the record.

Wish the guy would just shut up and go away, but unfortunately he won't. His job is to say what people don't want to hear to get a rise out of fans…in this case Iowa.
I watched it and I think for the first time it was personal.....I think the Iowa hate is getting to him and this was a personal vindictive conversation, before it was viewers, now I think it is personal......all he really did was look like a complete jackass because anybody who watched that game cannot honestly say that Iowa does not belong on the big stage with the big you really think anybody team watching that game were thinking to themselves "boy I wish we could play one of those teams".....I think it is hilarious because it is getting personal to him and he looks like a jackass
saw a link on facebook where he is bashing us again calling us a fake id of college football and bashing coach ferentz today on his show used to have a little respect for him but its all gone now, and said he gives us no credit for coming close what an asshole.
BIG deal
[QUOTE="ih8iast8, post: 1472942, member: 12260"]His viewership is fewer than a well attended ISU football game. All you are doing is validating his existence to FS1. Rather, we should continue to let Sesame Street & Dora the Exlporer get higher ratings in syndication at the same time slot. He's on short time & using you as a lifeline.[/QUOTE]

He's an A Hole, and if he got cancer and died I wouldn't mind.

That being said, saying that his radio show isn't doing well is an absolute lie. His numbers in listeners/viewers beat other competitors and it's not close.

He's successful whether we like it or not. Don't make up lies, that makes you look bad. Just give him credit for being successful and point out that Hitler was also successful for a while, but he was still a jerk. :)
I had heard he had 50k for his tv show. So I stand marginally corrected, 100k's beating his peers.

Counting digital viewership, smh. There are people with youtube channels that have much higher viewership & get paid $0.

Bottom line, I occassionally listened to him when he was on ESPN radio, he's not worth wasting ATP on today.
He continues to talk about Iowa because he continues to get a reaction. Honestly, he knows NOTHING about Iowa football......actually, he knows nothing about football period. The less reaction he gets the less he will talk about Iowa. His show is NOT a sports show. His show is a running commercial for the "elite".......he's a shock jock, but with very little talent. Again, I repeat, the less Iowa fans react, the less he will talk about Iowa.......
You guys do realize he very briefly categorized Iowa among the top teams in the Big Ten and thinks Beathard is a very good QB?

He's also completely thrown the SEC under the bus saying they're competing with the Big 12 for 4th best conference.
Who cares? There are thousands of talking heads on various people really need to complain every time one of them says something negative about the Hawks?
Guys... he's a shock-jock masquerading as a polemicist. He has no expertise in anything apart from getting a reaction as a broadcaster. Stop listening to him unless you want to listen to him. What he says doesn't matter.
What's interesting, though, is that when he is going after the SEC and making his case for the B1G being the best conference, he starts it by saying "you can't tell the difference between Michigan State, Iowa, and Ohio State". So, he is bashing Iowa in one part of his show and giving them a back handed compliment in another part of his show.......Unless I am listening wrong, isn't he contradicting himself a bit in the same show?
The POS rips on Dan Patrick too and Dan is all class. Shep Sheepherder is all about attention. After Kirk put him in his place on a presser he will never say anything good about Iowa football.
Colin Cowherd blasted people in 2006 about Kevin durant going number one and he would not be any good. He's just as wrong on the kd statement as he is with Iowa being the "fake id." And how Iowa is not any good.
Another example........I have been a huge Royals fan since I knew what a baseball was.......About 6 weeks ago, Colin is going on and on about how the Mets starting pitching was going to plow through the Royals line up and it wasn't going to be close because that dominant pitching trumps everything else. Well, what happened, the Royals took care of business and won the series in 5 games. So, fast forward to this week when Zach Grienke agrees to a huge contract with Arizona. He comes up with this gem........

Totally contradicted himself.......Now, maybe he changed his mind after watching the Royals win 2 straight AL penants and a World Series title, but, that was quite a 180 he made. National pundits like Cowherd go with what is going to improve their ratings. They also don't like it when people disagree with them.......I remember in 2003 when Jim Rome (a complete hack imho) was pimping Iowa day after day.......then, he asked Kirk Ferentz for an interview and Kirk declined. After that, he couldn't slam Iowa enough.......If was pretty funny actually........Ratings, that is what it is all about with these guys.
Another example........I have been a huge Royals fan since I knew what a baseball was.......About 6 weeks ago, Colin is going on and on about how the Mets starting pitching was going to plow through the Royals line up and it wasn't going to be close because that dominant pitching trumps everything else. Well, what happened, the Royals took care of business and won the series in 5 games. So, fast forward to this week when Zach Grienke agrees to a huge contract with Arizona. He comes up with this gem........

Totally contradicted himself.......Now, maybe he changed his mind after watching the Royals win 2 straight AL penants and a World Series title, but, that was quite a 180 he made. National pundits like Cowherd go with what is going to improve their ratings. They also don't like it when people disagree with them.......I remember in 2003 when Jim Rome (a complete hack imho) was pimping Iowa day after day.......then, he asked Kirk Ferentz for an interview and Kirk declined. After that, he couldn't slam Iowa enough.......If was pretty funny actually........Ratings, that is what it is all about with these guys.

Ratings? You're kidding? I can't tell if you like him or not. I can tell that you posted a link to his show and that clicks amount to ratings these days. Is the joke on you or have you been infected with the virus?
Ratings? You're kidding? I can't tell if you like him or not. I can tell that you posted a link to his show and that clicks amount to ratings these days. Is the joke on you or have you been infected with the virus?

No, I don't like him. I think he contradicts himself a lot. I am glad that he went to Fox because he essentially left the Omaha market. I was just trying to make the point that he contradicted himself today and was citing an example of him contradicting himself with the Royals.......I guess I could have just said that "he contradicts himself" directly and left it at would have been a much shorter post. :)
Colin Cowherd blasted people in 2006 about Kevin durant going number one and he would not be any good. He's just as wrong on the kd statement as he is with Iowa being the "fake id." And how Iowa is not any good.
Years ago when ND hired Charlie to take control of their over rated program he stated that with ND's cache and Charlie's genius National Championship runs would become the norm. He is brilliant, in his own mind.
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I guess I understand the annoyance, but what he said yesterday was shocking to me. I've always thought Cowherd was a little over the top but his points were always well thought out.

This was just insulting and offensive. To say we rigged the system in a year we scheduled Pitt is AMAZING to me. Does he not know we don't get to pick out BIG schedule? Jesus...

And why is everyone convinced Michigan and Penn state are elite teams? I don't get it man.
saw a link on facebook where he is bashing us again calling us a fake id of college football and bashing coach ferentz today on his show used to have a little respect for him but its all gone now, and said he gives us no credit for coming close what an asshole.

Colin Cow Herd

He just lookes likes a fool now. Before he at least had the exaggerated we didn't play anyone the national media was pushing.
I refuse to listen to the whole thing. I heard him talking about how Iowa had everything handed to them and that Iowans don't work hard. The first link actually talks about him wanting to work less because he was working too hard. -“And Colin, you are the guy who told me in Dallas at the Super Bowl that you were getting rid of your fourth hour because you’re, in your own words, ‘working too hard'”
He also has been accused of stealing work multiple times, plagiarizing, stealing other shows bits and other things that I would consider taking the easy way and not working hard. I couldn't agree more with the poster who said that he is Jim Rome. I've been saying this for a long time. He is a Rome clone. Say controversial things, say them loud and say them over and over again until your 3 hours are up and then start over again the next day. Real hard working guy.